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    Monday, November 25, 2019

    God of War | He's weak

    God of War | He's weak

    He's weak

    Posted: 25 Nov 2019 04:51 AM PST

    I turned my game cover inside out and reinserted it; I've never been so happy lol

    Posted: 25 Nov 2019 03:12 AM PST

    God of Thunder

    Posted: 24 Nov 2019 12:41 PM PST

    Buff Baldur

    Posted: 25 Nov 2019 09:13 AM PST

    Finally got this new "God of War" game everyone was talking about

    Posted: 25 Nov 2019 12:01 PM PST


    Posted: 25 Nov 2019 10:16 AM PST

    How by relating to this game I closed my deepest emotional wound

    Posted: 25 Nov 2019 06:02 AM PST

    Hi everyone.

    English isn't my first language so sorry if I made any mistakes.

    I know long texts are boring but I need to get this off my chest, it's been boiling there for a year now.

    So, when I was 11(am 27yo M) my parents divorced, and my already pretty abrasive mom got worse with me. Way worse.

    For the next 5 years, she made life hell for me. Gasslighting, emotional abuse, making me wear her old clothes instead of buying me new ones, beating me (like full on Kratos-Baldur beatings), making me clean the house, cook and care for my sister while she was out drinking, etc.

    She is, or was last time I checked, an alcoholic. And she adored my sister. My sister was mean, cruel, and would often lie to her, telling on me on things I never did just for fun, or to get a reward from my mother.

    I never told my dad. He had gotten a girlfriend far away and was beginning a new life. He'd still live in the same city for a couple years, and I would visit a weekend every two weeks. My mother would pack me clean clothing that she kept away the rest of the time to make it look like I was ok, and because of how my mother had treated me and how timid I was, I thought there wasn't a place for me in that new life he had, so I just couldn't tell him. That is, until the day she kicked me out.

    She did so when I was 16, and I spent two months in and out of friends houses, sleeping on the street, and sneaking into my mother's house when she wasn't there to shower and maybe grab some clothing( she just kicked me out the door with some jeans and a shirt on a snowy january). I finally told my dad, who had gotten married and was now living 1000+ km away. He called the cops of my city and they came, but my mother wouldn't let me in anyway, and the cops actually didn't want to leave me there. Then I spent the night in juvie, and they phoned my dad to come pick me the next morning, 12 hours later, or I'd stay until I was 18.

    My dad came. I don't know how he managed to drive 1200 km in 10 hours but he did. Took me with him and his new wife the same exact day. I took nothing from the house, just what I was wearing. My stepmother's been the mom I never had. And my dad has been amazing ever since. He hates himself for not having noticed, but I always tell him he couldn't have, and that I should have told him.

    My life got better but the wound never fully healed. I learned that my mother's mother, who I never met, was also horrible to her. And I learned to understand and accept the situation, but I still hated my mother.

    Then, last year, GoW came out and it turned my world upside down. I never wanted to have kids for fear of being so horrible to them as my mother was to me. After all, my tale just shows that violence and bad parenting just generates hate and more horribly bad parenting. This had been going on for two generations. Because of what I lived, I am a very temperamental person, often moved to rage and anger, and I have, on occasion, been really mean. I deeply regret it, but it still happens.

    What if I changed, what if I couldn't help to be like this with my poor kids?

    But GoW's story showed me the value of parenting, that it is worth the effort, and that I CAN be a good father even if my family has made me suffer. That if I kept hating my mother, living as if she was dead, I only hurt myself and would always carry this remorse with me.

    I sent her a letter, telling her I forgave her. That I believe she tried. I didn't get a response but I have closed my wound. I made peace with myself and I finally close the wound.

    Thank you Cory. Thank you Sony Santa Monica.

    submitted by /u/Baron_unknown
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    B O I !

    Posted: 25 Nov 2019 11:39 AM PST

    Passed on the baton !

    Posted: 25 Nov 2019 11:32 AM PST

    How strong was Baldur compared to other gods like Hades, Zeus, Ares or Poseidon?

    Posted: 25 Nov 2019 09:06 AM PST

    I think he was very strong (he defeated Jörmungandr with 3 punches) and on the same level as Poseidon or Ares. But, of course, Kratos was the worst enemy he could get. If he had a fight with another greek god, I think he would win against most of them.

    submitted by /u/austria9000
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    Some of my favorite screenshots I've taken in god of war

    Posted: 25 Nov 2019 06:07 AM PST

    Question regarding New Game+

    Posted: 25 Nov 2019 08:38 AM PST

    Since I'm trying to 100% the game before I start New Game+, is it possible to switch difficulty to Give Me God of War when/after starting NG+? Or would I have to start a new save file to do Give Me God of War?

    submitted by /u/SharkLordSatan
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    Regarding some of the “side-quests” in this game.

