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    Friday, June 12, 2020

    God of War | My wife recently got into designing tumblers. This was the first one she made for me!

    God of War | My wife recently got into designing tumblers. This was the first one she made for me!

    My wife recently got into designing tumblers. This was the first one she made for me!

    Posted: 12 Jun 2020 07:24 AM PDT

    I'm in this picture and I don't like it

    Posted: 11 Jun 2020 02:37 PM PDT


    Posted: 12 Jun 2020 07:29 AM PDT

    What we fans were thinking...

    Posted: 11 Jun 2020 04:52 PM PDT

    My precious

    Posted: 11 Jun 2020 04:58 PM PDT

    My girlfriend and I played through God of War(2018) together a few months ago. She decided to get me this coffee mug for my birthday and I absolutely love it!!

    Posted: 12 Jun 2020 09:11 AM PDT

    Sadly this is true

    Posted: 11 Jun 2020 02:50 PM PDT

    My birthday gift haul seems to have a theme!

    Posted: 12 Jun 2020 11:28 AM PDT

    God of War 3 (2010) impressions

    Posted: 12 Jun 2020 11:09 AM PDT

    I have played God of War 3 when it was first released. I do not remeber much other than the jawdropping intro fight on mount Olympus and sequences of beating the shit out of gods in QTE. Now, I have played all the previous God of War games first, including the Origin spin-offs, and it gave me a different outlook to God of War 3.

    God of War 1 was more of a hybrid between Tomb Raider and Devil May Cry. God of War 2 weighs on the action side of the first game while still having the shadows of 1's dungeon design, with light platforming, dungeon navigation, and switch puzzles. God of War 3 feels like the finalization of that eventual progression. It is distinct. It no longer feels like a copy of Devil May Cry, Prince of Persia, or Tomb Raider. It feels like a new type, with its own place in the character action genre, defining what 'God of War' is.

    I played the original PS3 version, and although this is a decade-old game, it is shocking how the visual still holds up. The only real problem is the inconsistent framerate that reaches 60 to 30 depending on the environments. The intro that had ingrained in my memory still shocks to this date. How the camera changes dynamically, how Gaia is animating geometry Kratos can run on, how cutscenes and gameplay are seamless.

    God of War 3 is nuts. It amps up everything in the previous games into 11. If you liked crazy epic set-pieces, 3 has triple of them. If you liked diverse locations, 3 has the highest number of locational diversity in the series. If you like diverse combat encounters, 3 feels like it has all the enemy types and levels of the last games. If you like a grand scale, 3 is about Kratos facing the entire world of Greek mythology. If you liked epic boss fights, you fight all the gods from the Greek pantheon. The other character action games that come close to God of War 3 in terms of absolute insanity I can think of are Bayonetta and Metal Gear Rising, both feel like Platinum's own interpretation of God of War games.

    There are a lot more combat moves and abilities that make each fight deeper and complex. The secondary weapons are actually fun to use this time around as well as the equipment. In the previous games, I rarely used the equipment because it consumes the magic so much. Now, equipment is separate from the magic abilities. Similar to Ghost of Sparta, the equipment has its own separate bar that recharges constantly. This means the game encourages the player to constantly use the equipment during the fights. What makes them even better is how they have multiple usages that can be applied to the player traversal. The speed boots are used to run across walls. The Helios head is used to reveal secrets in levels, which enriches the exploration. The bow is used to ignite a fire. The gloves are to break ices.

    A few little puzzles in the game are quite fun like the labyrinth using a different perspective and the hook puzzle that has the player to use the portals. God of War 3 also marks the first time the underworld section being not sucking due to the less emphasis on platforming. A lot of problems the first game even God of War 2 had are gone, replaced by enjoyable set-pieces and bosses. With this said, the increased amount of set-pieces and bosses also mean the increased number of QTEs. I do not like QTEs and I already felt God of War 2 had too many, but 3 takes the cake. A series of QTEs pops up like every minute and I rather prefer them if they were just non-interactive cutscenes instead of disrupting my enjoyment.

    God of War 3 is the best God of War game yet, in the gameplay at least. The story the game puts heavy emphasis on... Well...

    The stories of God of War 1 and even PSP spin-offs adapt the very idea of a Greek tragedy in the modern sensibility. The moments like Kratos realizing he is ultimately responsible and will carry the memory of his deeds no matter what, and falling down the cliff in 1. Moments like Kratos abandoning the last chance to reliving with his daughter, leaving his daughter for the greater good in Chains of Olympus. Moments like Kratos refusing Athena's offer to become a god in Ghost of Sparta. This series had a wealth of emotional tragic moments that separate God of War from other hack and slashes. All the slaughters the player goes through had a point. Even the outlandish moments like Ares throwing a spear across the desert feels somewhat authentic to the logic of Greek mythology. It felt like God of War is a part of the existing Greek mythology canon as if they adapted the already existing Greek hero into the game.

    Meanwhile, the sequels feel like an edgy teenager fanfiction of Greek mythology with the nonsensical premise of killing the entire Greek pantheon, even down to 2 revealing Kratos is Zeus's son, which comes out of nowhere. At the point of God of War 3, try the story feels like a parody of God of War.

    There are some attempts at deeper characterization of Kratos at the end, especially with Pandora, who accompanies with Kratos, and this part is basically a proto-God of War 2018. There is also a cool set-piece that has the player explore Kratos's mind, which all these feel like an afterthought rather than an earned conclusion of Kratos's arc.

