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    Monday, November 30, 2020

    God of War | It looks beautiful on my wall.

    God of War | It looks beautiful on my wall.

    It looks beautiful on my wall.

    Posted: 30 Nov 2020 02:36 AM PST

    [MEME] Me every time i open God Of War 3:

    Posted: 29 Nov 2020 04:40 PM PST

    You guys remember riding a Pegasus that one time?

    Posted: 29 Nov 2020 07:41 PM PST

    Ngl........I'm fricking loving The NG+

    Posted: 30 Nov 2020 11:44 AM PST

    Throwback to this summer when I made my own version of the Leviathan Axe

    Posted: 30 Nov 2020 05:14 AM PST

    Cory's wry tweets make me 99% sure the sequel isn't going to be called God of War: Ragnarok. What else do you think it might be titled?

    Posted: 30 Nov 2020 01:03 AM PST

    God of War: Ragnarök - Author: BlackThunder

    Posted: 29 Nov 2020 08:10 PM PST

    Husband and I got new lunch bags, and to differentiate his from mine, I stitched the runes for the 9 realms and the runes for Ragnarok into the handle ��

    Posted: 29 Nov 2020 02:47 PM PST

    Did Kratos beat someone to death with their leg that he just cut off?

    Posted: 30 Nov 2020 07:39 AM PST

    I remember this but can't find it anywhere. Did I imagine it?

    submitted by /u/mushroomyakuza
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    God of War Chains of Olympus (hard mode) 1st boss

    Posted: 30 Nov 2020 10:52 AM PST

    I cannot for the life of me get my analog sticks to work when you are supposed to bring the basilisk down to smash towers on its head. I'm on ps3 if that means anything. Any tips/advice/help would be appreciated!

    submitted by /u/Jruu9
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    (Spoilers) Mjolnir and Leviathan theory. What do you think?

    Posted: 30 Nov 2020 04:07 AM PST

    What're your thoughts about this theory I read out there?

    Leviathan axe doesn't seem as powerful as it's supposed to be (Mjolnir's equal, from what we heard the hammer is insanely powerful, almost like a mass destruction weapon) simply because it's made to be used by a Giant, not by a god. While the hammer was made to be wield by Thor/a god, the axe was created to be used by a Jotnar.

    Meaning that we will see it at it's full potential when (and if) we play as Atreus.

    submitted by /u/ArmZealousideal8305
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    Amulet of Kvasir

    Posted: 29 Nov 2020 06:16 PM PST

    Travel and Potential Story Elements

    Posted: 30 Nov 2020 09:17 AM PST

    Posted a few times here now over the past week after replaying the most recent game and reading the lore book. Something interesting that is mentioned is that Odin has locked all realm travel, which may be to do with Kratos but more likely is to do with Ragnarok approaching. It's also mentioned that helwalkers seem to be working in larger groups and more tactically, which I think could possibly be alluding to Hel being a presence in the next game, maybe as an enemy or as an unlikely ally.

    So this got me thinking about realm travel. In interviews Cory Barlog has mentioned that realm travel was originally going to be similar to how the dwarves the can travel between realms but found it was too much of a technical issue to keep in the game. With the next game being on next gen, do you think that the dwarves will teach our lead duo how to traverse the realms like they do or do you think they will go a different direction? I personally think that the opening fight with Thor may end with Tyr's realm tower being partially/ if not completely destroyed, which would also be a logical reason for this being introduced going forward. This could also potentially lead to other realms being open to exploration such as Greek, Egyptian or Mayan?

    submitted by /u/IrvCanFixIt
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    Arcana Check - Analysis of God of War (2018)

    Posted: 30 Nov 2020 05:10 AM PST

    My GOD OF WAR predictions

    Posted: 29 Nov 2020 11:01 PM PST

    [Quick disclaimer, these are my educated guesses mixed with some fan-theories that I found on other sites.]

    It's all but stated that this God of War series will be a trilogy centered on the Norse pantheon. So, what can we expect in the next two installments?

