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    God of War | Never skip leg day

    God of War | Never skip leg day

    Never skip leg day

    Posted: 01 Jul 2021 05:31 AM PDT

    We've been hoodwinked, bamboozled, lead astray, run amok and flat out deceived!

    Posted: 01 Jul 2021 10:27 AM PDT

    -+ GOW Sequel: All We Know +-

    Posted: 01 Jul 2021 02:23 PM PDT

    So, I decided to create a post to make a little summary of what we know about the sequel and to clear some common misconceptions/misunderstandings that people have. (english is not my mother tongue, there'll probably be some grammar mistakes, sorry for that)

    ---+- GAME INFO -+---

    TITLE: The official title hasn't been revealed yet. GOW Ragnarok hasn't been confirmed as the title. (although people began thinking that after the teaser and after Sony made a little mistake in an official document by using a fanmade logo)

    RELEASE DATE AND PLATFORM: It has been confirmed that the sequel will release in 2022 on PS4 and PS5.

    DIRECTOR: Same from the previous one, Cory Barlog. Some people began saying that someone else was directing the sequel based on the never heard of it meme, but he actually said he made the call to delay the next game so he is 100% directing it.

    GAMEPLAY TRAILER: There have been some rumours that we'll see gameplay for the next GOW at the next Sony event. I believe we will, but nothing official has been said yet.

    ---+- GAMEPLAY INFO -+---

    ATREUS BEING PLAYABLE?: A month ago a God Of War podcaster invited a concept artist who's really dedicated to the GOW saga to talk about Ragnarok. In the "interview", the concept artist said that he was convinced Atreus would be playable in the next game. Some game journalist mistook him for a Santa Monica concept artist, and people began thinking it was confirmed that Atreus would be the protagonist for the next game. This isn't obviously true, as nothing official was said about it. So yeah, we don't know that yet.

    ROGER CLARK AS ODIN/THOR?: Again this is not absolutely confirmed. Some months ago Roger Clark (Arthur Morgan in RDR2) posted a IG story with the Sony Santa Monica open positions image. He even confirmed he auditioned for a character. We still don't know though if he works there now or not.

    FIMBULVEITR (FIMBULWINTER) OR RAGNAROK?: The game will most likely begin at the end of Fimbulwinter (the winter that lasts 3 years) and end with Ragnarok beginning. I say this because in God Of War: Lore and Legends a year and so passed and Midgard changed a lot. So it would make sense to begin from there. Still, nothing official about that.

    THREAD ENDS HERE FOR NOW I'll try keeping it updated as more news come. Stay tuned.

    submitted by /u/-_YellowM_-
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    This game... what a masterpiece.

    Posted: 01 Jul 2021 01:37 PM PDT

    This game... what a masterpiece.

    Hi all,

    after acquiring the PS5 I gave myself a go to all the best games from previous systems that I didn't get to play and of course it was good ride but - my word - this game peaks it for me.

    I wasn't entirely sold at first in the northern mythology (haven't played non GoW before - my last PS was the PSOne xd) but the more I played the styling, the music, the story, graphics... it all came to a fantastic end.

    Sure enough now I just can't wait for the next game :)

    Cheers :)


    submitted by /u/Osgiliath86
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    Considering true Norse mythology, Kratos really messed up canon Ragnarok

    Posted: 30 Jun 2021 11:16 PM PDT

    Another post here got me thinking and researching.

    So far the game is accurate that Loki finds out Baldur's weakness and has him killed. The way it is gone about obviously is very different.

    According to true Norse mythology about Ragnarok, everyone is slayed by their opponent (except the world serpent who gets sent back in time) except a few people. Two mortals hide in the world tree and survive, Magni and Modi survive, Baldur rises from Hel, and Hodr and Vali survive.

    However, we know now that Kratos kills Magni and Baldur, and "Loki" kills Modi. So already three Gods who are prophesied to be the sole survivors are now killed. So now the rest of Ragnarok is up in the air. Anything can happen.

    It really brings up how fate is not real, which we learned in the third installment when Kratos killed the sisters of fate. So we really can only guess what happens next. Reading about Ragnarok cannot help us here much at all. Fascinating!

    submitted by /u/BunniesAteMyFriends
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    Does anyone else? (Spoilers)

    Posted: 30 Jun 2021 05:45 PM PDT

    Does anyone else think it's really epic when kratos says athenas name on the boat while he goes home for the blades? Like you're in the norse world and hearing athenas name and the music reminds everyone that kratos is a part of this other world full of extremely powerful gods and all the history of the games. Idk I just love when they bring greek mythology into this norse world. It goes to show how cool kratos is as a character. I'm explaining this horribly tbh 😂

    Almost like kratos' importance transcends Norse mythology all together and greek as well

    submitted by /u/Tsole96
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    not all giants were giant... just like... lots of them

    Posted: 01 Jul 2021 07:25 PM PDT

    this is something that confused me to no end.

