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    Thursday, June 17, 2021

    God of War | Nearing the end of New Game+

    God of War | Nearing the end of New Game+

    Nearing the end of New Game+

    Posted: 17 Jun 2021 06:38 AM PDT

    Went back to get both shields and valkyrie armor on gmgow mode, I almost reconsidered after that first draugr fight.

    Posted: 17 Jun 2021 12:40 PM PDT

    I made a video on Thamur's Size. You guys think my estimates are close or way off?

    Posted: 17 Jun 2021 12:42 AM PDT

    Simple, but very useful idea: You should be able to buy health and rage stones in the sequel

    Posted: 17 Jun 2021 09:36 AM PDT

    I understand that this is what bitter squirrel is for, but the cooldown on it is so long that I sometimes had to wait at least 15 minutes to fill up my rage bar to help prepare for a big fight against a valkyrie, especially in give me god of war. Not only this, but because it gives you random consumables, I had multiple instances where I needed health stones and got rage stones or vice versa. In my case, it seemed to favor giving me rage stones most of the time which got pretty annoying pretty quick. I understand that this might make it too easy though, so I think a nice way to balance it would be by having brok and sindri(if they're in the next game) tell you that you can only by x total stones every x minutes, like 3 stones max every 30 minutes. What do you guys think about this?

    submitted by /u/Blaziken_2417
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    Bought the game on Monday, having an absolute blast, and on my second playthrough, can you guess what story mission i’m on?

    Posted: 16 Jun 2021 10:43 PM PDT

    How did Kratos get to "Midgard"?

    Posted: 16 Jun 2021 11:00 PM PDT

    Yeah I'm drunk so what?

    Now listen - I know everything that's about to be in this thread is conjecture and assumption, because I think we don't really know for sure.

    But my question is: when Kratos left Greece and went to Midgard (which I've read theories saying is actually Norway) did he fucking like just literally sail to a new land, stepped on the soil and there are new gods there? Or did he travel to, like, another dimension?

    Idr if there were any hints to indicate it in the game, so if not what do YOU think it was? Is Midgard the same "World" as ancient Greece from the old games, or a different universe/realm/dimension etc?

    submitted by /u/CatcherInTheRyan
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    Some screenshots from my second playthrough

    Posted: 16 Jun 2021 10:43 PM PDT

    Exploration Music OST

    Posted: 17 Jun 2021 12:09 PM PDT

    Anybody figure out what music is playing when Kratos is exploring side quests in Midgard? It seems like some combo of Which of the Wood or Mimir, but I can't figure it out. It has such a great ambient quality I would like to find it for my TTRPG games. Any help is appreciated!

    submitted by /u/dalderman
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    Spartan rage will be essential in next game (theory)

    Posted: 17 Jun 2021 01:08 AM PDT

    If we're going to fight Thor I think that Kratos must use a lot his spartan rage, as we see he used it to deflect Modi's lightening attack as Thor's most attacks and counters will use lightening

    submitted by /u/elborru
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    Will ragnarok be on other platforms such as pc?

    Posted: 17 Jun 2021 08:21 AM PDT

    I heard there was some plans from Sony that were leaked mentioning the idea to bring some PlayStation exclusives to pc. I'm not sure about every PlayStation exclusive, but can we at least expect more popular exclusives like ragnarok to come out on pc? Also would it be at the same time or would it get released on pc months later most likely?

    submitted by /u/Philosopher_Antique
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    Who is your most anticipated Norse God to fight in future God of War games? (Except for Thor)

    Posted: 17 Jun 2021 02:17 AM PDT

    For us, It's Odin. Although Hel would be another amazing boss battle as well.

    submitted by /u/ESports4G
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    Kratos Kills a Witch

    Posted: 17 Jun 2021 07:26 AM PDT

    Finally beat my first Valkyrie. Rota. Level 5.

    Posted: 16 Jun 2021 05:46 PM PDT

    I love using photo mode

    Posted: 16 Jun 2021 07:58 PM PDT

    Is there a way to stun grab a traveler on GMGOW?

    Posted: 16 Jun 2021 09:40 PM PDT

    Ok so I'm having a hard time killing the travelers because I have a swarm of lesser enemies to finish first if I don't they throw fire or ice balls and kill me I was wondering is there a way to stun grab them on GMGOW I'm doing he kill 100 enemies challenge also I think my stats are like 6 or 5

    submitted by /u/Fallen_master_
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    God Of War Christain/Abrahamic/Hebrew Pitch Part 2 (Character powers and power levels and possible story arcs and plot points part 1) WARNING IT'S ALOT AGAIN

    Posted: 17 Jun 2021 03:20 AM PDT

    So Part one of my Pitch was basically just a run down of my ideas but I want to add more and in this I will so.

