• Breaking News

    Wednesday, January 29, 2020

    God of War | Almost done with the mask for my Revenant costume, so i made a short video. Very excited to finish this costume!

    God of War | Almost done with the mask for my Revenant costume, so i made a short video. Very excited to finish this costume!

    Almost done with the mask for my Revenant costume, so i made a short video. Very excited to finish this costume!

    Posted: 29 Jan 2020 03:31 AM PST

    My last 2 minutes with Sigrun (GMGOW)

    Posted: 29 Jan 2020 09:11 AM PST

    My first time i played with the photo mode

    Posted: 28 Jan 2020 08:30 PM PST

    Had an encounter with a beast today...

    Posted: 29 Jan 2020 02:20 AM PST

    I drew KRATOS

    Posted: 29 Jan 2020 07:30 AM PST


    Posted: 29 Jan 2020 06:47 AM PST

    Platinum Avatar code giveaway. For some reason they sent me 2.

    Posted: 29 Jan 2020 09:23 AM PST

    Bug or idiot: can't get dig spot on Buri's Storeroom post-game

    Posted: 29 Jan 2020 11:47 AM PST

    The wheel is blocking the water entrance, the gate is down, and the wheel lever is jammed.

    Puzzle has been solved and I've beaten the game. Just cleaning up dig spots....I can't figure out why I can't access. Every guide shows the gate is up by default...

    submitted by /u/cbech
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    PS5 will have backwards compatibility and be more powerful than the PS4 Pro. So will GoW's Favor Resolution mode run the game at a higher frame rate target?

    Posted: 29 Jan 2020 11:38 AM PST

    Search came up empty for this question.


    submitted by /u/licensedtoload
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    How to get gold Valkyrie Armor in NG+

    Posted: 29 Jan 2020 10:31 AM PST

    I started NG+ and have already fully upgraded the full set of green NG+ valkyrie armor. However, in my original play through I only obtained the gold valkyrie chest piece and gauntlets but not the waist. Even though I've beaten all the valkyries besides the queen in NG+ so far, I do not see the gold waist in my available armor.

    Am I only able to obtain the gold valkyrie armor in original playthrough? Obviously the green NG+ version is better but I was curious why I can't obtain it when all the other armors are available to craft when completing a NG+ playthrough. The OCD in me wants the complete set of both valkyrie armors and I think the gold just looks better.

    submitted by /u/CJ_Manderson22
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    Valkyrie "Queen" Sigrun - Nightmare! (did her)

    Posted: 29 Jan 2020 10:21 AM PST

    Hey, I couple of days ago I did Muspelheim Vlak and was quite surprised how hard it was here: https://old.reddit.com/r/GodofWar/comments/ets6xs/first_valkyrie_early_muspelheim_gondul_unworthy/


    This time around, unlike Gondul, which took another atop 1h+ and I did the mistake of figting her early as she was the first Valk I faced - she still holds 1st place for the toughshit shit ever :P (in my book). Sigrun is easy second and depending when or how prepared you fight her, she can be without doubt the toughest as well. I felt prepared (what a mistake) because after Gondul the rest of the Valks weren't as challanging as I was worried. 4 fell from first try and the other 3 from a couple (less than 5). Boy was I not ready.


    The fight itself (normal difficulty): https://www.twitch.tv/videos/543660770


    A wide variety of attacks - some that I didn't even experience or missed with previous fights because they ended too fast. The freezing shards attack that ends with unblockable got me good so many times now haha. I just had to get use to it as well. I do have to say I wish the red indicator was more clear, strong and visible amidst all those effects sometime you might miss it comming.


    Otherwise in a weird way Sigrun had a more easy or feasible pattern behaviour, I could get hold off. There is plenty of free flowing, but it felt less annoying compared to Gondul. Maybe because she doesn't Valhalla that much (but the fact she doesn't announce it make's 10 times worse :(). If she was spamming it more often and out of the blue, it would've been bigger nightmare. Now you can learn some situations when she does it for certain, but very rarely from distance.


    The toughest thing for me at start was the attacks in air. There is a couple of variations and yes among them can be the Valhalla ugh. The AoE blind you can interrupt (I use the boy for that), the haze (I believe it's called) as well, but that one goes faster and it's not that damaging at distance so you can live with it. The ring thorws can be difficult, but with me, more ofthen she first throwed the blockable with a bit of arc - sidesteping is bad idea, and after the that the unblockable, which is easy to dash in any direction from (uncertainty exist here a well though). There is also the scythe like attack which you can parry or dash out of (left is better). As you can see a lot of variations and some can be hard to decipher right away.


    On the ground I still had problems with the left swing combo attack. You can block it, but you always have to be ready for the right unblockable - which is very fucking fast almost an instinct reacion - so you can't just be passive blocking. Good thing is first hit doesn't do that much damge and you can start blocking after that and still be ok. As you see again a bit of unpredictability is what makes it very hard. At least I couldn't figure when she does charge unblockable or combo - not counting a few situations when I know she likes to do unblockable. It's pretty big amount of patterns and when they come or if they come. Oh and after combo she have varience as well - it can end up on spin, on a unblockable that is easy to dodge, on a long 7-8 attack series, on scythey double attack etc. (there is also a charge spin or blind staff 2 hit that's easy to get a hold of) That whole guessing aspect have some nasty fighting games roots man :D!


