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    Friday, May 8, 2020

    God of War | Fucking finally

    God of War | Fucking finally

    Fucking finally

    Posted: 07 May 2020 05:05 PM PDT

    This a an inspired version of the Leviathan axe. It took me 1,5 years to make, it’s made of birch wood and black leather and it’s about 1 meter in length. I posted my progress a while back and this is the finished result.

    Posted: 08 May 2020 09:07 AM PDT

    Luckily I am stupid

    Posted: 08 May 2020 02:03 AM PDT

    I've been playing games since I was 10 years old... I'm 37 now... this is one of the most satisfying moments in my whole gaming life.

    Posted: 08 May 2020 09:08 AM PDT

    When BOI gives a smartass answer.

    Posted: 07 May 2020 10:12 PM PDT

    I love Cory Balrog.

    Posted: 07 May 2020 05:57 PM PDT

    I found this amazing art piece on Facebook... I thought you guys would like it.. Credit towards the talented @SamDoesArts (link in the comments)

    Posted: 08 May 2020 12:13 PM PDT

    Clues regarding time travel and figuring out how Jormungandr is in Midgard

    Posted: 08 May 2020 09:20 AM PDT

    During the part where Atreus reanimates the stone platform in the spiraling room and levitates it, Mimir tells Kratos that this is the work of Vanir temporal magic, or the ability to mess with time. He specifically says to freeze time, then explaining that it was no longer used to a great extent because Skol and Hati would still chase the sun and the moon.

    This gives us clues to several important things.

    First off is how Ragnarok will likely begin. I theorize that Atreus/Loki (or someone else) will use this temporal magic to allow Skol and Hati, who are his grandchildren, to catch the sun and the moon. This is what starts Ragnarok. Mimir making this known (also saying there was a weakness that Freya knew against Asgard) will likely be remembered by Atreus.

    Secondly, temporal magic could explain Mimir's mention of how Jormungandr allegedly got to Midgard. As we know, Jormundgandr is the son of Atreus/Loki, so it makes little sense as to how he exists already when Atreus is just a boy. Perhaps the tale of Thor knocking him into Yggdrasil so hard it sent him back in time is just a tall tale, but also hints at something real that happened.

    We know that Freya married Odin and taught him her Vanir magic. Perhaps temporal magic was used by Odin to banish Jormundgandr, in hopes to prevent Ragnarok, or Thor's death. This fits Norse mythology as well, because Odin is the one who sent him to Midgard, not Thor. And it would make sense that Odin did this to preserve Thor's life, seeing as Jormungandr kills him in the mythos. If the two of them battled before, then they shouldn't even be alive, as they were supposed to kill each other. I see this as evidence of tampering.

    I also recently made a bunch of other predictions based on my knowledge of Norse mythology, here, if you want to go back and read it. (Where Surtr and the Giants are, Baldur in Hel, Atreus/Loki growing up in Asgard, etc.)

    submitted by /u/fuckingblackmale
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    Posted: 07 May 2020 04:18 PM PDT

    Bruh I just trivialized NUR+ On gow1 (2005) by doing the infinite magic glitch. Is this allowed? Sorry for the noises and potato quality. I don't have a capture card or something like that.

    Posted: 08 May 2020 11:03 AM PDT

    feel free to use this beautiful piece of art as ur home screen

    Posted: 07 May 2020 08:44 PM PDT

    Embarrassed to admit

    Posted: 08 May 2020 10:49 AM PDT

    I've never researched Norse mythology. So anything I knew came from the Marvel MCU, where Odin was Thor's and Loki's (though adoptive) father. While in the MCU Odin is slightly a tool and so was Thor to a point, Thor ended up on the side of good. It's interesting to see everything play out in the game. That Thor is a mega tool and kind of an idiot, and you don't have someone who is actually in control of the bifrost.

    submitted by /u/mrsckugs
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    Question about new game +

    Posted: 08 May 2020 10:12 AM PDT

    If I start a new game plus does it delete my previous auto save from the end of the campaign? Also how does new game + work with side quests and treasure chests? Is everything thrown back into the world? Or are the side missions you've already done gone and the ones you haven't done get transferred to new game+ ?

    submitted by /u/ManWithLargeBoobs
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    I Unfairly Ruined the God of War Ending for Myself :(

    Posted: 08 May 2020 10:04 AM PDT

    No, I didn't read spoilers. Here is my personal experience with the ending of the game.

    I decided with all this free time that I would devote myself to beating it. I started the game on hard, but I was dying a lot. I know I could hunker down and beat the game on hard, but I have a ton of games to play so I opted for normal for time's sake. Right before the quest to retrieve Mimir's second eye, I had around 85% completion of Midgard and 100% completion of Musphelheim, Hel, Niphelheim, and Alfheim. I had defeated all the Valkyries and their Queen. I was level 7 with full Niphelheim armor. Needless to say, I was stacked. I breezed through the Mimir eye retrieval. I understood that I probably was gonna be over-leveled for a bit, but it would level itself out after I caught up in the story. Little did I know that finally defeating Baldur was the second to last quest.

