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    Wednesday, December 9, 2020

    God of War | "This path you walk...vengeance. You will find no peace. I know".

    God of War | "This path you walk...vengeance. You will find no peace. I know".

    "This path you walk...vengeance. You will find no peace. I know".

    Posted: 09 Dec 2020 08:20 AM PST

    Is this real?

    Posted: 09 Dec 2020 12:45 AM PST

    oh BOI...

    Posted: 08 Dec 2020 01:30 PM PST

    Here's my sketch of Kratos! took inspiration from an Instagram post

    Posted: 09 Dec 2020 01:54 AM PST

    I grabbed the god of war 2018 logo and added the teaser logo on it.

    Posted: 09 Dec 2020 04:16 AM PST

    [Very minor intro spoilers] How I felt when I saw this scene for the first time (I hope this hasn’t been done before)

    Posted: 08 Dec 2020 11:00 PM PST

    Nice catch!

    Posted: 09 Dec 2020 07:42 AM PST

    God of War Baldur is the best Baldur

    Posted: 09 Dec 2020 10:24 AM PST

    Baldur is actually a character in God of War. Hell, not just a character. A well written and tragic tale of a man on a relentless pursuit of revenge(hey kinda like Kratos).

    In most renditions of Baldur's tale, and in other media. Baldur is used as a plot device to further Loki's downward spiral. He has no personality outside of being the kindest.

    Baldur NEVER got a chance to shine, even in his own story. He is a Son of Odin, and fucking invincible! Why just introduce that, only to kill him off?

    He was always portrayed as this blonde pretty boy. So imagine my suprise when instead of that. We get Connor McGregor at our doorstep.

    In his battles, it feels like a clash of gods. The terrain crumbles at his and Kratos's might. Each hit sends eachother flying. Each time you bring him down, he gets back up.

    We get to see the Unsung Invincible Son of Odin in action. Hell, they expand upon the consequences of his invulnerability to all things physical and magical. He can't smell, taste, feel temperature, have sex.

    He is nothing but a shell, and he hates it. Seeing just how distraught and hysterical he is about it. Makes it sad to watch, that he was probably more like the Baldur in the legends. But his mother cursed him for all eternity.

    Santa Monica made Baldur, not only a character, but a well crafted one. They made him tragic and intimidating.

    Hell, the best thing Santa Monica does in God of War 4 is focusing on the lesser known parts of Norse Mythology. Such as Baldur, Magni and Modi, elves, and more.

    submitted by /u/SaltareDiabolis
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    I made a custom Kratos, among us style skin from God of War

    Posted: 09 Dec 2020 09:12 AM PST

    I am terrible with the controller and my reactions are not good but I finally managed to beat Sigrun in Normal mode after losing to her countless times. Nothing special but honest work. BTW does anyone know what to do with her helmet ?

    Posted: 09 Dec 2020 07:34 AM PST

    The best feeling

    Posted: 09 Dec 2020 06:40 AM PST

    Finally finished the collection!!!

    Posted: 08 Dec 2020 05:48 PM PST


    Posted: 09 Dec 2020 12:31 PM PST

    Kratos's belt knife in God of War

    Posted: 09 Dec 2020 09:14 AM PST

    Is there any info on the small belt knife Kratos carries?

    submitted by /u/techtom10
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    I found this near Thamur's corpse, it seems to be a symbol resembling a Valkyrie. Not sure if it has any significance. Any theories?

    Posted: 08 Dec 2020 08:21 PM PST

    I have a dumb theory about Mimir. If I'm right, it'll mostly just be a throw away joke in the next game.

    Posted: 08 Dec 2020 06:40 PM PST

    My theory is that Mimir is illiterate. Or he at least can't read many of the languages that he speaks.

    This idea occurred to me while lighting Tyrs braziers along the lake of nine. When you first meet him, he boasts that he can speak every language across the realms. As far as we see, there's no reason to doubt this. However, after reanimating his head, Mimir will offer no insight into the writings on the braziers, beyond that they are the names of the Valkyries. Not even that he recognises the languages as those of muspelheim and niflheim

    After he joins the party, he could have easily translated these names for us, to save us from having to collect the translation stones. This of course can simply be explained as a gameplay quirk, that the designers wanted to preserve the nessesity of the translation stones, but Mimir , as far as I can remember, never translates any written language for us and never gives any indication that he can read at all. We would just naturally assume that he can

    Again, this can all be explained easily. Maybe it's just a gameplay design choice. A choice to allow the player to find the stones themselves, or to.show Arteus' language skills develope as the the game progresses. Maybe it's a character choice. That Mimir is choosing to let Arteus' figure out the translations for himself to broaden his language abilities, similar to how Kratos will occasionally seek out combat to hone his sons skills.

    But weirdly enough, I think illiteracy would kinda fit with his character. He says he's the smartest man alive (smarter than all the dead ones too), but he always struck me as having a "Man of the world" style of intelligence, rather than a scholarly type of intelligence. I believe he became who he is by traveling from realm to realm, meeting other people, soaking in their culture, witnessing their triumphs and mistakes, and learning to speak (but not necessarily read) their languages. I don't imagine he learned all he knows by having his nose stuck in books all this time, and the tales he tells of his debauchery support this assessment.

    From the little we know about his beginnings, he doesn't seem to have been well educated in his youth. At least not in the traditional sense. In a less common piece of dialogue, he tells Arteus that he got his start as a errand-boy/ unofficial jester for a faerie king (explaining why he has a Scottish accent, if he was born in Celtic mythology), and had to move on when his master no longer found his hijinks amusing. This suggests to me that he has had no real formal education, and instead became the smartest.man in the world through travel and first-hand experience.