    God of War 3 had me lose interest in Kratos as a serious character. For example, in the first game, it makes sense for Kratos to sleep with women constantly to forget his guilt and trauma he has suffered for a decade. In 3, Kratos is in the immediate path to kill Zeus as soon as possible and save Pandora, while going into Aphrodite's bedroom and has sex with her. Why would Aphrodite want to fuck Kratos when he literally killed most gods and doomed the entire world? Why would Kratos fuck Aphrodite when he even admits, "I have no time for games". Why is this sex scene even here? What do Aphrodite and this scene serve in the story? It is like the developers added this scene just for the sake of shock value because of how impactful the sex minigame in the first God of War. Again, 3 feels like a parody of God of War, not a genuine sequel. Even his one-dimensional characterization is inconsistent. We have a moment when Kratos uses a sex slave and sacrifices her life in gruesome death, but literally, a few seconds later, he desperately cries for another girl if she is okay. So, does he care about someone else or not?

    Pandora's Box is a cheap plot device to justify why Zeus all of a sudden betrayed Kratos in 2, even though Ghost of Sparta has already given the explanation why. The revelation of Athena's motivation at the end comes out of nowhere that she is the mastermind behind all the atrocities to rule the world, but this is so inconsistent with her actions in the previous games. The wiki explains the opening of Pandora's Box in 1 corrupted her mind, but even in 2, she literally sacrificed her life to stop the world from ending.

    The story is still better than God of War 2, which was a prologue, but God of War 3 is the closest possible high budget game to Undertale's Genocide run. The story is so outrageously over the top, I could not help but get entertained by it. If you accept the spectacle and enjoy the romp, it will be a great time.

    I will play God of War 2018 soon, which I do not much know about other than Kratos having another kid now. Considering I got only recently into the series and played all the previous games, I might have a different opinion on the new game than most people.

    submitted by /u/onex7805
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    Random Screenshots

    Posted: 12 Jun 2020 12:33 PM PDT

    Adult Atreus - fan work. ¡AMAZING!

    Posted: 12 Jun 2020 10:55 AM PDT

    Adult Atreus - fan work. ¡AMAZING!

    Visit the link because there is A LOT of material that is worthwhile, in very good quality.

    It is impressive.

    Link: https://www.artstation.com/artwork/0X1eZV

    Autor: André SiK.


    submitted by /u/InfoGodofWar
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    Am I the only who thought this was god of war?

    Posted: 11 Jun 2020 02:32 PM PDT

    So I just beat my third play through and got platinum finally. And I gotta say this brought a tear to my eyes.

    Posted: 11 Jun 2020 03:28 PM PDT

    When there is no GOW announcement

    Posted: 11 Jun 2020 04:22 PM PDT

    Only photo that you can see kratos two shoulders at the same time

    Posted: 12 Jun 2020 12:51 AM PDT

    Silhoulife Collection: God Of War (2005)

    Posted: 12 Jun 2020 12:47 PM PDT

    The Ghost of Sparta vs The Queen of the Valkyries (the ultimate battle)

    Posted: 11 Jun 2020 07:19 PM PDT

    So.. what now? (main story completed)

    Posted: 12 Jun 2020 05:45 AM PDT

    I was enjoying the full world and also following the main story bit by bit, to be honest at a certain point I was too weak to finish some side quests like defeating some valkyries etc. and thought I had time to go on collecting so I went ahead with the game and before I knew it I had reached the end! (No idea the Joddenheim part was going to be so short)

    Even though I spent countless hours on the game it felt like it happened so quickly and there are so may open ends I could go finish off but frankly it feels a bit pointless now, I wanted to complete the game with the final main story task having done everything beforehand.

    For example I wanted to complete that whetstone sidequest and had no idea how to get there and thought you had to go on with the main story to discover the area

    it was a beautiful game but i feel i only half experienced it, especially since i didnt make complete use of all the things at disposal like the armor and combat upgrades.. Usually I like to max out as much as possible before finishing a game, I feel a bit stuck now, not really motivated to continue even though there are so many things left to do

    submitted by /u/fogee23
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    Posted: 12 Jun 2020 06:50 AM PDT

    I started god of war today and fought the first boss (that big guy with the pillar, sorry im new) and i felt like when i hit the bright orange sections it was doing more damage than regular throws or hits. Almost like weak spots can someone confirm this or are they purely "cosmetic". Again sorry for the bad descriptions i only started today.

    submitted by /u/drpepperseniour
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    Waiting for GOW5 announcement.

    Posted: 11 Jun 2020 02:01 PM PDT


    Posted: 12 Jun 2020 09:15 AM PDT

    Other than them announcing that there will not be dlc does anybody have any suspicions or answers as to why they wouldn't add dlc ? Too me it seems like a great idea

    submitted by /u/MegaCrushHammer
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    I want to make the same chest tattoo as those trolls have. These runes also mean "Void" in real life Norse or they only mean this inside GoW's lore?

    Posted: 12 Jun 2020 09:12 AM PDT

    Subreddit banner when 5 comes out

    Posted: 12 Jun 2020 02:58 AM PDT

    The subreddit banner is cool and all and I like it but I think that when GOW 5 comes out it should be changed up to something that represents all of god of war. I feel like this subreddit is all about GOW 2018 and it makes sense since it is the most recent but when the 5 comes out I think the banner should show all of the god of war games. Im not an artist by any means but im sure there are good ones out there who could make a banner for this sub that represents all of the god of war games, or even just the main games in the series. That's all I wanted to say thanks for reading.

    submitted by /u/ineedheadphonehelp
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