    Just as I breezed through the last quest, I breezed through this entire fight. Not once did I feel in any sort of danger. It took away any sense of worry or intensity that I felt when I fought the Valkyrie Queen. This was once again due to being over-leveled. The scale was awesome though. It was very cinematic. I had flashbacks of God of War 3. After defeating Baldur and experiencing that intense dialogue between Freya and our cast of characters, I was back at it, ready for more.

    From here, I started building scenarios in my head as to who I was gonna fight next. Freya? Odin? Thor? There's got to be more right? The game does such a good job of hyping up both Thor and Odin that I couldn't wait to meet them. Asgard and Svartalfheim are teasing you from the very start of the game so I expected that somehow, someway, we would make it there. Yes I know, it literally tells you that travel there is impossible, but I still chose to believe. Why? Lot's of events that seemed impossible throughout the story proved possible, so why couldn't we find an impossible way to Asgard?

    Then it was time. I had the eye and it was time to travel to Jotenheim and spread the ashes. There was the heartfelt moment with the dwarven brothers and then we were on our way. Up the stairs we went, climbing higher and higher. The whole time, the whole freaking time, I kept thinking "something is going to happen. There's no way this is the end of the game. Thor is gonna show up". Yes, it's my fault for thinking this but I guess I just was hoping that this game wasn't minutes from ending. Then we hit the peak and god damn was that a moment. Spreading the ashes, the emotions between Kratos and Atreus, AND THE LOKI REVEAL! Holy cow was that cool. That immediately sparked all kinds of new questions and possibilities. After it was all over and the descent began, the credits appeared.

    "No way" I thought. These are here to throw me off the scent of something greater about to happen. I still had these gosh darn feelings about how this game was not ending. We made it all the way down without anything happening and then I saw Mimir alone, no longer in the company of the dwarven brothers. "YES I WAS RIGHT" Did Thor swoop in and kidnap the brothers? WHAT HAPPENED?

    oh... They got bored and left. Well, we haven't made it back home yet. Let's give it more time. Then Mimir starts talking of a cruel winter and Ragnorok. This once again added fire to flames of thoughts rushing around my stupid head. We make it back and everything is the same, but with some snowfall. I wandered around aimlessly hoping to trigger literally anything to tell me that there is more game to be played and that the time spent on the highest peak in the realms wasn't the end. I failed, and it dawned on me. The game was over.

    I was upset at myself for being so distracted with all the made-up bullshit in my head. I didn't get to just sit back and enjoy the ending of this amazing game. All the teases of different realms, gods, and being over-leveled as crap made me unfairly want a lot more of this game. As I mentioned with the Baldur fight, I think I compared this game to the previous entries too much. Those games were all about the scale. The lone god on his revenge-fueled mission to kill anything that gets in his way no matter how big. I think experiencing a taste of that with the final Baldur fight gave me some hope that the game was about to get a lot grander in size. With Asgard still there, I thought this was where it would all happen.

    Needless to say, I loved this game. I can't wait for the sequel. Hopefully, all my made-up crap will come true. After all that I was just kinda let down with the ending because I made high expectations for it. I'm gonna let the ending resonate with me a bit more and then I'm gonna go platinum the game. Sorry for the long post but I needed to vent somewhere. Did you guys experience anything like this? Let me know. I would love to talk to you about it.

    submitted by /u/DeadlyCrayonz
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    I’m dying

    Posted: 08 May 2020 12:16 PM PDT

    Any advice on how to beat the shit out of the Valkyrie Queen on GMGOW +

    submitted by /u/kankreet
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    downloading this game rn

    Posted: 08 May 2020 12:02 PM PDT

    never played it before,is there anything i need to know?


    submitted by /u/mapanpang69420
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    Betrayal Version

    Posted: 08 May 2020 11:46 AM PDT

    Looking to emulate this old game. I have the Midpx emulator, and found a whole mess of jar files of this game for various phones. Does anyone have experience playing through this and know which version to do? The file sizes vary a lot, and some don't seem to work at all. I don't want to get part way and have to stop due to a bug

    submitted by /u/Darkstranger111
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    What song is from 0:00 to 0:20?

    Posted: 08 May 2020 11:05 AM PDT

    Apologies if something like this has been posted.

    Posted: 08 May 2020 10:54 AM PDT

    Kratos will fight Thor and win. Why? Two reasons, the first is that Kratos is outside fate. The second reason is his ax. Remember what happened when you meet the serpent? The game says "Eir imbued". What is Eir? Only the deadliest poison in Norse mythology. The poison produced by Jormungandr and Nidhogg. And the poison that kills Thor after he walks nine paces from Jormungandr's corpse.

    submitted by /u/Exrav
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    Ps4 or Ps5 or both?

    Posted: 08 May 2020 06:59 AM PDT

    I am considering buying a pc but i still want to be able to play the next god of war, does anyone know if its going to release on ps4 or ps5 or both?

    submitted by /u/Raschke10
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    Black op zombies mystery crate jingle

    Posted: 08 May 2020 08:41 AM PDT

    Has anybody else noticed, that when Kratos opens these big, wooden doors, wich contains a scene from norse mythology, that you can hear the same jingle from black ops zombies, when you open the mystery box.

    submitted by /u/jongun3008
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    After buying it three times, restarting once, and two years later, I can finally say I am one with this sub.

    Posted: 07 May 2020 03:23 PM PDT


    Posted: 07 May 2020 05:18 PM PDT

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