    Moving slowy in right direction constantly is what I end up doing more, because you can dodge accident, the unblockable right wing attack (very damaging) and hard to react to if you look for something else. The scrythe charge attacks are dangerous but can be parried. There is also range AoE cone atack you can avoid before that. Again variation on them as well! The one in the air is very fast, so you have to parry almost right away even if you are at a good distance. The one on the ground is more slow and (again it depends on distance) you have more time to react. Obviously that messes your brain up, and thats the goal haha. Might as well mention the range feather atacks - easy to dodge, spin attack - blockable, she often Valhalla after that one! Oh and she can block as well (I for some reason refused to use the double tap r1 to break it that way... no idea why). You can interrupt it with runic spell as well or just back off. Don't attack her after even if it feels like an opening she straight up charges with the unblockable right wing - ouch. What else did I forgot. Oh the dive grab attack that have patterns as well lol. That one at least is very easy to dodge for phew (btw another air attack, I forgot that one above hah). The fire reign from sky as well (my naming, not actual). The spin feather distance attack... I am sure I can't list em all haha.


    Otherwise as you can see I narrowed down the runic attacks to this 4 in a row. I wanted to have it as a guaranteed good/strong damage that can be landed most of the time. They work well because 3 have a bit of interrupt and the last does the most damage. You aren't hitting em 100% though. Sometime she will get out of stagger state or some will not reach her. Ah and there is some bullshit with the AoE insta interrupt, because it doesn't catch her when she is in air above you. I had it happen a couple of times when even if it looks like the sphere is hitting, there is prolly blind spot because she was unaffected (this costed me good attempts :(). Then again in general it's not a vey good idea to be in her face, because you can't see shit very well - lots of effects, or she ends up in air and you can't shot her down, or she can't be interrupted. So keep your distance. Boy was using the wolves (but for the first hour or two I was wronfully thinking that boars are wolves haha, they look samey with colour and presentation). No idea if it's the best, but vs Gondul it was doing great and I found here a few very short moments where I could use talisman to heal for a bit while they ate Sigrun (but in a much shorter time).


    All in all just get good/improve, as cliche as it might sound is the way to defeat her :). The amount of unpredictability, variance, uncertainty is what makes it memoroable and hard. Timings, reflexes and reactions have to honed down in order to succeed or at least their importance is brought down to a minimum.

    submitted by /u/freebiebg
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    I recently beat the game for the first time and wanted to know what is the best new game + armor for survivability and damage.

    Posted: 29 Jan 2020 10:03 AM PST

    I've been thinking of using the zeus' set after I beat the Valkyries but I found out that you can due very fast because of it.

    submitted by /u/Sansisanoldmeme231
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    Runic Power, you Slobs!!!!!!! lol

    Posted: 29 Jan 2020 06:57 AM PST

    Sony Santa Monica Job Openings At God Of War Sequel

    Posted: 29 Jan 2020 04:18 AM PST

    A pair of new Sony Santa Monica job openings might point to the future release of a God of War sequel, though nothing has been confirmed by the devs yet. The openings are asking for a Technical Producer and Senior Character Artist, both jobs that have to do with development.

    While the studio hasn't actually announced any sort of sequel for God of War yet, considering the game's raving success and the very obvious hints of a sequel after you actually complete the game, it's highly likely that Sony Santa Monica has already started work on it.


    submitted by /u/taimourmasood
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    Posted: 28 Jan 2020 03:17 PM PST

    The fact that Kratos litteraly went to Hell and back for his son really got me.

    Be gratefull of you parent(s)/guardian(s)

    That's all.

    submitted by /u/FeelsLikeSayf
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    I need some tips going into first NG+

    Posted: 28 Jan 2020 12:38 PM PST

    I haven't played in a good while. I'm cleaning up Trophies then I plan on starting NG+. I'm just curious what's everyones preferred gear setup for NG+? . This includes enchantments, skills, runic attacks, talismans, pommel and armor. Is there any kind of OP build going into NG+? Just looking to get the best headstart before I jump into it especially since I haven't played in awhile. Any help is greatly appreciated :-)

    submitted by /u/undeadcreepshow
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    Why is the deadly mist armor the best.

    Posted: 28 Jan 2020 03:52 PM PST

    I don't get why Santa Monica decided to make the deadly mist armor the best and not the Valkyrie armor like, you have to REALLY work to get the whole set and to upgrade it so I feel like it should be the best not ng+ gear in the game.

    submitted by /u/Botwadtict
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    Just beat the game but wasnt able to max out the axe or the blade, parts of the map still grayed out What did i miss?

    Posted: 28 Jan 2020 06:31 PM PST

    Got to level 4 each. Can i find what i need after the credits rolled? Did i miss boss fights? Also, is that grayed out area on the northwest available to explore?

    submitted by /u/nirvroxx
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    GoW 3 vs GoW 4

    Posted: 29 Jan 2020 12:16 AM PST

    Hi there,

    I´ve been playing GoW 4 for the last 2 weeks.

    Unpopular opinion: I find Gow 3 better than GoW 4, maybe because I like Greek Mythology far more than Norse one, but sometimes, except for Boss fights, I find it pretty repetivie and sometimes boring...am I the only one?

    submitted by /u/Grim_of_Londor
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    Kratos' Warrior Mentality Vol. 2 | Spiritual Lessons We Learned in God of War 4

    Posted: 28 Jan 2020 07:19 PM PST


    Kratos is a Spartan God, a True Warrior and the Best Dad in video game history. His teachings to his son Atreus contained the wisdom and secret on becoming a True Warrior. I thought I would compile a video and categorise his words into different principles of the Warrior Mentality, and to add an inspiring quote from a Real Life Warrior in each of the Principle. **MAJOR SPOILERS** VOL. II 1. On Compassion, Humility 0:00 2. On Accountability 6:03 3. On Faith, Self Reliance 8:35 4. On Fear 10:49 5. On War and Sacrifice 12:56 6. Message to Warriors 15:55 VOL.1 here: https://youtu.be/2FyVKYBmcoQ

    submitted by /u/Be_An_Inspired_Gamer
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