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    Tuesday, August 10, 2021

    God of War | Just found this and thought it was funny lmao

    God of War | Just found this and thought it was funny lmao

    Just found this and thought it was funny lmao

    Posted: 10 Aug 2021 09:38 AM PDT

    Intentional similarity between Hades and Hræzlyr?

    Posted: 09 Aug 2021 03:43 PM PDT

    King Bows To God - No Mercy For Svartaljofurr

    Posted: 09 Aug 2021 08:11 PM PDT

    I’m not sure if you guys remember my post from about a month ago, But today I did it. All of your comments helped me and I couldn’t be any more thankful to this community

    Posted: 09 Aug 2021 03:22 PM PDT

    The first minutes of the next God of war

    Posted: 10 Aug 2021 07:18 AM PDT

    I have a theory of what could happen in the first minutes of the next God of war.

    I imagine that it will start with a goat eating the last grass in Scandinavia, then an arrow hits the goat and instantly kills it, an older Atreus takes the goat with him for dinner while Kratos tells him, "Your skills have improved". Here's when the tutorial of the game starts, you have to follow Atreus while you kill hungry wolves and monsters. After that, Kratos and Atreus will have a conversation, which Atreus asks his father why he is so frustrated, he will say while they eat, "Atreus, the day after we killed Baldur something changed. Life is no longer the same, that means that... The time draws near and you must prepare your self". Then they go to sleep, everything it's ok until Atreus has quick visions of the future and then he wakes up in the height plane of existance. He looks confused and scared, then Athena arrived and they start a conversation. "Who are you?" Athena doesn't answer and then she says "Your father is a great warrior and father, but it is not his first time being a father" Atreus says "What you you mean? I don't know what are you talking about" Athena asks Atreus "Do you want to know more about yor father's past?" Before Atreus answers he is interrupted by a thunder and wakes up. Kratos confused opens the door, and then a hooded man with a hammer shows up and it is Thor, thirsty of revenge starts an epic fight.

    Any opinions?

    submitted by /u/JustASharkToothedBoi
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    Bug happened where Kratos kept monologuing during combat. Or maybe it’s just Kratos being Kratos ��

    Posted: 09 Aug 2021 03:45 PM PDT

    He can be funny

    Posted: 09 Aug 2021 06:41 PM PDT

    concept art of thor's statues by senior concept artist Abe taraky(at https://www.artstation.com/artwork/Zwk6m)

    Posted: 10 Aug 2021 11:54 AM PDT

    Ghost rider and kratos mixed together

    Posted: 09 Aug 2021 08:24 PM PDT

    I completed a portrait of Kratos based on Raf Grassetti's head model

    Posted: 09 Aug 2021 01:59 PM PDT

    PS5 patch upgrade question

    Posted: 10 Aug 2021 11:48 AM PDT

    So I had previously played a few hours of God of War on the PS4. I got my PS5, downloaded God of War, downloaded the patch and tried to start off where I last let off, but it's only giving me the option to start a new game even after downloading my data from the cloud. Is this normal? Or did something fuck up on my system?

    submitted by /u/unknownunknown121
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    My predictions, come Ragnarök

    Posted: 09 Aug 2021 06:37 PM PDT

    So this is going to be kind of tragic, and it may clash with some things we've seen in GoW 2018, but hear me out.

    If you've studied Norse mythology then you know that Loki, the trickster God of mischief, is a Jötun who was taken in by the Æsir. He got into some major trouble after cutting off Sif's (Thor's wife) hair, and decided to take revenge upon the Æsir he had called family. He ended up getting bound by then and had a snake drip venom down his face, causing him great pain. Come Ragnarök, Loki freed himself from his bindings and fought alongside the Jötnar. He faced Heimdallr in battle, and the two killed each other.

    So, here's my theory. Atreus (Loki), after mastering his godly abilities over the three years of Fimbulwinter, will decide to become a double agent some time after his and Kratos's encounter with Thor. He will pretend to betray his father and team up with the Æsir, tricking even Kratos as to truly convince Odin that he's on their side. While in Asgard, Loki will make Odin's spear, Gungnir, to win the Allfather's trust. I don't think Thor will be too keen on the idea, as Atreus has a part to play in his sons' deaths.

    At the same time, Atreus will be learning the ins and outs of Asgard, finding hidden doorways, exploiting loopholes, essentially making a plan of attack. He'd probably end up feuding with Heimdallr, setting up their battle at the End and the Beginning. Perhaps he would even pull a few pranks at the local mortal's expense to amuse Odin, just to ensure his trust. Maybe he'd even find out what truly happened to Tyr, seeing as how his fate was sort of left open ended.

    I feel like this would be a perfect opportunity for Athena as well, seeing as she still holds resentment towards the former God of War. I think she'd met Atreus and tell him of all the terrible things Kratos did, where he got the Blades of Chaos, and even try to convince him to kill his own father, thus continuing the cycle of sons killing their fathers. I think Atreus would at act as if he agrees with Athena, only to trick her in the end.

