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    Sunday, June 14, 2020

    God of War | Kratos 75 mm figure painted by me

    God of War | Kratos 75 mm figure painted by me

    Kratos 75 mm figure painted by me

    Posted: 14 Jun 2020 09:16 AM PDT

    This is a beatiful place

    Posted: 14 Jun 2020 06:09 AM PDT

    I love how such a serious game can have some really funny writing

    Posted: 13 Jun 2020 03:13 PM PDT

    Hoooooly HELA!! This is a DOPE cosplay!

    Posted: 13 Jun 2020 12:56 PM PDT

    That's the face of someone who knows he screwed up

    Posted: 13 Jun 2020 08:39 PM PDT

    Finally, its my turn to post the victory to sigrun

    Posted: 14 Jun 2020 05:03 AM PDT

    Good time to explore on GMGOW?

    Posted: 14 Jun 2020 12:08 PM PDT

    Question in title, just hit Alfheim and am wondering when I should start exploring. Feel like it's just going to be annoying doing some of this side stuff too soon, anyone got any pointers when I should start? Almost thinking I shouldn't bother until I have the blades of chaos

    submitted by /u/HellblazerHawk
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    Not strictly GoW, but someone suggested I x-post...

    Posted: 14 Jun 2020 11:37 AM PDT

    Kratos has a new hat

    Posted: 13 Jun 2020 02:23 PM PDT

    Help, how to get past this

    Posted: 14 Jun 2020 11:40 AM PDT

    Can anyone help i tried restarting the thing but still no

    Posted: 14 Jun 2020 11:12 AM PDT

    Having trouble with the light runic attack.

    Posted: 14 Jun 2020 06:56 AM PDT

    Every time I try to use it I just put my shield up. How do I time this?

    submitted by /u/Flamingo_Boye
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    Zeus vs The sisters of fate

    Posted: 14 Jun 2020 10:24 AM PDT


    submitted by /u/ezytricks
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    John Cena making an appearance in God of war

    Posted: 14 Jun 2020 09:37 AM PDT

    Welp just lost my new game plus save about halfway though bcs of auto save

    Posted: 14 Jun 2020 07:26 AM PDT

    Is there any way to get it back, or is it worth it to restart the white games with another new game plus and kinda skip the cutscenes?

    submitted by /u/abees123
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    B o y

    Posted: 13 Jun 2020 12:19 PM PDT

    I had a resurrection stone, so why didn't it give me the option or just kill me?

    Posted: 14 Jun 2020 02:06 AM PDT

    I am trying to get the anchor of fog in Niflheim [by the way, the worst way to get them if I am honest] and one time I died with the fog down too zero, I pressed square, but the moment Atreus came and got me, the game said I died. The second time I did get one, went back, was killed by the blades, and was not even given the option to resurrect.

    Why not put in a checkpoint when you get the stone instead of getting to a safe spot, which to my knowledge is only in two spots? to get to Tyrs temple and where the Relm Rips are

    submitted by /u/hamcon1
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    <Theory>(!spoiler alert) Atreus = Jormungandr?

    Posted: 14 Jun 2020 05:45 AM PDT


    Hey fellow GoW fans! Tons of spoilers ahead for those of you still playing...

    Anyways, here we are 2 years later, still no signs of the next GoW and I really need an opinion on this 'cause I just can't wait... I've had some time to think about it, and tbh, just simply knowing why I could be wrong or right could really help with my impatience rn :)

    Loki = Jormungandr?

    Remember that once seemingly ridiculous question Atreus asked at the boat after Freya healed him? "Can... I turn into an animal?"

    The possibility should be obvious by now. From Hildisvini, to Fafnir, to Freya herself, by now we know that shape shifting is a thing in this universe.

    Let's not just think about the possibility though, if it happens that he does shape shift (which he probably will), could Atreus (boi) and the big giant snake that's practically our game guide, be one and the same being? Why ask? Well, because at first glance, whether they are or not both seem to have the same probability. Which is just frustrating to think of. But if you keep thinking, you start to notice the small chances of them actually being the same, outweighing those of them not.

    At first, the idea of the theory (or the null) is: if we can prove that Jormungandr isn't Atreus' actual son, and if there wasn't a time they both co-existed, between the supposedly moment Jormungandr is to be born, to the time Jormungandr meets young Atreus, then we can prove that they are in fact one and the same person.

    But the real issue isn't in proving it right, it's in trying to prove it wrong, by making sense of the factors involved. Which I find it really hard to do given what I (or we) know.

    Now, here me out... I've played and completely finished the game 3 times over now, and I noticed some things just don't seem to make sense (at least to me) as of yet. Well, unless they meant something else first. Now I know just how much this could seem a bit of a reach, but hey, let's be stupid for once and actually say the world serpent = Loki in this story. First question would be "Why Santa Monica? Why twist the story any further from the real mythology, than you already have?"

