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    God of War | Atreus asked a stupid question

    God of War | Atreus asked a stupid question

    Atreus asked a stupid question

    Posted: 27 Nov 2020 11:08 AM PST

    Never played a GOW game until 4 and it’s my favorite game ever. Just got a PS Now subscription and this is one of the first things I’m playing.

    Posted: 26 Nov 2020 07:38 PM PST

    A comparison of stats, having reached endgame. The most INSANELY fun experience I've ever had levelling up in a video game. Look at our boy Kratos now knowing he's actually overpowered !

    Posted: 27 Nov 2020 04:30 AM PST

    Same vibe

    Posted: 27 Nov 2020 10:26 AM PST

    I was finally able to beat KARA! Forgive me if this looks like a messy run. I'm just getting better.

    Posted: 27 Nov 2020 07:03 AM PST

    All Kratos's boat stories transcribed

    Posted: 27 Nov 2020 12:45 AM PST

    I was looking for a written collection of all his amazing fables since the release of the game. And today I compiled them myself.

    Please, enjoy!

    1. Of the tortoise and the hare

    Atreus: SO! Know any good stories to pass the time?
    Kratos: What kind of stories?
    Atreus: I don't know… Mother always had stories. Weren't you told any when you were a boy?
    Kratos: There was a man I knew a long ago… His stories were brief and purposeful.
    Atreus: Sounds… fun? Do you remember any?
    Kratos: Hm… there was one that concerned a hare and a tortoise.
    Atreus: Like the Witch's house?
    Kratos: Unlikely.
    Atreus: So what happens?
    Kratos: They wager on a race between them. The hare is too confident of victory and foolish, while the tortoise is steady and disciplined. The tortoise wins.
    Atreus: You… haven't told a lot of stories, have you.

    2. Of the horse and the stag

    Kratos: That was… a horse. The horse sought vengeance upon his enemy, a stag. But he could not kill the stag alone. The horse met a man, a hunter, and made a deal. He took the man's bit and bridle, and allowed him to ride in a saddle on his back. Together they killed the stag and the horse tasted victory. But the hunter would not release the horse and made a slave of him.
    Atreus: So getting revenge cost him his freedom. Hope it was worth it.
    Kratos: It was not.

    3. Of the frog and his son

    Kratos: Very well… There was a tale of a frog. His pond had dried up, so the frog and his son left to find a new home. They found a well. The son saw the water and made to jump in, but the father stopped him. He saw that the well was deep and once inside, they would not be able to escape if the water dried up again. Wisely, they moved on.
    Atreus: That's it?
    Kratos: Yes.
    Atreus: That's really not a story. If the son jumped in, it would be a story.
    Kratos: When he would be trapped, and starve while the father watched helplessly.
    Atreus: See? That's a story.

    4. Of the thief and his mother

    Kratos: There was a young man who was caught stealing and condemned to die. His mother came to visit his prison. She was a kind woman, who could only give love. But her son, the thief, met her with rage and bit off her ear.
    Atreus: What! Why?
    Kratos: Because the boy had always been a thief. And his mother had taught him only love, and nothing of consequences. Had he been taught discipline instead, he might have lived longer.
    Atreus: Sure, but… her ear… that's not right.

    5. Of the mother crab and her son

    Kratos: One more. There was the story of the mother crab, who scolded her son. She told him he should walk forward, in pride - not sideways as he always did.
    Atreus: But she's a crab too! She should say, "sure, I'll walk forward as soon as you show me how!"
    Kratos: Yes. She did say that. That was the story.
    Atreus: I got it.

    6. Of the woodsman and the trees

    Kratos: There is a tale about a woodsman. He asked the trees of the forest for a branch to make a handle for his axe. Instead, the trees gave him a young sapling, so they could keep their limbs. The woodsman made his axe. And then he returned and chopped down the oldest trees in the forest.
    Atreus: Hm… just cause the trees are old doesn't mean they're smart…

    7. Of the scorpion crossing a river

    Kratos: Very well… There was once a scorpion who wished to travel to the other side of a river.
    Atreus: Why?
    Kratos: If you continue to interrupt, I will end the story.
    Atreus: Okay, okay.
    Kratos: The scorpion asked a frog for help. He told the frog that if he gave him a ride across the river on his back, he would be rewarded. The frog protested, fearing the scorpion would sting him. The scorpion assured the frog that he would not sting him or they would both drown in the river. The frog agreed, but halfway across the river the scorpion stung him. The frog was mortally wounded and they both sunk to the bottom of the river and perished.
    Atreus: That's sad. Why would the scorpion do that?
    Kratos: He was a scorpion. It is his nature to do harm.
    Atreus: Oh… that's just what Mom used to say about the gods.
    Kratos: Your mother always spoke the truth. Enough stories.

    submitted by /u/IdoubledareU31
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    New God of War “Collectible”

    Posted: 27 Nov 2020 06:34 AM PST

    How to get Aesirbane?