    First we have God which in like I said in Part 1 is Evil and tyrannical in my pitch and is not actually named God but instead is named Elohim but he sees himself as the best god of all and thinks he's better than any god so he gave himself the name God, he is as strong as Zeus (in my pitch he is not all powerful and if i'm correct Zeus in GOW threw an entire mountain so Elohim is pretty strong) and he has strictly divine powers such as holy/divine light and blasts and ect. almost anything involving divine light and energy he can do and he can change the weather to anything he wishes and he can cause lighting strikes to target things like Kratos, Innocent people, and ect. and he can control the elements possibly, he can fly and turn invisible as well and he is able to see his land and what happens in it without being there like most gods in GOW and in real world religions can, he can project his voice from Heaven onto earth and into Hell and Purgatory.

    He starts out as cocky and egotistical and he sends regular angels to face Kratos knowing Kratos is a very powerful god but God doesn't see that as a big deal since God sees himself as the best god ever and in my pitch the Archangels have trouble fighting gods, even Michael and Lucifer and Samael the strongest Archangels have trouble in my pitch fighting gods and God sends REGULAR angels lol and in my pitch they of course get slaughtered by Kratos after they try to force Kratos out of Israel and he says he's passing through and they say "The Almighty commands you to leave" and Kratos responds with "then he can face me himself" and they get offended and think Kratos is trying to demand their Lord and so they try to kill him but they fail miserably and over the course of the game and it's sequels God gets angrier and angrier that he's being bested by what he views as a lesser god and when the mini-boss archangels are killed off by Kratos he STILL doesn't let up his "I'm better than you" delusions and he just says that his angels failed him because they where weak but further into the games God gets furious like WRATHFUL and starts destroying towns and cities out of anger like a child and in my pitch Uriel is the first High-Archangel we kill which in my pitch is one of God's sons but we run into the others several times before and beat them but they fly away back to heaven but Uriel loves God so he wants to fight for his father but Kratos kills him but not before telling Uriel that he doesn't need to do this and "Don't make me kill you" but Uriel tries to smite Kratos so Kratos breaks Uriel's neck and kills him and God does not care about his son dying because it's his son, he cares because his ego was bruised and because he sees his son as weak for dying and this is when God starts to show more concern towards Kratos instead of just saying "I don't care, i'm the better god" and over the course of the games God realizes who he angered but still tries to stand un-afraid

    As the first game progresses Kratos learns about the horrors God has committed, killing children and killing other people for not wanting to have sex with certain people and kills people praying out to other gods for help and even kills people for being upset about him killing innocents, and while he does all of this he claims it's out of Love and that he just wants his followers to go to Heaven but in all reality in the game he's just as bad as Satan who in my pitch kills many innocent people and drags innocent souls to Hell which is allowed by God because God doesn't care about anyone unless they are his slaves so you can be the purest person ever and he will still send you to Hell in my pitch if you don't slave for him and if you don't worship him, Kratos in a certain point in my pitch even sees people decay right before him and die for even telling Kratos anything which is God's doing and then a large storm forms from the clouds along with a divine light which is God and he tells Kratos to leave and Kratos decides not to so he can help this land and Kratos goes on to ask God if he thinks tyranny is true love? which is a rhetorical question and God says "Tyranny? I love my children but they need to know they will get punished for not obeying me, I do this out of love to teach them that there will be consequences" but Kratos obviously doesn't buy that and so God tries killing Kratos and God then goes away because God has convinced himself that he is the best god and doesn't worry about Kratos surviving his smite which also kills a bunch on innocent people.

    We come to learn God has a father over the course of the games who is imprisoned somewhere, God usurped him while he was becoming corrupted because he knew his father would stop him and God wanted to have full power and control over everything (This is what happened with him in the Canaanite religion) and he also has a brother and sister he imprisoned as well (an idea I got from the Canaanite version of God I was informed about which is called Yahweh and he has 70 siblings but I decided to make that less here to just a brother and sister) and I know giving God a father and siblings is somewhat of MAJOR liberties BUT it will help give the games more bosses and even more story, I know I could go by the story of Yahweh (canaanite version) and tie it into christianity but I do want to go with a Hebrew/Abrahamic/Christain base.