    I believe there's definitely a room for Santa Monica Studios to make an extra twist in the story line that is very much different from the actual information based on the mythology itself. For example, we all know that Kratos is going through an arc, and given from all that we've seen in the past about Kratos, I would say the only thing that can come out of calling it "A New Beginning" is if he turned good. No doubt about that. But the moment they showed us that Atreus was meant to be Loki, that changed things completely. Because that would mean Kratos is meant to be a replacement of Farbauti in this particular timeline. And with that said, who's to say how much they'll have in store for Atreus? Or better yet, how much of it they don't, i.e. whose hints are already out?

    I'm just spitballing here but, if you've watched one of the interviews on Cory Barlog (can't remember which one but you can look it up on Youtube or share the link) he mentions something in the lines of 'We made it in such a way that in the upcoming game(s) you'll probably look back to the first one (god of war: a new beginning) and be like "Oh, that was there?" and realize you could've noticed it if you paid closer attention". So back to that 'extra twist', they wouldn't need to make it for Atreus and Jormungandr, if the answers were already there.

    So let's say the idea was laid out in plain sight. Second question would be "What do we know about Jormungandr?"

    1. He hates Thor
    2. He got sent back in time even before his birth (from Ragnarok)
    3. He's smaller in the future than he is in the present or past, meaning he was born between the time we play Kratos in this story, and Ragnarok
    4. Atreus looks "familiar" to him
    5. He's the only giant in present day that can fluently speak the dead language

    Going by the simple logic of "If... Then it's possible..." this is what you notice for the first 4:

    1. If Jormungandr hates Thor, then it's possible for him to be Atreus because so does he. (But hey, who doesn't hate the guy right?) So that's not a strong evidence. He could be his actual son.
    2. If Jormungandr got sent back in time before his birth, then it's definitely possible for him to be Atreus. But then again, he could just be his actual son.
    3. If he's "born" between Ragnarok, the same thing applies (could just be his son)
    4. If Atreus looks "familiar" to him, then it's also possible that his son just recognizes him.


    "Mimir... what else did the serpent tell you when you spoke? Kinda sounded important." - Atreus

    "But when he (the serpent) talks, I can't understand any of it!" - Atreus

    "Sadly no one can. He speaks a dead tongue." - Freya

    "He (theserpent) speaks an obscure tongue, more ancient than these mountains. None are left who speak it. Except, of course, for me." - Mimir

    1. The Old Tongue

    5. is the issue... If Jormungandr is the only giant speaking a dead tongue fluently in present day, then in what way could Atreus somehow do the same? And by the looks of it, even Freya didn't expect any giant at the time to be able speak it (probably because she hadn't seen another one do so, even in the last moments they were alive), let alone a half-breed of the race.

    If you ask me, the only way Atreus could've figured out the old tongue, is through his magic. Which, btw, he kind of did...

    That eye flashy thingy he did when calling Jormungandr had to be magic. I mean, we didn't see Mimir's eyes glow any of the times he spoke the dead language. Plus, the kid didn't even have the time to learn the words! And as we all know that screwing up the time continuum isn't just a concept in that world, I'm pretty sure he literally 'siphoned' Jormungandr's memories 'in time' to 'learn' the language only for that circumstance, or something similar. Which, given that Freya with all her powers couldn't do the same this whole time, could only mean that the connection between Jormungandr and Atreus is much closer than we think. And if what we think is that the world serpent is his son, what could be closer than that?

    If they happen to be one and the same, that would explain how he learnt the language so easily.

    • Here the question would be, "Why Atreus? Why could he speak the language, and not... idk... just the most renown 'witch' of all Vanaheim?"

    Now, you could just say that young Atreus simply has stronger magic than the goddess Freya, and that "Hey look, boi prolly met serpent gal, did some freaky stuff together, went out on a snake journey to raise child (much like Kratos did) and taught him the old tongue." And then add on "The snake then decided to tag along in the end of the world, made an enemy out of Thor and now hates him for sending him back in time and possibly killing his dad." Sure that all sounds possible. But probable? doubt it... hell, where would the time even come? The kid couldn't even be 15 atm let alone old enough to have an actual son to raise and teach anything before Ragnarok. i.e. during the long winter.

    But, as you can probably guess, none of these raise the big question... The even bigger eyebrow raiser, believe it or not, is actually... "Fenrir"

    2. Fenrir

    Fenrir - among the other two - is Jormundgandr's sibling. In the God of War timeline, his position in the story more or less fits the one in the mythology. That is to say, his father is Loki, and his sons are Skol and Hati, and he dies come Ragnarok in the hands of one of Odin's sons right after killing him. At first, this is an issue, because now we have to think about the fact that Atreus(Loki) doesn't just live long enough to have Jormungandr, but also Fenrir, who is destined to kill Odin.

    But you see that's the thing. I don't think Atreus, who turned out to be Loki, will have (or had) Fenrir within that time-frame. And here's why...

