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    Thursday, July 8, 2021

    God of War | Perfect timing! (@SunhiLegend on Twitter)

    God of War | Perfect timing! (@SunhiLegend on Twitter)

    Perfect timing! (@SunhiLegend on Twitter)

    Posted: 08 Jul 2021 03:08 AM PDT

    He thought he’d be bigger(credits:speclizer)

    Posted: 07 Jul 2021 01:39 PM PDT


    Posted: 08 Jul 2021 10:38 AM PDT

    I'm tired of throwing the axe at them

    Posted: 08 Jul 2021 10:44 AM PDT

    Mimir of the Bifrost Teats

    Posted: 08 Jul 2021 09:55 AM PDT


    Posted: 07 Jul 2021 11:53 PM PDT

    found this in a mobile game

    Posted: 08 Jul 2021 11:45 AM PDT

    My experience on beating the Valkyries on GMGOW+

    Posted: 08 Jul 2021 05:20 AM PDT

    I just beat all the Valkyries yesterday and damn they are hard.

    They do so much damage in a single hit, even if I have 300+ defense and health. Although, I do like it. The Valkyries on lower difficulties in my opinion were hard, but not too hard. Like, you can probably eat 1 or 2 Valhallas before dying. In GMGOW, one Valhalla will actually kill you. Combine that with the improved moveset in NG+, it is actually a challenge to beat them.

    The Valkyries on GMGOW+ is what made me love the combat in this game. I actually have to play near perfectly. You have to time your sidesteps perfectly to avoid the Valhallas, unlike in lower difficulties where you can just spam X. You have to recognize their patterns in order to not take damage as one hit can eat 50% of your health. You have to know how to dodge or interrupt certain moves in order to punish them, especially Sigrun. I actually loved fighting against the Valkyries in GMGOW+ that I made a save state before fighting them because they are that fun to fight, even with Sigrun. In my opinion, the devs perfected the combat system in GMGOW/GMGOW+, making the enemies do shit loads of damage in order for the player to improve and play perfectly.

    While I'm at it, here are some strategies I used to get chicken wings for Kratos and Boy: 1. Equip the Amulet/Mark of Kvasir and know the timing how to dodge their Valhallas. If timed correctly, using a Runic attack or Executioner's Cleave with the axe will stagger them. 2. Don't equip the Perfect Mark of Protection (the one that increases parry window). You being in the parry animation at the wrong time will fuck you up (especially if you parry one of the projectiles as they go for a swoop). Only parry the ones with the yellow shine, dodge/block anything else. 3. Equip the Perfect Mark of the Traveller. It absorbs 1 hit, making you die in 2 hits rather than 1. 4. Use Runics that have a fast animation. Runics like Rampage of the Furies or Frost Giant's Frenzy just leave you too open if they move out of the way. I highly recommend Runics such as: Hel's Touch, Fury of the Ice Troll, Glaive Storm, Ivaldi's Anvil, Hephaestus Blast, Nemean Crush, and Hyperion Grapple. 5. Runic summons won't do a lot of damage. However, I do recommend Wrath of the Wolf as it staggers them. Bitter Squirrel would also probably be helpful as it provides healthstones if you have light arrows equipped. 6. Use rage only in order to regain health. Rage does almost no damage against them in GMGOW, especially Sigrun. 7. Use a superior resurrection stone. I find the berserker's resurrection stone somewhat unreliable as the amount of health you will get from rage will depend if they will use powerful attacks that can deplete your rage quickly or not.

    submitted by /u/lawdfourkwad
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    Sigrun NG+ Help

    Posted: 08 Jul 2021 08:54 AM PDT

    I am fighting Sigrun on NG+ and her health bar is purple for some reason.

    I am mid level 9 and have maxed out Ivaldi's deadly mist armour which is at level 8.

    I know on NG+ the level is higher on enemies but I am confused as to how I can increase my level further at this point.

    submitted by /u/nicoenergy
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    On the name “Leviathan”

    Posted: 08 Jul 2021 07:46 AM PDT

    I know it has been asked before, but I haven't found satisfactory answers anywhere I've looked, so I feel the need to ask again, why is it called the "Leviathan" axe?

    The name is symbolically fitting, but reads as startlingly out of place within the setting. For this reason, I'd take either a lore answer, or artistic one.

    Lore: how did two dwarves who ostensibly grew up in Midgard and haven't traveled through the lands of other mythologies, who gave every other object they made an Old Norse name, stumble upon the word Leviathan, a monster from Canaanite and early Judaic mythology? The symbolism of naming it after a great sea monster makes sense, but how did they come to the name of this particular sea monster?