    The Watchers: The Watchers are angels that God sent to watch over humans but he told them to not interfere which they never questioned him until that point, so he didn't want them to help humans and they in fact questioned why he would tell them to not interfere but they did not openly or directly question him and they went through with God's commands and so afterwards he took away their ability to look away in order to make them see the horrible things they did just because he was evil, humans where corrupted by Lucifer and there where murders and innocents being killed and they even saw God commit atrocities as well so they couldn't watch anymore and they interfered and as they did God made them earthbound so they could never return to Heaven and he striped them of their divine powers, but they still have there beautiful wings and lesser versions of their super strength and super healing but God made them seem like enemies to all of the other angels in Heaven, he told them how they betrayed him and their fellow angels and they are not to be trusted and possibly in the first game in my pitch they eventually hear of Kratos after Michael visits a city to warn the citizens of it to not reach out to this traveler for help "do not upset and disobey your Lord" Michael said and as Michael left he disappeared into a bright light which killed several people and burned the eyes out of others and he did this on purpose but the Watchers where in this city and overheard Michael, the Watchers then seek out and meet Kratos and learn of his mission to stop God because Kratos cares of humanity more so than he does during the current events of the Norse series and he wants to stop God's tyranny and God also won't let him leave Israel now even though God was extremely adamant about Kratos leaving when he first came to Israel but God hates being questioned and challenged so he's trapped Kratos in Israel.

    The Watchers rally to Kratos' cause explaining everything to him similar to what Mimir does right now and they reveal their deep regret in listening to God and not helping humans right away and not rebelling against God, they explain that at the time they didn't question him once until he told them to not interfere and even then they wanted to be loyal warriors until they couldn't watch the horrors happening in Israel anymore so they did the right thing and interfered and helped many people and told people everything but then God started to kill whoever they tried to help and reach out to so they felt like they needed to live far away from humans but do travel around every once in-awhile but they help Kratos and tell him of secret gates only the most trusted of God know about which God trusted the Watchers when he was good and even when he was evil before they went against his words so they tell Kratos of 2 earthly gates, one leads to Heaven and the other leads to Hell but they are just doors right now and will not lead anywhere but they tell him of smaller gates to Heaven and Hell but God and Satan destroyed them but they tell Kratos if he can find unique items he can rebuild them and even re-activate the main earthly gates to Heaven and Hell.

    They are stronger than regular angels by a large margin and as strong or near as Higher-Angels but weaker than Seraphems which are weaker than Archangels so they are the third or fourth strongest type of angel in my pitch and the Watchers help Kratos find a weapon for him to use that fits this religion which will be a divine blade (this is for the same reason Kratos has the Leviathan Axe right now, to fit the pantheon he is in and also because Faye had it).

    Jesus: Jesus will be in my pitch as God's first son before he created Samael, Lucifer, Michael, Orion, Azrael, Gabriel, Raphael, and Uriel (I don't count the other Archangels as God's children in this pitch but are instead just his creations like the other angels are and they will be mini-bosses in this pitch while the 8 I named will be full on bosses but I may add more to the Archangel legit boss list) and Jesus was sent to earth by God but he didn't tell Jesus why but God sent him there just to toy with him and since he didn't like how his son (Jesus) didn't have an iron fist like him and God knew that his son would be mocked and made fun of and he wanted Jesus to suffer and God also wanted a laugh so God stripped Jesus of his powers and said "walk as a man and not a god" and Jesus accepted (Jesus is a god due to being the son of God in my pitch, God didn't make the Archangels gods though) but Jesus assumed that God wanted him to help humanity but God stripped Jesus of his powers to make sure Jesus felt pain because again God wanted a laugh and despised Jesus and over the course of all of this happening Jesus was then crucified which God enjoyed but before he was crucified Jesus rallied people to his cause to help humans which angered God and as he was being crucified Jesus yelled out to his father "Why Father!?!?!" as he was being whipped and crucified which in my pitch God HATES being questioned even in the slightest so after Jesus died God brought him back and imprisoned him somewhere in Heaven for eternity for questioning him and only God knows where he is.

