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    Thursday, April 8, 2021

    God of War | I’d love to see Travis Willingham and Ian McShane become our Thor and Odin

    God of War | I’d love to see Travis Willingham and Ian McShane become our Thor and Odin

    I’d love to see Travis Willingham and Ian McShane become our Thor and Odin

    Posted: 08 Apr 2021 03:49 AM PDT

    I finished the last valkyrie mask today, which of course is the queen Sigrun herself! It's handmade from foam & thermoplastics :)

    Posted: 08 Apr 2021 03:08 AM PDT

    Had my online school on so what better way to struggle through it.

    Posted: 08 Apr 2021 07:34 AM PDT

    Never heard of it.

    Posted: 07 Apr 2021 03:55 PM PDT

    I’m a pretty average player, and managed to beat Sigrun on Give me God of War mode. I was extremely proud of myself. Excited to go into NG+! (Sorry for yelling at the very end, I was excited.)

    Posted: 07 Apr 2021 11:53 PM PDT

    Didn’t feel this way till I heard Baldur talk to “Freya” in Hel

    Posted: 08 Apr 2021 05:49 AM PDT

    This game is so good I can’t even believe it

    Posted: 08 Apr 2021 12:34 AM PDT

    I waited a long time to play this game. 2 days ago I bought a ps4 just to play this game and it is really worth it. This game is such a masterpiece there is nothing even close to it. The quest the norse mythology everything is soooooo good. I just don't understand why they don't tell the reason of the quest at the beggining.


    submitted by /u/Relevant_Town
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    It sounds so cool when Magni and Modi say "ODR, BRODR, BLINDR!"

    Posted: 08 Apr 2021 06:37 AM PDT

    Makes me feel slightly bad about having to kill them.

    submitted by /u/RexPowerColt96
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    At least Mimir had a good view

    Posted: 07 Apr 2021 12:11 PM PDT

    Yo guys i need help! What am i supposed to do to pass this level. I know there should be 2 red booms things but for some reason i have only 1. I already tryed relogging or to start from last checkpoint. Pls if anyone know what to do let me know ��

    Posted: 08 Apr 2021 04:09 AM PDT

    Platinum Avatar Pornographic/Obscene?

    Posted: 08 Apr 2021 04:10 AM PDT

    I've been using the platinum avatar (with Kratos and Atreus in it) on psn for the last couple of years. Suddenly psn has suspended my account because it is pornographic or obscene. Has anybody else had this issue?

    submitted by /u/Overall_Bad_3898
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    Tips on fighting Valkyries.

    Posted: 08 Apr 2021 12:34 PM PDT

    I know you need to analyze the pattern but there are some that I don't know how to avoid. Right now I am doing the Eir fight and she has that concussive attack and I don't know how to block/dodge it.

    submitted by /u/GavrieZiggy
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    Favorite god fight?

    Posted: 08 Apr 2021 12:34 PM PDT

    This is based on my previous post, but I replaced Helios & Hermes with the Aesir since they ended up far behind the rest.

    View Poll

    submitted by /u/ImProbablyNotABird
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    Posted: 08 Apr 2021 02:35 AM PDT

    The Valkyrie...Erm.....WTF! Confession, I got sick of trying to defeat the first one I came across after hours and hours, (and yes I regretted it felt a coward but it was getting ridiculous) so realising you could progress without taking it on I continued up the mountain deciding to come back to it if I had the chance. Then I come up against the next one which CANT be ignored to progress (happy that as it seems a little more beatable). But wow. Talk about hard boss games! How many of you defeat this after a few goes? And how? How many have just gave up? I think two Runic attacks could do it but only had one, dodge, attack, fall back, shield, attack, fall back. I'll get it, but any hints please from any of you GoW experts out there. I'm new to the game.

    submitted by /u/Degsey66
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    What are your favorite runic attacks?

    Posted: 08 Apr 2021 04:33 AM PDT

    The ones I like the most and find the most useful are Rampage of the Furies, Hyperion Slam, Leviathan's Wake, Glaive Storm, and Hel's Touch.

    submitted by /u/RexPowerColt96
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    God of war Ng+?

    Posted: 08 Apr 2021 10:10 AM PDT

    Hello guys, it's been a week since i got stucked with this choise so i'm seeking for your help. I bought and finished God of war 4 in 2018, i absolutely loved It so now i want to play It again, but i can't decide if start a new game or the Ng+ with my previous saved files , i don't remember a lot of things about gameplay and items and i never played Ng+ before, so i'm afraid that enemy Will totally crush me (i Just picked the 3rd difficulty). What do you guys think would be the best decision to enjoy more of this Amazing game? Sorry if my english is bad i'm from Italy. Wish everyone a good day, thank you for your attention.

    submitted by /u/jakepadella
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    Honestly, it's the truth.

    Posted: 07 Apr 2021 11:43 AM PDT

    For Score and seven ice cream bowls ago. I got a theory on Baldur's invincibility.

    Posted: 08 Apr 2021 09:12 AM PDT

    Every god is unique as Mimir says, and I think that many dieties are tied to a particular element, for Kratos it's fire, Zeus (and potentially Atreus) lightning, but for Baldur it's fire and ice.

    However, I find the elements Baldur utilizes in-game to be particularly odd, especially odd since in these recent times Santa Monica is VERY closely dedicated to the source material. The source material actually stated his element, and it's not fire or ice, the Prose Edda refers to Baldur as a god of light. Now you may be asking, "but J.M. Obyx, how does that connect to how Baldur was weakened by Freya's invincibility cheat code?"