    Artistic: somebody who worked on the development team for this game made the choice to give this central object a name that has nothing to do with Norse mythology. To be clear, I don't much mind that the game isn't directly faithful to the Eddas. It's not an adaptation of Norse myth, but a pop-culture redux. What confuses me, though, is that everywhere else in the game, even though they are misusing Norse words, they are always Norse words which are being misused. When there are references to other mythologies, it is always in the context of the character who has traveled to those lands—except for the Leviathan axe, which is never referred to as being named after a creature from another world. Have the developers ever spoken about this choice? I would love to hear their explanation if they have.

    To be clear, I am not trying to complain about the axe not having a Norse name. I don't hate it, I'm just confused by it, and would like, if possible, to have said confusion dispelled. I sincerely hope that somebody is able to provide an answer which makes sense.

    submitted by /u/LechterDoily
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    How do i get tyr’s lost unity gauntlets +?

    Posted: 08 Jul 2021 08:58 AM PDT

    I have the whole set except the gauntlets, and they're not showing up on the craft section from brok or Sindi

    submitted by /u/Orsntein_Smough
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    Let me try a better theory about Surtr, WARNING this is a long one

    Posted: 08 Jul 2021 12:18 PM PDT

    I made a theory about the fact that the Giantess seer Groa foresaw Surtr and called him a terror and I theorized that he could be evil due to that, I thought of the idea that the fire giants could be raging like a fire instead of peaceful like the other giants but her calling him a terror could just simply be her first reaction to seeing a GIANT fiery primordial giant with a huge flaming sword BUT I also theorized Fenrir would be evil or atleast will have gone made temporarily due to being imprisoned for so long and having his sons imprisoned as well because Groa foresaw Fenrir attacking Midgard so my theory about Fenrir MAY just be right and Kratos and Atreus will fight him as a boss but not one we will kill, so here is my knew theory about Surtr and maybe some other stuff.

    In real world Norse paganism Surtr's slice through Asgard destroys Asgard but it also destroys the ENTIRE Yggdrasil tree and all of the nine realms and it burns Midgard so what if Surtr is good? and so are his fire giants but they believe that the destruction of everything is needed? so far in the GOW universe I have heard that Surtr will ONLY destroy Asgard but what IF no one knows that Surtr will also destroy everything else?? like him and his fire giants are good beings that believe that destruction of all is a good thing? it is fiction afterall and in fiction there are good guys who destroy because they think it is the right thing to do and it would be a cool contrast to see fire giants as kind of like a raging fire and they feel the need to destroy but since they are Jotunn they are not evil but I guess you could say a raging force of nature which fire is.
    Kratos, Atreus, and Mimir on their journey want to see a glimpse of the future and by doing so they find out that Surtr's strike won't just destroy Asgard but all of the 9 realms, they see this by using magic to see what Groa saw or by some other means just to see partially see what happens and it GREATLY troubles them that so much will be destroyed instead of just Asgard so if the giants come back due to Faye's ashes the Trio will tell them of this new found knowledge and the giants will be GREATLY troubled by this since they know Ragnarok is the way to stop the Aesir gods BUT they also care about humans, Elves, Dwarves, and ect. but maybe the giants decide it is a necessary sacrifice but truly regret it but know that the Aesir must be stopped and that Ragnarok is a higher purpose and they must respect it and go through with it.

    Freyr the brother of Freya has a sword that is the only weapon in Norse paganism capable of stopping Surtr's sword so he will likely be a boss whether i'm right or wrong and after we kill him we take his sword and we take it to Brok and Sindri and they imbue it's magic into our Axe? or we will steal it from Freyr's servant which in Norse Paganism Freyr gives his sword to his servant and that is why he dies by Surtr in Norse Paganism because he doesn't have his sword but we will likely kill Freyr and then take his sword or we will take his sword from his servant and then Freyr will find us and take it back and a boss battle will ensue but his sword is the key to stopping Surtr's sword come Ragnarok if he is going to destroy everything instead of just Asgard.
    Now of course Mimir would want us to try to talk with Surtr when Ragnarok comes to try to reason with him and Kratos hesitantly agrees but is VERY hesitant about is since Kratos has come to care about this land and doesn't think that all of these people and peaceful races should die, as to why the other giants didn't foresee this? it could be likely due to the fact that only Groa knew about it and Odin killed her and Surtr and his fire giants are also the only other ones that know about it but what if Odin knows about it too? but no one believes him since he has lied about giants before to make them look bad?I predict that Surtr will be a boss, we will confront him and Surtr will tell us that destruction is needed and that we must step out of his way because Raganarok is a higher purpose that he must go through with but Kratos clearly won't step aside so then a battle will ensue and the outcome of that battle? I have no idea since Surtr is a primoridal being that has likely become stronger than Ymir that can only be killed Odin and Thor fighting him together even though Odin seemingly killed Ymir with ONE stab even though Ymir was a primordial giant as well which shows how strong Surtr has become.

