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    Saturday, January 25, 2020

    God of War | This is God Of War - GIF by me.

    God of War | This is God Of War - GIF by me.

    This is God Of War - GIF by me.

    Posted: 25 Jan 2020 02:53 AM PST

    They’re so cute when they sleep

    Posted: 25 Jan 2020 08:18 AM PST

    Created a new hud to make GoW look like a moba. I apologize.

    Posted: 25 Jan 2020 09:39 AM PST

    Thought I was in the wrong subreddit for a second

    Posted: 25 Jan 2020 08:04 AM PST

    Think this build is a bit OP.

    Posted: 25 Jan 2020 10:05 AM PST

    Here’s to the end

    Posted: 24 Jan 2020 09:37 PM PST

    Thoughts on the next game especially Ragnarok

    Posted: 25 Jan 2020 11:39 AM PST

    So, the game ended with Kratos and Atreus(Loki) starting Fimbulwinter way before its supposed to happen.Freya's mad and she also asked mimir where her wings are probably kept to get back her warrior spirit.Considering Giants see the future Atreus saw it was the end of fimbulwinter and thor came at their house.So i'd like to know your thoughts.

    submitted by /u/True-Researcher
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    By watching this whole video you might get more than you expect

    Posted: 25 Jan 2020 09:18 AM PST


    Posted: 25 Jan 2020 10:08 AM PST

    Lets Ruin(ic) these draugrs day.

    Posted: 25 Jan 2020 10:03 AM PST

    First Valkyrie Early (Muspelheim - Gondul) - Unworthy!

    Posted: 25 Jan 2020 07:38 AM PST

    Took me about 7 hours of attempts :(, normal difficulty first time playing to do this: https://www.twitch.tv/videos/541302285

    I think I am getting old. Making excuses like I was tired and faced her after a long 8-9 hour streaming session, long after the sun rose till middday, can be valid only to extent. It was a tough boss, and at this moment can't even think any in my gaming life (since early 90-ties) that was this hard. DS1 and 2 (for good contemporary example) are games I've played and even they haven't produced such a prolonged fighting experience. Usually 1 to two 2h's max is what comes to mind before this "wretched" Gondul. I was not very prepared with armours and stuff as well, but did explore everything I could or find (that's before chisel main quest - so no lvl 5 - and right after I could go here). Sadly even thorough scavenging didn't help. The only thing I could've tried is to craft new armours from loot of this realm that I got up the mountain. Maybe it would've improved chance slightly? Otherwise for a late game boss (as far as I am concern) it did felt manageable, but for some reason it wasn't fast. I did have a couple of close calls along the way and honestly have no idea if I should be ashamed or can even consider that I kept some bits of my shattered pride with this endeavour.

    Thinking back, I've broke my rules to not force myself playing tired or if I am stuck to not go over 1 to 2 hours of attempts. I believe something old/primal (I should say young haha) awoke this day and I just said to myself, I should do it or die trying :D. You know one of those moments when you just feel you have to do it regardless of anyhing else. I regret that I forced myself for good 2-3h beyond breaking point, because it was more stubbron behaviour than actually being efficient. Up this point in the game I didn't run from anything with tale between my legs. Nasty purple Revenants, tough, but then you figure you can block their shit, done. Annoying purple wulvers (werewolves), cool, be patient, take your time, done. Nothing was keeping me in bay for over 20 minutes... Until this bitch :P.