    As another note, God of War despite the magic exists in a universe where science is a real thing, what with microbes being confirmed and all, so magic does alter and affect the physical world, including the underlying science of it, so in my eyes magic manipulates the laws of the universe but its effects can be studied with science. First, we need to go over what light is at its most fundamental strokes. Obviously, light is what we use to see, it illuminates what's in front of us, but it's also lasers, and there are invisible variants too, like the stuff outside our visual range, radio waves, neutrinos, gamma and cosmic radiation.

    And on the subject of radios, we'll enter communication's range on the science of that, particularly phone lines and the paths physical and otehrwise that connect the internet. This includes the stuff allowing connection of the internet, those are emmissions of non-visible light that permeate through solid matter to an extent, this includes the phone and telegram wires.

    And signals in the nervous system.

    And there we have it, Baldur, as a god of light, draws his strength from the day, warmth, and reflective surfaces. However, if his own internal anatomy, particularly his nervous system, was altered or affected in some way, his powers could be blunted. And so this harmed his powers to the point that the Aesir lost his capacity to manipulate light, in trying to hold onto that power, he managed to retain his capacity to control fire and ice, but those were crumbs compared to what he was once capable of. We know that the loss of sense that came with his invulnerability drove him mad, but I think that Freya's spell contributed to his instability in another wayaside from the sensory deprivation.

    Baldur was forcibly divorced from his own nature.

    In God of War, we see that a God's physical well-being is closely tied to their state of mind so to speak, we see what damage Atreus, a perfectly normal child (for a god), believing himself to be a mortal caused him. Living as a mortal, Atreus' state of mind affected his physical and mental health significantly, makiing him sickly, sort of like how the placebo effect worked, Atreus' body tried to make him mortal when Atreus was convinced he was, and we see that the biggest problems were caused when Atreus subconsciously tapped into his own inner strength as a god in moments of extreme emotion.

    But Baldur was forcibly divorced from his own nature as a god of light by a magic spell, the Aesir being an adult when the spell was cast on him, and him not being ignorant of his godly heritage helped him cope immensely with the stress Freya's spell caused him, but the damage was still severe.

    Beyond sensory deprivation, Freya unwittingly inflicted upon her son a divorce from his own nature that crippled his power and exacerbated the mental issues the blunting of his nerves caused.

    However, I don't think Baldur being as mentally intact as he was when we first meet him isn't entirely due to his own nature and willpower, I think as Odin studied the natue of Freya's spell in an attempt to replicate it for himself, I think the Allfather would also have attempted to treat his son's condition. But how would Odin be able to do so? What would he give to Baldur that would alleviate in some part the harsher symptoms of Freya's spell?

    The Light of Alfhiem.

    I mean, it adds up, doesn't it? There are Light Elves and Dark Elves, we know that The Light Elves have clsoe ties to the Vanir, and so if the Aesir ever attempted to ask for a small portion of their light, then the Light Elves would msot likely refuse, or Odin did ask and the Lgiht Elves have refused due to their enmity with the Vanir, and due to the Aesir's reputation for being bloodthirsty and barbaric, particularly Thor. So what other option is there but to ask the Dark Elves for it, and in return the Aesir would help them in their war against The Light Elves.

    Further adding credence to this theory is the fact that The Dark Elf King says upon his dying breath that we had made a terrible mistake...attacking an ally of the Aesir, which includes in their ranks the person responsible for singlehandedly annihilating an entire race from the face of a planet, a man who cannot be killed, a king with an insatiable thirst for knowledge who's reknowned for being devious and cunning...attacking the friends of those people and provoking them would be a grave mistake indeed.

    As for how the Light of Alfhiem would treat Baldur, it's clearly got something magical about it, it's not like Baldur would've needed to go there himself, vessels made to carry it exist...however, there's the matter of gathering it in enough quantities for Baldiur to be bathed in it.

    And if you remember, the Dark Elves placed vines all over The Light of Alfhiem, presumably it's to snuf it out or smother it, but those vines extend a while, so they may infact act as roots or tubes that extract the light and deposit it in another place. And for the sake of my theory, this place would be in Dark Elf territory, where they do various things with it, which may incldue thwe ahrvesting of it and palcing it in vessels, then delivering it to the Aesir, or Aesir coming there and taking it to the All-Father or whoever's treating Baldur themselves.

    And the time Baldur spent in Helheim, what he refers to when he says what we cost him is in fact Baldur spending so much time in there that he's overdue for treatment and really really needs it now, but is so dedicated to his task that he still pursues Kratos and Atreus.

    And this compounds his mental issues when the curse is suddenly lifted and like a heavy addict going off of a drug, he got hit by it, not by a crippling withdrawal, but rather an elated high as he got his senses ack and was finally restored to his true nature.

    But as we know, Baldur never got the chance to recover.

    submitted by /u/JMObyx
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    I don’t understand the ending

    Posted: 08 Apr 2021 04:13 AM PDT

    Why we had to go to jotunheim to spread her ashes? What is the reason?

    submitted by /u/Relevant_Town
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    How did Kratos survive the ending scene from GoW 3 and come to place in which last game takes place ?

    Posted: 08 Apr 2021 06:52 AM PDT

    In last scene in GoW3 Kratos kills himselve with Blade of Olympus, meanwhile world is destroyed by lack of gods controling it.
    Somehow Kratos survives and moves to other land in which last game takes place.

    How did he survived and moved to this place ?

    submitted by /u/KacSzu
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    Can I NG+ an NG+ save? Make it NG++?

    Posted: 08 Apr 2021 06:33 AM PDT

    I haven't played the game since 2019. Thinking of restarting it again and I have 2 full saves. Base game and an NG+. Can I use the NG+ to make a new NG++ I guess.

    I just want to know before I download the game again from my PSN.

    submitted by /u/zodiaczxc
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