    It wouldn't be the first time a giant was corrupt in GOW, Thrym wanted to marry Frey and steal her away from Odin but not for good or heroic reasons like he should have wanted to do, but for his own reasons and Hrungnir got drunk and threated kill all in Asgards court which is good but he said it just out of a drunkard boasting rage? he seemingly didn't even have a problem with Odin and then threatened to steal all of their women away for obviously sexual reasons, of course he was drunk but still it's degeneracy to want to want to steal women away and of course those are only 2 examples so far BUT still they had their issues and Surtr may just have his which is thinking the destruction of all nine realms and all within them is the answer.

    Fenrir has been chained up for likely hundreds or thousands of years and his sons where kidnapped by Odin when they where just puppies so I predict he will be a boss and Kratos and Atreus will fight him but we won't kill him, he'll be mad/rabid with rage and attack Midgard like Groa foresaw but we will fight him and Jormungandr will knock sense back into his brother and wouldn't it be cool if Vidarr (Norse god of Vengeance) is a boss and Kratos and him fight a good fight but Kratos punches him so hard he sends him flying and then Fenrir snatches him up after he's been freed and Vidarr get chewed up by Fenrir? Vidarr avenges Odin after Fenrir kills him in Norse paganism so it would be quite the twist for Vidarr to be eaten by the Jotunn he's meant to kill.

    Back to Surtr: Kratos could go to Mimir's well without him for whatever reason or Mimir is there with him and Atreus but one of the gods that may be after us in the game may destroy it by trying to attack us so Mimir won't be able to see what Kratos saw but Kratos will have drink from it to foresee the future but sees Surtr destroying everything instead of just Asgard and Kratos tells Mimir this which he can't believe it, this causes the trio to go to on a journey to get an artifact that belonged to Groa and then they go to a seer that uses magic to allow them to see what Groa saw using magic and the artifact, Mimir and Atreus see that Surtr will not just destroy Asgard but all nine realms and Yggdrasil and Mimir is distraught and Atreus is in disbelief and Kratos is just angry and all this could be happening while Vali is after them, Vali is Odin's son that was created to avenge Baldur and we could also have Hermod after us which is a norse god, in Norse Paganism he goes to Helheim to confront Hel herself and pleads with her to free Badlur's soul but she doesn't so Hermod can come after us for revenge as well as Vali so we will have Vidarr, Vali, Hod, and Fenrir as some of the bosses.

    Just a theory I like and I think Surtr being like a force of nature that is good but also feels he must destroy all nine realms due to him seeing Ragnarok as something greater than himself fits the games lore about the Jotnar being good and peaceful beings and the other giants regretting that Surtr has to do that but still having to respect Ragnarok and letting it happen fits as well, and the giants could even turn against Kratos for trying to stop Surtr, despite the giants regretting having to let Surtr destroy all they cannot let it be stopped so when Kratos decides that Ragnarok must not happen the giants regrettably decide that Kratos is an enemy and so now Kratos has the Aesir, Vanir, AND Jotnar as his enemies now but I don't know if Jomungandr and Fenrir will turn their backs on Kratos, I think they will not and they will go along with Kratos and Atreus

    submitted by /u/TheDarkApex
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    Kratos in a mobile game ad

    Posted: 07 Jul 2021 07:14 PM PDT

    my take on Kara

    Posted: 08 Jul 2021 03:39 AM PDT

    slayed her in seconds, shame that I didn't show my stats, sorry, hard difficulty ng+ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dL9yfLLqiOo

    submitted by /u/elborru
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    Apashe - Majesty x God of War edit

    Posted: 08 Jul 2021 12:02 AM PDT

    Valkyrie EIR First playthrough FIGHT! Cannot wait to continue playing this week. This game is amazing!