    Well, GoW2 will most likely take place after a three year time-skip [I'm not too sure about this as the last game stated that they'd only meet Thor after "many years"]. The last few months of Fimbulwinter are coming to an end, and Atreus is a young man now. The trio - Kratos, Atreus, and Mimir - have been trying to keep their heads down during the intervening years, but Odin is well aware of their existence, and he's not happy at Kratos' ability to alter the dynamics of Ragnarok [he killed Magni and Modi, despite the fact that they were predicted to survive past ragnarok, and the killing of Baldur happened centuries ahead of schedule], and Odin's control-freak tendencies wouldn't allow his presence to potential screw up his plans.

    Which brings us to Thor.

    Thor in this story is Odin's best attack-dog, and he's set him loose on the trio. Thor is basically Kratos from the first few games -- a brutal and vindictive butcher that viciously slaughters anyone for the smallest of slights. The only difference is that Thor is completely loyal to his pantheon, and, more importantly, he's not a critical thinker; he's content to be a blunt instrument for his father as long as he gets the excuse to kill anyone and anything he likes.

    And along with Thor will be his step-son, the archer Ullr, who will be an evil counterpart to Atreus.

    This attack will more-or-less set the game into motion as the trio have to out-run their foes. They don't have the goal of spreading ashes anymore; they're on the defensive. This is a very "actionized" sequel, that trades the slower, somber moments with a fight for survival. Thor will likely be too powerful for Kratos to fight, even with the foreign magic of the Chaos Blades. So they have to essentially run to different realms (possibly ones we haven't seen yet), to try and lose their perusers.

    Meanwhile, Atreus is still getting a grips on his god-powers, with his inherited Spartan Rage giving him problems. Though, he has discovered that he can turn into animals [this could be a new gameplay mechanic, but it's just as likely to not be there at all].

    Along the way, the trio find that the stories of Kratos and Atreus have spread to other realms, emboldening factions that are against the Aesir. One of the factions is led by a young woman named Angrboda [This I'm not totally sure of, but I wouldn't be surprised; she may even be a Fire Giant like Surtr].

    Angrboda is a passionate revolutionary who wants to take the fight to the Aesir, but Kratos wants to run and hide. Atreus follows his father, but his natural morality compels him towards fighting the gods and potentially ending their reign. Kratos being Kratos knows that no good can come from destroying a pantheon, even one as monstrous as the Norse.

    Here is where we truly understand the length Odin will go to avert ragnarok, as he has beven altering the natural balance of the Nine Realms for years:

    He purposefully imprisoned the Valkyries to upset the flow of souls going into the various afterlives; ragnarok doesn't happen unless all the realms are working properly.

    This is when I think we'll get closure on the Light Elf/Dark Elf war -- the Light of Alfheim is a mass-brainwashing device that has lulled the Light Elves into a passivity [I think if you enter the Light it shows you your heart's desire, and the happiness you receive from it makes you part of the hive mind]. The Dark Elves want to contain it to continue powering their world, but know of its danger.

    And this is when I think Freya will return, having allied herself with Odin again so she can have her revenge on Kratos.

    Eventually the trio are defeated by Thor and Ullr, but they aren't killed. Instead, they're taken prisoner by Odin. The Allfather has a habit of keeping instrumental keys to ragnarok in captivity [like Skoll and Hati], and he's very interested in the Greek magic of the Chaos Blades -- Greek magic being a lost art at this point.

    Odin probably plans on killing Kratos as he's already served his purpose in the Jötunnar prophecy as "Fárbauti" -- the "cruel striker" and father of Loki. For Atrues, he'll lock up in the deepest, darkest dungeon. If Atreus can't do anything, then Loki can't come to be.

    While he's awaiting his execution, Kratos meets Tyr, who had been imprisoned all these years rather than killed, as was believed.

    Somehow, the duo escape and save Atreus, but they get separated from Tyr as they try to save Mimir.