    "They (the Dwarves) once made an unbreakable chain out of little more than a cat's footstep and bird spit!... Well that's the legend. If you wanted sense, you shouldn't be talking to a severed head!" - Mimir

    There's a time when Mimir refers to the "Legend" of Fenrir being chained by Gleipnir (the chain the dwarves made) when he bit Tyr's arm off. The key here being "Legend", meaning it being in the very distant past, that even Mimir himself crowns it the title "Legend", clearly you can see why this is a problem. Because Loki wasn't born yet. So now we have to think about "How would that work?" How would Fen exist, if his dad wasn't even born yet?

    Which, for obvious reasons, brings us to the concept of time travel. And in this case, from what we've learnt in the game, it only happens during Ragnarok when the world tree splinters causing Jormungandr to be sent back in time. In that time, we have to assume, "Fenrir shouldn't be born yet" and that the Fenrir in that Ragnarok going after Odin, is actually much older than the Atreus in that time (who is his dad).

    Assuming Jormungandr and Atreus (Loki) are separate, we would then have to think that they both got sent back in time. Only this way would Atreus (Loki) meet Angrboda and have those kids (one of which is Fenrir), who lives on to his "legend" waaaaay before Kratos and Atreus' time comes further on in the future. This solves the Fenrir issue, because now it would make it that Fen was born in the past, after the events of Ragnarok which will happen in the future. Making it a classic loop in time really.

    But now... what if Atreus = Jormungandr? The first question here, believe it or not, could still be "WHY?" And the answer is because we still haven't answered one more question...

    • "If Jormungandr gets sent back in time with Loki, and with all that Mimir's mind can store and recall... then in the same way he spoke of Fenrir, WHY HAVEN'T WE HEARD OF LOKI'S TALES??"

    If you can answer that, then you can probably prove this whole theory wrong.

    But if not, and if it happens they are one and the same, my theory goes...

    - The current Jormungandr makes it to Ragnarok, just as planned. He's not alone though... if "Kratos" doesn't make it for any reason, Atreus does. However, Thor actually kills the current Jormungandr in the process, and the serpent's goal dies with him in defeat (sadly). Leaving Thor weaker, however, Atreus ceases the opportunity and shapeshifts into the fallen Jormungandr, to try and finish the job with some venom still in store. Thor lands a hit on him, but dying in the process moments later. To the newly formed world serpent, time reverses all the way back before his birth. And this is all because of impacting the world tree. Left with his hate for Thor, he lives his life awaiting the next Ragnarok to finish the job.

    This would make sense because up to this moment, Mimir hasn't heard of the name "Loki" just yet. At least not as we know it. If that somehow stays that way until Atreus turns into Jormungandr, it would partly explain why Mimir possibly doesn't know anything about "Loki". But what would confirm it is if after Atreus turns into Jormungandr he doesn't turn back at all in the course of history (a similar concept with Hildisvini the boar). It would also explain why the serpent kept growing this whole time.

    What it wouldn't answer though is, how would he have a baby wolf then? And why didn't Kratos seem familiar to him? Magic? Fragmented memory?

    If Atreus wasn't Jormungandr, however, it would mean there was a time they co-existed separately, even as they were sent to the past. Making it highly unlikely for Mimir not to mention either of the names "Atreus" or "Loki" in one of his tales. Which he did not... Anyways, I guess we would have to wait for the next one to confirm all this... or hell, maybe even the one after that..

    Anyways I would like to know what you guys think about this theory, what I probably got wrong and what your answers are on the 2 questions. All opinions, filtered or unfiltered, just go wild with your thoughts on it.

    Seeing as GoW5(6) doesn't look like it's coming any time soon, let's try setting this theory straight 'cause I was looking forward to proving myself wrong in the next installment. But hell, if it's a thing and actually turns out to be true, that would be dope. I mean, I like Atreus and all, but I still wanna play Kratos in the future :P

    submitted by /u/s6xr
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    After 2 weeks, I have the Platinum!

    Posted: 13 Jun 2020 04:19 PM PDT

    I’m on gmac ng+ and still getting whooped, so I decided to beat the 3 valkyries and get the Valk armor! Is this build good enough for the rest of the game now?

    Posted: 14 Jun 2020 04:52 AM PDT

    For some reason, I’m not getting immersed into God of War 2018

    Posted: 13 Jun 2020 11:05 PM PDT

    So I just finished the quest with the dark and light eves so I'm still early in the game. It's a fun game and everything about it feels great, but something just isn't clicking with me. I can't play for more than an hour before getting completely burnt out for a few days. I have no clue what it is but I just have little motivation to play even though the game fees and looks amazing. Does anyone have any tips?

    submitted by /u/aMileBetterThanU
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    Name a god that can beat kratos, I’ll wait

    Posted: 14 Jun 2020 02:20 AM PDT

    No god can beat him, kratos can even beat Odin for Christ sakes

    submitted by /u/PoppingWithPoppy
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