    Atreas points out that not all giants were huge, but we see a large number of giant sized giant corpses, and we know that giants in general were seen as.... giant.

    so what is the lore reason why some were big and some were small? is it something like giant gods were just bigger giants?

    submitted by /u/polar785214
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    Is he being cheeky again?

    Posted: 01 Jul 2021 06:12 PM PDT

    Is he being cheeky again?

    Hey guys,

    New to the r/GodofWar but I'm just wondering if anyone has had a good look at Cory Barlog's twitter banner to see if there is any hints?

    Can see what looks to be Thor & a dragon in the background. 5 Candles lit potentially referencing GOW 5.

    But what's really intriguing me is the runes on the cups.

    Can anyone translate?


    submitted by /u/Scruude
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    Bought this coffee mug a while ago. Every time I take a sip I say “Aahhhh!”

    Posted: 01 Jul 2021 07:05 PM PDT

    Theory: Kratos is fate

    Posted: 01 Jul 2021 03:07 AM PDT

    when Groa prophesied Ragnarök the sisters of fate and when Kratos killed them he became fate itself. this is why everything that changes Ragnarök comes from Kratos and all prophecies that Faye and the giants made are 100% accurate. Kratos marks his fate and the giants saw what it is

    submitted by /u/not_a_frikkin_spy
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    Retrospective of the original God of War Trilogy from someone who started off with GoW 2018

    Posted: 01 Jul 2021 09:02 AM PDT

    Warning: Long Wall of text and spoilers approaching

    Originally I was just going to do a God of War 3 review but I figured, why not cover the whole trilogy instead? As someone who first started this franchise with God of War 2018, it was an interesting experience to go back in time and play the original games. It's strange because I remember them being pretty popular but nowadays it seems like they're completely overshadowed by the new game. Santa Monica Studio and a large portion of the gaming population almost seem a bit...embarrassed to talk about them as well, probably because of the reputation they had. Even the people like me who never played them knew about Kratos being a revenge-driven bloody killer, extreme violence, QTE's and sex minigames. The 2018 game clearly tried to avoid this legacy, with all those elements being severely toned down (That being said, it has a perfectly justifiable reason for doing so). Now I really enjoyed GoW 2018, I thought the story and combat were great. It succeeded in making them want to experience the previous adventures of Kratos and to see the character he was initially conceived as. After some time I bought the HD collection and started the series roughly half a year ago. Here's my thoughts on the God of War Trilogy.

    The Story

    I thoroughly enjoyed the story of all these games and Kratos' development as a character. But I won't hesitate to say that I thought the quality dipped a bit for each sequel. Let's go ahead and start with the first game, the one with the best story in my opinion. I believe part of the reason why I prefer this story is because of its smaller-scale plot and focusing more on Kratos as a person. For the plot, it's technically smaller than the previous games yet somehow feels larger because of odds Kratos is facing. The climax of this game is just killing one God, which is treated as an impossible feat. Kratos has to struggle to reach this point, from climbing the towering body of Chronos, slaying a Hydra, and surviving Pandora's temple. Kratos is alright mighty but seeing him struggle to reach the power of a God makes the world feel bigger. Speaking of Kratos, I knew that he had killed his family but the game dripping his backstory throughout the entire adventure kept me interested in figuring out how Kratos became the man he is. It plays like a Greek tragedy, with the narrator describing how Kratos led himself to a dark past that ultimately consumed him. Kratos himself is at his most sympathetic and human in this game compared to the sequels. Despite the terrible things he's done, his self-loathing and tortured psyche makes him sympathetic still. I legit felt bad for him when the God's did not remove his nightmares and he chose to commit suicide in return. Kratos also is a bit more well-rounded, he's not angry all the time. He's overall more docile here than the sequels, even though he still acts like a dick when he wants to. Overall, I believe the more character-focused story and the atmosphere helped keep the plot of this game the best.