    The funny thing is I wasn't getting very angry, or wanting to break controller or shout insults at the screen. It all felt fair even if it was tough. It was because of my mistakes, my reactions and reflexs and not cheap boss or dev design. It is rather clean and simplistic on the contrary. Mid-sized open area with no places to hide or abuse as safe spots (to my knowledge). You have no means of burst heal or even any, and thank god boss drops a small bits you can pick, but often can be traps as they are not easy to get fast because of the non-stap barrage of attacks. Weirdly I am still trying to pice it together, what was the biggest struggle - besides mental doubt (doing so little damage) or being inconsistent for anything between 5-10 straight minutes. The pattern you get, the openings you find, that might take good 20-30 minutes to hour. You get use to her repertoire. Some stuff is more nasty then others. The combo attack with wings end up being hardest to dodge and was hitting me very often, I think it had a bit of variation as well. You can block that one, but then you risk being slow and if she decides to dive from the sky, you have to be rather fast. Trying to keep distance and make her spring only certain attack was never consistent, it was as if there were no consideration of that in code and it didn't matter that much. Being close was always risky due to her different wing attacks that reach far. Maybe it was all the non-stop constant action with little to no breather, it keeps you on the edge the whole time and misteps are punished heavily, and all the fire marks left around, you can't possible avoid getting your health bar whittled away. I even tried and upgarded a ton of runic spells to experiment and not only with them. Early strategy relied on moments of getting far and using talisman to recover a bit health, while keeping her at distance with the spell that shoot frost forward. In the end decided to go with the interrupt early AoE spell that have very low cool down, and because I was wearing armour that lowerd those stats it was even shorter. Wasn't using the second spell a lot as it was distacting and not instnat.

    Oh boy, I got carried away. So how did you fair in your first fights with Valks or with this one if you will? Did you attempt to go early or waited for later? Did you bother at all actually haha? I am bit full of dread if the rest will be similar experience and might just leave em for later, then again they drop real good stuff. Curious to see how good is their amour or if it is the best the game can offer.

    submitted by /u/freebiebg
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    Jörmungandr IRL

    Posted: 25 Jan 2020 12:10 PM PST

    How old is Kratos Really?

    Posted: 25 Jan 2020 03:18 AM PST

    The Greek Gods existed for a long time till 500B.C.E and Kratos was born somewhere around that time (probably early-mid 500 BCE) and killed all gods by late 500 bc.Im Pretty sure by God of war 3 he was 50+ years old. God of War 2018 takes place between 8th to 11th century AD, and also that Kratos was wandering in unknown lands for many years until he came to Norse Lands and met Faye. So how old is he really?

    submitted by /u/True-Researcher
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    Posted: 24 Jan 2020 05:34 PM PST

    Landsuther Mines

    Posted: 24 Jan 2020 08:19 PM PST

    PS5 and God of War VR. Do you think we will see this?

    Posted: 25 Jan 2020 10:07 AM PST

    I think that the third person view and single shot style are a natural fit for VR.

    The PS4 wasn't going to be able to run it since the regular game is already pushing it at 30fps on a regular screen, but PS5 shouldn't have any trouble running it on VR mode.

    Devs would need to adapt the menus and UI but I think that movement and combat could pretty much stay the same.

    The game is so gorgeous already that I think a VR mode is the best thing they could deliver in future a PS5 patch and would give a compelling reason for people to replay the game again on the PS5.

    submitted by /u/BrBronco
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    Multiple world serpent horns

    Posted: 25 Jan 2020 09:01 AM PST

    does anyone know why or have any theories as to why there are horns to summon Jörmungandr in the other realms too? they are all in the same spot so maybe its just part of Tyrs temple? but whats the point of making more in the other realms?

    submitted by /u/lNaughtl
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    Posted: 25 Jan 2020 08:26 AM PST

    Great game!

    Posted: 25 Jan 2020 08:20 AM PST

    Just finished the main storyline last night. I really enjoyed the game play and the story. The game was visually beautiful and the story was engaging. I loved seeing Kratos and Atreus grow together. They made an awesome team!

    submitted by /u/climber_jared
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    Mystic gateway image

    Posted: 25 Jan 2020 08:07 AM PST

    anyone else see some sort of mirage when they go to the jump ledge when your fast traveling in the mystic gateway? it looks like the tallest mountain i jotunheim to me. is it? if not what is it?

    submitted by /u/lNaughtl
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    Kratos and Atreus

    Posted: 25 Jan 2020 04:12 AM PST

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