    Eventually, Kratos would be brought to Asgard for execution, at his son's hand, no less. Kratos would try to plead with Atreus, who would correct him and call himself "Loki of Asgard", then proceed to berate his father on how he kept so many secrets from him and his mother, how he wasn't there most of his life, how he always felt so alone, etc. Loki would ask something along the lines of, "Have you any last words, Ghost of Sparta?", to the God of War's surprise. Kratos would break down, apologizing for everything, saying that he'd only been trying to protect him, but that he realized that in doing so, he had been no better than Freya was to Baldur. He would say that if he could go back and do it over again, he would keep no secrets, and raise Atreus the way Faye did, with love and kindness (and discipline, though he wouldn't add that part). Atreus would tell him that it's too late, draw his bow, and say "I'm sending you straight to Hel..... Odin," before sending a shock arrow straight towards the Allfather's good eye. He would then free his father and help him escape Asgard, informing Kratos of his entire plan along the way. Mimir would probably say something along the lines of the plan being so good that it even fooled him. After escaping Asgard Atreus would ask his father if he meant what he said, to which he would reply, "Every word."

    After telling Kratos of everything he had learned in Asgard, he would be captured and taken back, perhaps saving his father from the same fate. He would be locked away and tortured by the snake venom as mentioned earlier until Ragnarök truly begins. I think he'd be freed by his father and join him in battle, where they're both fatally wounded, Kratos by Odin (or Freya, if Odin already dies) and Atreus by Heimdallr. They both would arrive at a crumbling Valhalla, where they'd meet Baldur, Magni and Modi, and begin to fight, only to be saved by the Valkyries, who still owe them a favor. With their help, Kratos would rip out the roots of the world tree and he and Atreus would make their way back to the living world, with me bodies, just in time to meet with Jormungandr, who was born at the time of Kratos's death, as the walls in Jötunheim foretold. They would help the World Serpent fight Thor until it is sent backwards through time, leaving them to deliver the final blows to the God of Thunder. A great flood would ensue, and the two would get washed away, eventually finding enough materials to make a makeshift raft, and they'd sail across the waters, telling each other tales and bonding....

    Again, this is just my theory. There are many elements that I haven't quite worked out yet, like Loki's son Fenrir and what will happen to Mimir's head, but I think the rest toes together nicely. Let me know what you think.

    submitted by /u/KingdomOfNerdz
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    Do we think the Blade of Olympus will return?

    Posted: 10 Aug 2021 03:43 AM PDT

    So for god of war ragnarok, do we think the blade of Olympus will return?

    submitted by /u/Ulikeass101
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    New to God of War

    Posted: 10 Aug 2021 09:19 AM PDT

    So just a quick question… I've never played god of war and haven't seen to many videos on it so im pretty in the dark about it. The question is, can I start with the recent god of war or would I be lost? Should I go back to the first game for story purposes or can I just start with the game from 2018?

    submitted by /u/Das-Gugan
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    Need advice on first NG+ run

    Posted: 10 Aug 2021 09:00 AM PDT

    Which set should i invest in first for my new game+ i can get Cod of War, Travller+ or Ancients+ so far, not sure which is more worth if

    submitted by /u/Strange-Nerve970
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    I hope Thor Is More Nuanced Than He's Being Made Out To Be By Mimir

    Posted: 10 Aug 2021 04:54 AM PDT

    It seems strange to me that Thor is this super great, heroic guy in actual mythology, but in God of War he's a walking scumfuck, murderous drunk who takes advantage of people's hospitality while they're grieving and kills them for protesting his rudeness. Like this dude straight up stayed inside some family's hut, drank himself into a stupor, and killed them. This is homeless bums levels of hobo-esque rage and carnage being inflicted on ordinary people.

    There's got to be a reason he's like this, and not just "Well, Odin's my dad, and he told me to kill giants, so I kill giants, drink and do what Thor wants because I as braindead as best friend Hulk, whoops wrong franchise uhhh..."

    Baldur was obviously screwed in the head because of Freya, and Odin manipulated his misery to send him on a suicide mission against Kratos and to find Faye. I believe this should apply to Thor as well, that perhaps Thor might have once been a good guy, but Odin twisted him as a child/young adult before Mimir arrived in the land, and this is why Mimir describes him as being nothing but a piece of shit.

    The greatest heroic god in norse mythology, at least as far as I know, should not be reduced to some evil villain simply because the game needs one. He should be villainous and malevolent because he, like Kratos, had a shitty father. Keep in mind, Kratos was also conveniently used as a pawn by Olympus to kill Ares, push back the Persians, etc, and his own mother set up to die should she speak the truth of his origin. Manipulation is not a new thing in the God of War universe, everyone has an agenda, be it Hephaestus wanting his freedom, Hades wanting to avenge his wife, brother, and niece.

    I don't think Thor will receive some kind of redemption or that Kratos will reach out to try to make him think about what he's doing before deciding to fight, at least not without Atreus directly intervening, but at the very least I'd like to see him do something heroic, or at least morally commendable. If Kratos really wants him and his son to be better, he should start by redeeming at least one person other than himself, namely since he thinks he's beyond redemption anyway, but making the world around him right would also be its own form of external redemption, or at least setting the world right.

    submitted by /u/Alutrosity
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    Talk about staying power

    Posted: 09 Aug 2021 07:18 PM PDT

    Question about new game +

    Posted: 10 Aug 2021 06:31 AM PDT

    I choose the hardest difficulty in new game +, is there a way i can change the game difficulty without wiping my save file?

    submitted by /u/Mew222
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    Howdy y'all

    Posted: 09 Aug 2021 06:31 PM PDT

    I'm currently on my 42nd attempt on the Valkyrie queen. I am in pain doing this.

    submitted by /u/Biscuitsiren928
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    I finally did it. I 100% completed all of the games. I would like to show my accomplishment to you.

    Posted: 09 Aug 2021 03:03 PM PDT

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