    This probably wouldn't have any major connotations plot-wise, but I think it would add dept to the character, along with telling an unusual story. One of a illiterate genius.

    I know from experience that being illiterate does not exclude someone from being intelligent, thoughtful, and deep. It would be interesting to see this concept portrayed.

    Thanks taking the time to read this.

    submitted by /u/connorlukebyrne
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    God of war 1 ps2 gameplay has profound problems

    Posted: 09 Dec 2020 09:57 AM PST

    I'm currently replaying the original trilogy for nostalgia and fun and it has been over 10 years since last time I played the first entry, and holy shit the combat solely relies on kratos tanking hits and punishes you for high level gameplay and style, I'm playing in god mode and the problems with the combat immediately reveal themselves, every single thing staggers kratos to oblivion, every action you do you must commit to it meaning no mid combat/rolling cancelling of animation this resulted in me reverting to pussy tactics of block and square square triangle everything most of the time and neglecting all the sick moves I can perform, with that said I think this is only present in the first two games since I don't remember GoW 3 having these issues.

    submitted by /u/KosmicSage
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    Me to my brain after I played through Ghost of Tsushima and decided to play through God of war 2018 again. (The dodge button in Ghost is --> + circle)

    Posted: 08 Dec 2020 07:22 PM PST

    NG+ "Jagged Sign of Luck" Enchantment

    Posted: 09 Dec 2020 09:29 AM PST

    I've got a build where the only thing I want to increase is LUCK, and I've got the EPIC version of the enchantment Jagged Sign of Luck.

    I tried looking online to see if there was a PERFECT version in game, but I couldn't find info on any version of the enchantment. I couldn't even find any comprehensive list of all enchantments that included the Jagged Sign of Luck.

    So, does anyone have any info on if their is a PERFECT version of this enchantment? Or a place where I can find a comprehensive list of all the enchantments, since my Google searches seem to be failing to find any info on it.

    submitted by /u/TheGuyOnReddit77
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    Best way to experience the old games again?

    Posted: 09 Dec 2020 09:14 AM PST

    Just completed GoW4, and would like to go through the old ones again for both myself, and my partner who's never played them before.

    Would the best way simply be to play them again? I know the first two in particular had some serious clunkiness to them, and the psp titles even moreso. I already own 3 and Ascension, so at the very least I'll do those.

    For the others should I get the games, or just watch youtube longplays/cutscene compliations? If so, are there any ones that are better than others?

    submitted by /u/Joosterguy
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    The possibility of two Kratos

    Posted: 08 Dec 2020 08:12 PM PST

    I'm sure it's probably been talked about on this sub before but the events at the end of god of war 2 could have in theory caused Kratos to have a doppelgänger. This may get a bit confusing but bear with me, I'm gonna try to explain this as best as I can.

    At the end of god of war 2 when Kratos travels back to the moment Zeus killed him we see the dying kratos and time traveler Kratos existing side by side. Some may argue that kratos has simply created an infinite time loop, where dying Kratos will redo the events of god of war 2 and eventually become present Kratos, taking away the possibility of two Kratos' existing in the same universe.This is not possible and I will explain why.

    Since kratos also goes back to the time of the Great War and brings the titans back to his time, that means that Gaia will not be in the underworld to help the original kratos who was killed by Zeus so the timeline has already been compromised. We also can tell that this is a different timeline because when kratos comes through the portal to fight Zeus, Zeus' original dialogue is cut off by time traveler Kratos who rams him while he's speaking. Not to mention this means Zeus would never get the opportunity to destroy Sparta and Athena would already be dead and unable to communicate with kratos throughout the game.

    It's also unlikely that this will just exist as a separate timeline that is of no consequence to the original because we have more in game evidence to suggest otherwise. The YouTuber Kaptain Kuba has a video called "Kratos' army is alive" where he brings up some good points about how time travel seems to work in god of war. He points out that while Kratos is fighting the sisters of fate, one of them brings him back to the day he killed Aries, threatening to destroy the very sword that he used to kill him so that Kratos will die on that day instead of Aries and thus cease to exist in the present.

    This means that Kratos May have a doppelgänger who either died in Hades or somehow escaped and is still out there somewhere! He could potentially play a role in a future game. imagine how interesting it'd be if our Kratos encountered the other Kratos and he is still impulsive and full of rage, since he never had the same experiences as his counterpart.

    Now I realize that there are a lot of plot holes here such as the fact that dying Kratos never being saved by Gaia should mean that present kratos would cease to exist or that Kratos bringing the titans to his time should have changed a lot of other things so I'm willing to admit there being two kratos' could just be another plot hole that SM didn't think about, but let me know what y'all think about this.

    submitted by /u/CaptainCozmic
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    Looking to start a NG+ for GoW PS4

    Posted: 09 Dec 2020 12:19 AM PST

    I played on the second highest difficulty because I wanted to experience the story and I didn't want to deal with fights that might block me and slow my enjoyment of thw story (they didn't, fortunately). But as it's been a fair while since I played, I'm wondering if I can play on GMGOW and get the rewards from beating it as if it were a clean save.

    I'm not opposed to the idea, but I also completed everything already and I would rather avoid doing that twice in a row, rather than just once.

    submitted by /u/MinMaxPlatypus
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