    God of War 2 goes bigger, which is fine. It has a pretty gripping first act. I approve of Kratos just becoming as bad as Ares and being a villain in his own right. The betrayal by Zeus and Athena is really interesting to watch and I enjoyed all these characters interacting with each other. My main two problems are that I think they put Zeus' betrayal too early and nothing really happens after until the end. There isn't quite enough time to get Kratos and Zeus' relationship before the betrayal so it isn't as great as it could've been. Honestly, the first half of the game should've been their relationship growing to a boiling point and then he betrays you at the halfway mark. Most of the plot of the game otherwise is Gaia just telling Kratos to the story of the Titan war, which is moderately interesting but I don't think it's enough. The Sisters of Fate are pretty boring and Kratos doesn't have any real connection with them. The finale picks up with the fight against Zeus, the last spartan, and Athena's death but I don't think it's quite enough to make up for the middle. I did enjoy the theme of children rising up against their parents which is why Zeus betrays Kratos admittedly, that's an interesting angle. While GoW 2 has some notable highlights, it slumps in the middle and has some missed potential.

    Then we have God of War 3. The opening of the game is eye-catching and climatic, and the battle with Poseidon was great. I like seeing how when Kratos kills a God, it messes up the world in an apocalyptic way. But soon afterward is when things start getting worse. Athena suddenly shows up as a ghost for no fucking reason, Kratos has some forced bond with Pandora (which I didn't buy at all) and Pandora's box suddenly caused all the Gods to become evil or some shit? This kills any sort of motivation the previous characters had in GoW 2 and doesn't even really add that much in the long run. I did personally enjoy seeing all the Gods, Hades and Hera especially were really fun characters. But that's not enough to keep me fully invested in the ploy and Kratos. The latter is a full scumbag in this game with very few redeeming actions. He brutally murders a poor slave girl for no real reason other than the game designers wanted you to do it and then we're supposed to feel bad for him when they bring out the "He killed his family" excuse. I'm tempted to say that Kratos was flanderized a bit after the first game. I get they're going for he's a revenge-driven monster but half the time he comes across as a spoiled brat. I agree with the writer's goal and I do admit that Kratos' mad revenge is entertaining to watch but I think they've could've handled it better. The finale is a bit better with the great fight against Zeus and seeing Kratos' psyche in a sort of dream sequence. God of War 3's story manages to get over the finish line but it just barely does it.

    So that's it for the story. Overall I really liked the story of the trilogy and seeing Kratos develop throughout the games. While I think it does stumble in places, I was thoroughly entertained and intrigued by the decimation of Olympus by Kratos.

    The Gameplay

    Unlike the story, I believe the gameplay gets better as the series goes on. That being said, GoW 1 doesn't have bad gameplay, but it is the roughest around the edges. I'll start with the Blades of Chaos, which are the titular weapon of the series. It's stylish, fast, and does a great job of comboing enemies. It was a great choice for the main weapon of the series. GoW 1 doesn't start off with many combos unfortunately but over time the Blades get much better. The Blade of Artemis is a good alternate weapon, especially the move where Kratos spins like the Tasmanian Devil. You also get 4 different magical attacks, with most of them being useful in some way. That being said, Poseidon's Rage was easily the most useful. Kratos himself has enough to make the hack and slash combat interesting and fun, although it does start off a bit too slow. I have issues with other parts of the game. The enemies have a fair amount of variety but I have two main issues with them. First, they're often damage sponges and take way too long to kill. It's also hard to read their attacks, and with it being hard to stop during Kratos' combos, I got hit way more often than I would've liked. I managed to get past these issues but there was obvious room for improvement. Next, there are only 3 bosses in the game which is crazy. The Hydra at the beginning, the minotaur thing about 70% through the game, and Ares at the end. The Hydra is visually impressive for sure but has awkward mechanics to work around. The minotaur and Ares were much better but with only 2 actual good bosses in-game, it left me wanting more.

    There's also some platforming in the game which is often not brought up. I've heard complaints about these segments but I actually enjoyed them, they were better than other forced platforming segments in other games. Another asking is climbing combat which is just too slow and boring imo. Last, I'll mention that there are some very unbalanced segments in the game. The room before Pandora's box, the box pushing race puzzle, and the Hades spike climb was just awful to get through. In the end, GoW 1 has a great base for the gameplay, and I did have a good amount of fun, but there was room for improvement.

    GoW 2 improved nearly everything. Kratos has a significant counter now, making the flow of combat better. All his special moves have more specific uses so when you use them right, it's less likely that you'll be punished for it. There are also two new weapons in the game, being the hammer and spear. These set themselves apart from the Blades and give the combat more variety. The hammer is slow but deals massive damage and while the spear is the least useful, it has some nice fast-paced combos. Enemy variety has increased more, leading to some fun and interesting encounters. By far the best improvement though is the bosses. GoW 2 has more than 10 and all of them are pretty fun. Theseus, Perseus, Eurayle, The Sisters and Fate, and Zeus are all great fights and decently tough too. The 1 Vs 1 fights are the highlight in particular, being fast-paced and encouraging careful use of blocking. Not much else to say, GoW 2 just improves on mostly everything. Well except for the climbing sections, those are still boring.