    But in their escape, Kratos is killed [possibly by Heimdall, just as they're about to exit Asgard, as a cruel knife-twist], and Atreus takes up his father's weapons and swears vengeance on the Aesir. Fully adopting the name of "Loki."

    Which ends GoW2.

    Starting with GoW3, Kratos is rescued from Helheim by Tyr (who loses his hand to Garm, the watchdog of Helheim, doing it), and discovers that years have passed, and the realms are in ruin with ragnarok in full-swing.

    From here, Kratos has to find his son and piece together what happened since he died.

    With a full-scale war happening, the forces of the Aesir, Vanir, and Giants are killing each other at every turn and Kratos (now without his axe or blades) will be caught in the crossfire.

    He'll learn that Atreus has gone down a dark path and become completely consumed by vengeance. As well as fathering with Angrboda his children Fenrir, Jormungandr, and Hela. The former two inheriting his shapeshifting powers.

    And it's revealed that Surtr's sword isn't enough to truly destroy the Nine Realms, as his fire is Norse magic, and it requires the Greek fire of the Chaos Blades to work.

    It all culminates in a massive battle at the heart of Asgard, with Kratos desperately trying to talk sense to his son, to no avail.

    Atreus/Loki will kill Heimdall, but be mortally wounded.

    Fenrir will kill Odin.

    Tyr will kill/be killed by Garm, but not before giving Kratos one last piece of advice about how the gods must be good.

    Thor's battle against Jormungandr will splinter Yggdrasil as the Nine Realms burn with Chaos Fire, creating tears through time. The Serpent falls in, only for an older, stronger version to appear and kill the thunder god.

    The world has been completely torn asunder.

    This is when Atreus finally dies in his father's arms.

    Kratos will awaken in a new Midgard that has no trace of the other Eight Realms or Norse magic. Overcome with grief, Kratos, again, tries to take his own life, but remembers Tyr's last words.

    "Only when gods are good can the world know peace."

    Gaining strength from this, Kratos resolves to find the other remaining pantheons in the world. Not as a destroyer, but as a peacemaker. [Cory Barlog has said that Kratos is the only playable character in the God of War series, and since the series is a hot IP again, I doubt they'll stop with the Norse gods.]

    Thus ends the Norse Cycle.

    What happens next, I can only speculate. Most likely, the next pantheon that has the bad luck of meeting Kratos will be the Egyptian gods, but the Japanese or Mesoamerican gods are just as likely.

    [There are some theories that state Kratos is actually Tyr and the next installments will have time-travel involved, but I seriously doubt it. That creates way too many complications to the story.]

    submitted by /u/88y53
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    Is there a transmog feature in gow?

    Posted: 30 Nov 2020 03:14 AM PST

    I'm new to the game and i want to know is there a thing like transmog i can do to any piece of gear in order to have better stats but still equip the starting gear (the one you start the game with)?

    submitted by /u/wael_ke
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    Trial of archimedes (GoW ascension) Any OG fans willing to help?

    Posted: 30 Nov 2020 06:48 AM PST

    I'm playing God of War Ascension and have only gotten to the second level of the trial of archimedes. It seems actually impossible.

    I tried going back a few saves to invest on the blades and the amulet of delfi (don't remember the proper name), but no luck.

    Any tips? I mean, some of you must have beaten it, right?

    submitted by /u/Decepticon_Dick
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    Brenna Daudi

    Posted: 29 Nov 2020 05:56 PM PST

    Hey guys, first time posting. Is there any websites that track and aid with progress?

    Posted: 30 Nov 2020 05:41 AM PST

    Just wondering if there's a website or app that helps track your progress and tells you where to find any missing things you need like the Ravens for example.

    Maybe you all know of a more efficient way. How do I locate items like that without having to look or double look in places I've already looked before?

    submitted by /u/psalmjuan
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    Hel is coming “Fall of Asgard” work in progress

    Posted: 29 Nov 2020 01:59 PM PST

    Slave of Ares

    Posted: 29 Nov 2020 04:15 PM PST

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