    Posted: 27 Nov 2020 08:34 AM PST

    I've opened all the center chamber chests and I still need more aesirbane to upgrade my armour. How do I get more? I've ran the maze for about an hour and no aesirbane has dropped.

    submitted by /u/_Endure_and_Survive_
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    What are the best ways to level up and get ready for late-game things such as Niflheim and the harder Valkyries?

    Posted: 27 Nov 2020 10:50 AM PST

    Hi, I beat the game a few months ago and have done all the dwarven favours and the first set of Muspelheim challenges (and its Valkyrie) but I feel like I should be a bit stronger for Niflheim and the other Valkyries. What's the best spot to level and get equipment for these? The second set of Muspelheim challenges?

    submitted by /u/apocalypseisbad
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    Is God of War™ (PlayStation Hits) the most recent installment?

    Posted: 27 Nov 2020 09:15 AM PST

    It has a discount for Black Friday so I want to get it but I was wondering if it is the most recent one. I am talking abt the one released 04.10.2019

    submitted by /u/edwinvi
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    How old you want Atreus to be in the sequel

    Posted: 27 Nov 2020 11:56 AM PST

    In the game that follows God of War (2018) how old you personally prefer Atreus to be.

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    submitted by /u/luccasalomone11
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    [Meme] I have won all the challenges...Why can't i win this one?

    Posted: 26 Nov 2020 04:52 PM PST

    Will Odin be in the next game?

    Posted: 27 Nov 2020 05:45 AM PST

    Do you think we'll get to see Odin as a wanderer on Midgard or maybe even get to fight him in the next GoW game?

    submitted by /u/lordmaul66
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    Took alot of time but here is a gow edit ! Enjoy

    Posted: 26 Nov 2020 11:39 PM PST

    Favourite God of War game outside of God of War (2018)?

    Posted: 27 Nov 2020 05:30 AM PST

    Title. I realize that God of War (2018) is probably the most favoured one and don't get me wrong, it was fantastic but I personally still prefer God of War III as the best one in the series. Besides the reboot, which one is your favourite and why?

    View Poll

    submitted by /u/GeneSaw
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    Fuck Eir.

    Posted: 26 Nov 2020 09:43 PM PST

    Man fuck this one. Gunnr and the other G name we're so much easier. Felt so good when I beat her ass though.

    submitted by /u/Peanutpapa
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    Combat tips for a new player coming in from Soulsborne

    Posted: 27 Nov 2020 05:08 AM PST

    Hey guys, so I finally picked up a copy of GoW on sale and started out a few days ago but boy am I finding the combat difficult. As the title suggests, I've got over 1000 hours in Soulsborne and Soulslike games, and love challenging 3rd person action RPGs, but for some reason this is just not clicking with me. I started out on 'Give me a challenge' mode and even though I died more times than I am comfortable admitting to the troll, I beat the Stranger on my first try and that fight was actually a lot of fun. However, moving forwards, I'm really struggling to get past group encounters. I've tuned the difficulty down to Normal but still it's just not working. Something about the fact that the camera is so zoomed in and that Kratos is off-centre, coupled with enemies attacking you from all directions is very hard to keep track of. I feel like 1v1 I am doing fine - I've got the parry timing more or less down, but group encounters are making me way more frustrated than I had expected. And does the healing system really work in the way that enemies drop healing gems only if you're running low? I'm not sure if I'm missing something here? Anyway, I really want to like this game and on paper it should be the perfect game for me, so would really appreciate any tips you all have to help me 'get' the combat. Thanks in advance!

    submitted by /u/arlingtonbeach
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    Kratos vs. The Stranger, Enhanced!

    Posted: 27 Nov 2020 05:00 AM PST

    Ares Armor?!?

    Posted: 27 Nov 2020 04:35 AM PST

    Why does Ares Armor set suck so bad? I thought I'd be upgrading going from Cod of War set to the Ares set. Then I was wondering why I couldn't beat Geirdriful. Then I noticed my Rage bar was cut in half. What is the sense in this?!

    submitted by /u/Winegeekgamer
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    Niflheim help

    Posted: 27 Nov 2020 04:32 AM PST

    I have the most armour, the grip. But I can't seem to do well in there. The time is not the issue, it's just the enemies are extremely tough. Wolvers and the witches are the most annoying. Any tips or hints would be very appreciated.

    submitted by /u/GalactuS312
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