    GoW 3 perfects everything the previous games sets up. Kratos controls buttery smooth and all his moves feel great to pull off. He has a new move where he grapples immediately toward an enemy which is a great idea and keeps the pace going. The enemies are about as good as they are in GoW 2. However, it is much easier to read their moves and counter them, while still being dangerous. The bosses are about as good as they were too, mostly. Hades, Hercules, and the Zeus fight were fantastic. While the Chronos and Poseidon fights favor spectacle over actual gameplay, but they were still cool anyways. The Scorpion Queen sucked though, I won't sugarcoat that. The weapons of the game took a different approach with all the weapons being a sort of variant of the Blades, being all fast and comboey. That being said, they still felt all unique and fun to use, and I enjoyed using all of them. Finally, I'll say that the reduced climbing sections were welcome. I haven't mentioned the puzzles too much of the series because there's not a lot but I'll say I really liked the forced perspective staircase puzzle in this game.

    All in all, the gameplay of these games is good, and great entries into the hack and slash genre. It started off a bit clunky but managed to improve with each game.

    Miscellaneous Points

    These games look great overall, especially 2 and 3. GoW 1 looks fine for it's time but it is a bit rough in some parts. GoW 2 looks fantastic for a PS2 game, even looking better than many early PS3 games. GoW 3 looks AMAZING, for a game from 2010. I'm serious when I say it could easily be in the middle period of the PS4's lifecycle. It's truly impressive what Santa Monica did with that game.

    One aspect I do want to bring up is the series controversy. Namely the violence and sex. Now the violence isn't really that bad, especially in GoW 1 and 2. It's violent but not particularly shocking in any way. GoW 3 is noticeably much more disturbing with its violence, especially with Helios and Poseidon's mistress. Honestly, though it's not really that bad compared to some of the more realistic violence in other games. The infamous sex minigames though are a bit understandably more controversial. To be completely fair, Greek myths were loaded with sex and the encounters in the games are mostly played as a joke. That being said, it is still incredibly juvenile and clashes with tone. They can come across, especially the Aphrodite scene in GoW 3, as a bit cringy and dated. I'll even say that this trilogy doesn't have a great track record with female characterization either. I'm not calling the devs sexist but I don't think they were considerate towards female players. That's all I'll say about it for now, I don't need the comments to erupt in flames.

    For my last point, I want to bring up the music. Holy shit, this series has just fantastic music. Gerald Marino is a genius for all the work he's put into the series. Some of my new favorite video game tracks of all time are in these games. In particular, you have Desert of Lost Souls/Main Theme of GoW 1, the Perseus fight theme, and Brothers of Blood, as my favorites. It gave me that weird sense of nostalgia for games I was just only playing now.

    I think that about covers the Trilogy. I truly did enjoy all these 3 games and what they brought to the table. They have fantastic production value, interesting stories, fast paced and brutal gameplay, and excellent music. If you want to experience the old adventures of Kratos or are a fan of the hack and slash genre, I would definitely recommend them. It seems that nowadays they're slowly being forgotten about, which is unfair to a lot of the legacy they brought to the gaming medium as a whole. But their time in spotlight is also done, as the series still shines on with a new game in the Horizon. Hopefully Santa Monica can keep making great action adventure games.

    submitted by /u/Dragmire927
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    God of war 2005 platinum (fuck you god challenges)

    Posted: 01 Jul 2021 12:14 AM PDT

    Finished! Pretty happy with the result. I’ve got another one I’m working on for now.

    Posted: 30 Jun 2021 03:38 PM PDT

    Something i wondered about the Titan Typhon...

    Posted: 01 Jul 2021 07:20 PM PDT

    Is Kratos capable of killing him if both engaged in battle? We saw Typhon in GW2, but he was just locked up and he was just trying to blow Kratos off the stage.

    Now, we know that Zeus never managed to defeat/ Kill Typhon, that's why he imprisoned him under that Mountain. It's also safe to say that Zeus used the Blade of Olympus against him, which seemed to have not been enough. So my question is, could Kratos kill Typhon in battle?