    Posted: 07 Jul 2021 03:18 PM PDT

    Somewhere in Costa Rica

    Posted: 07 Jul 2021 11:23 AM PDT

    Possible things that will happen in future games

    Posted: 07 Jul 2021 09:44 PM PDT

    1. In the Lost Pages of Norse myth which are God Of War stories about Odin, Tyr, Kratos and more the Giant Groa (a Jotunn Seer) foresaw Ragnarok but she described Fenrir and Surtr as NOT good, she called Surtr a Terror with a flaming sword and she talked about Fenrir being an enormous beastly wolf rampaging across the country side so could this mean that Surtr and Fenrir will not be good Giants??
      I think it's possible Fenrir will have gone mad after being imprisoned for so long and having his sons imprisoned in the sky but Jormungandr and him may fight and Jormungandr can knock Fenrir back to his senses and I think and hope that Kratos and Atreus will fight him as a boss but not one we kill, Surtr may just be the opposite of the Frost and Mountain giants and that being not peaceful and wanting to destroy and while he sounds wise since he is accepting of his fate he may just be as bad or near as bad as Odin but in a way that is if Odin wanted to destroy everything, take Odin and give him the want to destroy everything and that is how Surtr may be.
    2. I think Odin himself will stalk us in his hawk form alongside his 2 main ravens Huginn and Muninn and We must look out for a silver hawk in the next game because in the lost pages of Norse myth Odin can turn into a silvery hawk and we may see a silver hawk stalking Kratos and Atreus and I think Odin will approach us as a wandering old man since he is called the Wanderer and walks amongst Midgard in the form of a robed elderly man with a large hat on.
    3. We will fight Odin's other son which is Vali and that is because in Norse mythology Vali is created by Odin to avenge Baldur but I assume he is already born in GOW and was born long ago and Odin will send him to try and kill Kratos but will fail and when we kill Vali then not only will Odin become even more pissed but we will face the Norse goddess or Jotunn of the earth which is Rindr who is Vali's mother, his brother Vidarr will possibly come for Kratos as well since Vidarr is the Norse god of vengeance but in the norse faith he kills Fenrir to avenge Odin after he is eaten but he could come after us before that and then Kratos kills him which pisses off Odin AGAIN and also will piss off Vidarr's mother which is Gridr which is a Jotunn, if she is brought back to life.
    4. Faye's ashes will bring back all of the dead Jotnar in Jotunheim which may happen by the middle or the end of the next game and just in time for Ragnarok and we will see all manner of giants, frost and mountain giants and animal and monster looking giants and even some giants monsters and animals from Jotunheim.
    5. We will fight Freya and some of the other Aesir gods like Ullr, Bragi, Idunn, and Freya could be the "final boss" but I think Thor will be the final boss but I think Freya will be the boss before Thor and Kratos will refuse to kill her and something will or may happen that will cause her to flee back to Vanaheim if she goes back there, perhaps Kratos beats her and she gives up and decides to wait for Ragnarok to kill Kratos or for the event of Ragnarok itself to kill Kratos.
    6. We will free Tyr and him and Kratos will become good friends and Kratos will admire Tyr in a friendly way and they could team up in a fight or two and he will teach us things like Mimir has as well and he may show us many secrets and even ways into realms that aren't through his temple.
    7. We may explore the world tree itself because the tree itself has 7 beings on it, the 4 stags of the tree, the Giant eagle ontop of the tree, the giant dragon/serpent at the bottom of the tree that is entangled in it's roots and gnaws at the roots, and Ratatoskr the Squirrel that is as smart as a human and that talks serious smack.
    8. Thor will kill Kratos at the end of GOW Ragnarok, I believe Ragnarok will begin at the end of the next game and afer Kratos kills a bunch of other Aiser gods and goes back home Fimbulwinter will end and Thor will appear and he will be the final boss and Katos will die and Kratos wil ask the Valkyries to take him to Asgard/Valhalla.
    9. The Jotunn or some of them will turn on Kratos and Atreus, we may come into conflict with Surtr and this may cause some of the giants to want to turn against us because stopping Surtr is stopping Ragnarok and all of the giants want it to happen and they may not care if Surtr is evil because he will die right after he destroys Asgard, so as long as Ragnarok happens they don't care if Surtr is evil since they don't have deal with him like they do Odin and Thor and there could be many other reasons as to why some giants would be against us and that could result in some awesome boss fights with giants all kinds and shapes and sizes, monster giants, animal giants, normal giants and even giant animals and monsters from Jotunheim.
    submitted by /u/TheDarkApex
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    Anybody know who the figure is in front of the giant?

    Posted: 07 Jul 2021 06:20 PM PDT

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