    Posted: 25 Nov 2019 08:30 AM PST

    These aren't necessarily spoilers to the actual story itself, but still, if you're looking to 100% all side quests and aren't familiar with anything involving dragons or valkyries, be warned.

    So in the game, there are two side quests that, to me, would have heavy implications on how the world of Midgard could be affected; freeing the three enslaved Dragons that you can find, and defeating all nine Valkyries.

    Since presumably releasing three likely wild/feral Dragons into the wilds, as well as freeing the Valkyries would have various consequences in Midgard (positive and negative), I'm wondering - could these affect the next game in some way?

    And if the freed Dragons and Valkyries do get involved in some way in the next game, how would they even go about doing it? I feel like it could be a Mass Effect kind of situation, where the game can read your save file or w/e from the previous game, and possibly make some changes in the story based on your actions.

    For example, if the next game "knows" that in the current/previous installment you freed all the dragons, it could have you encounter them as unique, optional bosses to defeat.

    Or if the Valkyries become important to the story, it could change some dialogue and/or character interactions by acknowledging either whether Kratos was the one to free them, or if someone else freed them for whatever reason.

    What do you guys think?

    submitted by /u/SharkLordSatan
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    Finally beat the queen on gow difficulty.

    Posted: 24 Nov 2019 05:28 PM PST

    Kratos versus Baldur��

    Posted: 24 Nov 2019 02:33 PM PST

    NG+ Question

    Posted: 25 Nov 2019 09:51 AM PST

    I just started the NG+ yesterday. I'm only level 2, can I use the NG+ armor that requires higher levels? I havent really touched this game since I beat it last year so I don't know. Also whats the best armor set to start off with?


    submitted by /u/BarxaBoy
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    Worth playing the remaster on ps now?

    Posted: 25 Nov 2019 07:41 AM PST

    Yeah, i'm close to finishing the newest game and is it worth playing the remasters? (Never played the past games).

    submitted by /u/darthVkylo
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    New playthrough idea

    Posted: 25 Nov 2019 07:11 AM PST

    Ok so last time i played this game was in june when i beat ot for the second time, but lately I've been wanting to come back to it and I wanna do something interesting. I lobe to do "challenge playthroughs" on games like i am with rdr2 by using only a revolver. The idea i have is to do a playthrough where i only use my bare hands for combat. I feel like this would be frustrating but also very fun so i was wondering if anyone has done it and if they'd like to share their experience. Im planning on starting this playthrough tonight and would love to discuss it.

    submitted by /u/faliure06
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    Theory about God of War 5

    Posted: 24 Nov 2019 10:06 PM PST

    Im a brazilian, so my english is not so good.

    So, we know that the World Serpent is from the future. When he was fighting Thor in Ragnarok he was send back in time. In the original Ragnarok, Thor kill the world serpent, but he will fall dead because he was poisoned by the serpent's deadly Venom.

    So, if the World Serpent leaves the battlefield in Ragnarok, Thor gonna live, and we all know that Thor is the superman from the Aesir, which means that the Aesir can survives and WON the RAGNAROK.

    Atreus has a double personality. When he find out about he been a God, he start to be arrogant, dont listen to Kratos and kill Modi. That for me, is the persona of LOKI. In hellheim when Atreus see "Loki" kill Modi, he say he could never do that and act like that never happens and was a dream.

    My Theory is: In The original timeline that the Serpent fight Thor and go back in time, Kratos only meet Faye decades later that the version we play in GoW4. Faye give birth to Loki, she die, Kratos die by the hands of Thor and Loki become a revengeBoy againts the Aesir. The Ragnarok happens, but when the Serpent is send back in time, Thor still lives and won the Ragnarok with the Aesir.

    As Loki see that the Aesir will win the Ragnarok, he go back in time with the 3 wolfs( Fenrir, Hati and Skoll) then he go to a Young Faye and tells everything. Thats why she save Kratos with the wolfs in the book. Hati and Sköll are captured by Odin, Atreus is born. Loki or Faye write the message in the statue that say to offer their weapons to the ocean to summon jormungund, so the Axe can receive the eitr poison from the snake. And is Loki that summons the Serpent when Atreus is sick.

    One thing that really is strange is who kill the giants in Jotunheim? Because if Thor or Odin kill them, they will tell to everyone in the nine realms that they kill the last giants...

    The only people who can enter jotunheim in the events of the Game are Tyr, Mimir,Kratos and Atreus.

    I think that The Loki from the Future try to talk to the giants and explain everything that happens, but they dont like this and try to make him to leave Jotunheim. He start to going mad just like Kratos in greek and kill the giants

    submitted by /u/nedsnow96
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    Posted: 24 Nov 2019 07:14 PM PST

    Oh C'mon boy! Poor Sindri... ��

    Posted: 24 Nov 2019 03:10 PM PST

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