    And to make it fair, i wouldn't use Kratos at the very end of GOW3 where he was OP with the power of Hope where not even Zeus' ghost form could even touch Kratos anymore. If Kratos had his entire Arsenal from GOW1 - GOW3 including the Blade of Olympus, how would his chances be against the ultimate Titan if Typhon was released and sent after Kratos?

    submitted by /u/nosomodi
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    Should I start New Game+ ?

    Posted: 01 Jul 2021 03:02 AM PDT

    I finished the story in a rush once a couple years ago on a rented disc which I had to give back right afterwards. Now I got the disc back and was thinking of playing the game again but I was wondering, should I try to complete as many side activities on the playthrough I had back then or just start right away with the New Game+ and do those there?

    submitted by /u/TheSinisterSage
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    What armor should I get before going into nifelheim?

    Posted: 01 Jul 2021 10:12 AM PDT

    Is there a second or third best? What enchantments would you use?

    submitted by /u/dwfieldjr
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    Modi, son of Thor

    Posted: 30 Jun 2021 10:17 PM PDT

    God of War Ragnarok free upgrade from PS4 to PS5?

    Posted: 01 Jul 2021 02:26 PM PDT

    Looked at a few articles and can't seem to find a clear answer. The game is launching on both platforms, but will the versions be kept separate? Or will owners of the PS4 version be able to upgrade to the PS5 version by inserting their PS4 disc into a PS5 and downloading the upgrade.

    Ghost of Tsushima Director's Cut was announced today and that's not a free update, you have to pay for it if you have the base PS4 version, and then pay again to upgrade it to PS5 (yes I know there's a new dlc too)

    So is GoW: Ragnarok going to be a Spider-Man: Remastered/Tsushima: DC situation? Or a will be it be a free upgrade like Miles Morales and how Horizon: FW is going to be?

    submitted by /u/kamrulh96
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    Draining the lake again

    Posted: 01 Jul 2021 02:10 PM PDT


    Ive just completed the game but i didn't explore the lake when it dropped the second time, is it possible to drain the lake again?


    submitted by /u/Strange_Investment11
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    Is Thor really as formidable as everyone seems to think he is?

    Posted: 01 Jul 2021 01:24 PM PDT

    I'll just get to the point, what has Thor done (based on the game, not the founding mythology and definitely NOT the interpretation Marvel has put across) to suggest he can actually defeat Kratos? I know Kratos has "died" three times prior to GOW 2018, so I'm not worried about that, but I would like to hear some legitimate arguments and evidence to support the hype Thor gets. Here's what I know, but I would like others to point out any flaws in my reasoning or provide material I may have missed.

    Some points for:

    • God of thunder and strength.
    • Wields Mjolnir, a weapon that seemingly rivals the Blade of Olympus and very likely surpasses the Blades of Chaos in terms of power. Supposedly capable of levelling mountains and killing Giants in a few strikes.
    • Stalemates the World Serpent, though we don't know the scale of this feat too well.
    • Is destined to kill Surtr with the aid of Odin.
    • Killed Hrungnir the Brawler with one strike.
    • Almost single-handedly responsible for the genocide of the Jotun.

    Some points against:

    • Does not engage Starkaor in single combat, one of the only Giant warriors we hear about. Whether this is cowardice or logic is uncertain, but this suggests Thor will not knowingly attack an opponent equal to or more powerful than himself, unlike Kratos. Even when he fights Surtr, he is aided by Odin.
    • Many Giants killed by Thor, such as Thamur and Hrimthur, may not be not warriors. It may not be such a feat as it sounds, akin to slaughtering civilians.
    • Kratos has also killed Titans, who we may equate to Giants, who were capable combatants as we see in the case of Kronos, Perses, and Gaia, with seemingly very little effort, though he used the Blade of Olympus. He has also killed other Gods, as we know.

    Sorry if it was a bit long, but I didn't want to give shitty evidence or reasoning if possible.

    submitted by /u/average_geezer
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    Plot Theory: Spoilers Ahead

    Posted: 01 Jul 2021 09:19 AM PDT

    What if Atreus turns Kratos' tattoos into the world serpent Jormungandr? And then the world serpent is born and also Kratos turns into Tyr?


    submitted by /u/TheArchiitectt
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    Is there a way to play the original trilogy on PS5 ?

    Posted: 01 Jul 2021 03:31 AM PDT

    I know I can get the remastered number 3 but is there a way to play the others and the psp games ?

    submitted by /u/RappingRonnieRegan
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    In retrospect, this is one of my best combos.

    Posted: 01 Jul 2021 10:45 AM PDT

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