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    Saturday, February 8, 2020

    God of War | Finishing Move Idea

    God of War | Finishing Move Idea

    Finishing Move Idea

    Posted: 07 Feb 2020 04:54 PM PST

    Not sure how I didn't notice this my first time playing but while on the boat in Helheim the rooster is flapping his wings

    Posted: 08 Feb 2020 09:17 AM PST

    Thanks for the Format Sauron

    Posted: 08 Feb 2020 08:57 AM PST

    My b-day was this Tuesday, but I'm only celebrating this Saturday and this is the cake my mom got me ���� Hope you all enjoy this as much as I did

    Posted: 08 Feb 2020 04:50 AM PST

    just a picture i took when i was arriving in alfheim

    Posted: 07 Feb 2020 10:06 PM PST

    You'd think Zeus will learn

    Posted: 07 Feb 2020 11:17 PM PST

    Wider variety of finishers

    Posted: 08 Feb 2020 10:01 AM PST

    First off, I'm just going to say that I LOVE the animations in this game. I've just started my fourth playthrough and everything is as seamless as I remember.

    However, I can't be alone in wishing the devs had put in 1-2 other varieties of finisher for every enemy. Every troll and ogre you kill gets the exact same treatment with the axe etc. (apart from a few very minute changes for the unique trolls) and every standard enemy (Wulvers, Revenants etc.) has the exact same stun grab animation.

    I suppose I just wish they had added in at least 1 different animation in for each, simply to make every battle look slightly different, and not just so monotonous.

    submitted by /u/logan_morr150n
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    Beautiful & insidious. Wish me luck, I’m goin’ in.

    Posted: 07 Feb 2020 10:38 PM PST

    Noticed this while playing around with Photo Mode...

    Posted: 08 Feb 2020 01:29 AM PST

    Questions for defeating Sigrun (Normal)

    Posted: 08 Feb 2020 12:41 PM PST

    How do you dodge her wing charge attack? I have a few milliseconds of reaction time before she deals so much damage.

    Which armor set would be best for defeating her: Ivaldis Deadly Mist set or the Valk set? Ivaldi is more balanced overall right now, but Valk has one hell of a cooldown.

    Should I stick with my Wolves runic summon? Or should I switch to falcon/boars?

    What are the most balanced runic attacks (deal lots of damage but still has a good cooldown time)?

    Thanks in advance if you answer any question!!

    submitted by /u/ExactParagon
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    what is the best build and enchantments

    Posted: 08 Feb 2020 12:11 PM PST

    I cant say all my enchantments by heart, but i have the deadly mist set and the shattered gauntlet talisman, whats the best build for the first new game+ playthrough

    submitted by /u/mxke____
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    (Fan made )God Of War Ragnarok FAN MADE

    Posted: 08 Feb 2020 03:18 AM PST

    Silhouette #1 - Chaurli the Giant Tortoise

    Posted: 08 Feb 2020 04:28 AM PST

    I love this game, but Sigrun is complete bullshit!

    Posted: 08 Feb 2020 07:13 AM PST

    I have to start by saying that I love this game. I love the characters, the gameplay, the fighting mechanics the lore....everything, excepts the queen of the valkyries - Sigrun. This has to be the most frustrating experience I have ever had in a game. The thing that bugs me the most is that is not hard, it is just unfair and unbalanced. I get she has patterns and once you learn them you can anticipate the next one, whatever - the thing is - she is attacking during rune attacks all the time, hitting me through my block even though it is not a yellow or red attack and even though I am locked to her, the lock would randomly disappear even though she is right in front of me. This is just frustrating not hard.

    I have seen the videos online where this guy beats her without ever getting hit...whatever...does anyone have any pointers? My best attempt - she had three bars left of health.

    submitted by /u/Pec0ne
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    Cant complete Leviathan Awakens labor

    Posted: 08 Feb 2020 02:00 AM PST

    I got the achievement for Worthy with 5/5 upgraded but the labor quest stuck at obtain frozen flame 4/5, I am planning to platinum this game and finish all the quest/100% but it seems like this quest glitched and will left incomplete.

    Quite surprised for an amazing game like this with GOTY on its belt there's a poking little bug after over 2 years.

    On a side note, this game is possible the best game I have ever played in recent memory.

    submitted by /u/grnlizard
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    Old BOI

    Posted: 07 Feb 2020 04:04 PM PST

    Finally beat Sigrun on Give Me God of War

    Posted: 07 Feb 2020 05:50 PM PST

    I just wanted to tell someone, anyone. I finally beat Sigrun after trying for the past like 5 days several hours a day before giving up each time. My heart was pounding so bad I almost passed out afterward. I can't imagine playing this game on any other difficulty knowing that GMGOW difficulty is out there. So rewarding. Still need two more keys for the hidden trials in Muspelheim and some shit to do in Niflheim. Besides that I've played the shit out of this game and now I can finally rest knowing the Valkyries are freed lol

    submitted by /u/bstacks3000
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