    Kratos meets Jesus after freeing him from Heaven after the Watchers told Kratos of how Heaven is constructed and what layout is like and so Kratos breaks into Heaven and eventually finds Jesus (I haven't figured out how) and The Watchers told Kratos that Jesus will be needed in this war against God, Kratos got into heaven by opening one of the destroyed gates as the leader of the Watchers told him "Opening the main earthly gate to Heaven will alert God and the angels so you must go through a smaller more subtle gate" and Kratos started a big fight and found and freed Jesus and Kratos could have gone for God at that moment but needed to free Jesus and they went back to earth and Jesus reveals that he still powerless and in a human state but he is says that doesn't make him weak despite what his father thinks, God thinks humans are weak but Jesus knows humans are as strong as gods, stronger than most gods due to alot of humans truly being good people and due to alot of gods in GOW being Evil and good is stronger than evil and truly good decent humans are stronger than his father, good no matter it be angel, god, or human is always insanely powerful and strong and good is always insanely more powerful and stronger than any evil.

    Jesus stays calm throughout all of the games but he clearly hates God but is continuously calm about it and is always peaceful and happy in the game except for when he was crucified and imprisoned, Jesus does regain his godhood by breaking out from his father's doings(I will have to figure out how he does this) and he gives the Watchers back their divinity and powers and they plan to stop God and Satan BOTH.

    Lucifer: Lucifer is evil in my pitch but he was once good, in fact he was the ONLY Archangel and the only angel in Heaven that cared about humanity and that is why he was going to originally rebel against God, to help humanity but after awhile during his planning he decided that he wanted more power in Heaven and that he thought he was better than humans and then he started the rebellion against God, Lucifer became like his father... Prideful and he lusted for power in heaven and that eventually caused Lucifer to fight for power instead of for humanity like he originally planned and he saw himself as better than humans and he came to hate them due to his heart becoming cruel but before he rebelled and became evil he was God's favorite son, so much so that Lucifer was the only Archangel to be given a last name (Morningstar) and God called Lucifer the Lightbringer and whenever God would address Lucifer he would always call him "my son" and when talking to the others he would call them by their names but over time God came up with the idea of creating humans as many other gods did and at first God was loving towards what he was going to create but over time he instead wanted to be a tyrant and have humans slave for him and bow to him and no matter how innocent someone was if they didn't kneel to God and be his slave he would throw their souls into Hell once they died and he also vowed to make life horrible for people that weren't his slaves and so Lucifer was the ONLY Archangel to go against this plan and he wanted to save humanity.

    Like I said above, over the course of his plan he began to grow prideful and he wanted more power in Heaven and he also began to hate humans since he saw and thought himself as better and stronger than them and so he rebelled but not for humanity but for himself and because he hated the idea of humans and didn't think weaker things should exist but God now wanted to create humans so he could be worshiped and have slaves and so he wanted to ruin his fathers plan and stop what he viewed as "weak things" from being created and when he confronted God Michael confronted and stopped Lucifer from fighting God which Lucifer could have held his own against God due to being so powerful so they fought violently and Michael got the upper hand and delivered a damaging blow to lucifer which weakened him and Michael was ready to kill Lucifer but God said no even though he wanted to kill Lucifer as well but instead he commanded Michael to kick Lucifer out of Heaven and so Michael stabbed Lucifer through the heart with his lance and literally kicked him out of Heaven and God banished Lucifer to hell where he became a dark, unholy, twisted, and corrupted Archangel and he sat in Hell awaiting for his time to get his revenge.

    Many demons of Hell including the god of hell who is Satan in my pitch hated Lucifer for awhile and to expand on that Satan may have chained Lucifer up and tortured him for a time because he was afterall still an Archangel and fought against the forces of hell for thousands or millions of years and killed many demons before he fell but after awhile Lucifer and the other Angels who fell with him rallied with the forces of Hell but Satan still hated them but God saw Lucifer as to much of a danger to be able to leave Hell freely after Lucifer rallied with the forces of Hell so God bound Lucifer to Hell so he could never leave even though God lets demons freely leave Hell but even if God didn't do that Satan is able to overule God's influence in Hell since in my Pitch Satan created Hell and almost all of it's demons and devils and monsters, Lucifer sat upon his new throne in Hell waiting for revenge and then Adam and Eve where created so then Lucifer found a way to sneak out of Hell and went to the Garden of Eden and corrupted them to spite God since God had made Adam and Eve without free-will and so to just hurt humans and to just anger God Lucifer gave them free will but also corruption hidden in that free-will to spit in God's plan and to hurt humanity like I said and so God threw Lucifer back into Hell which angered Lucifer and out of anger went into his giant form which God then made Lucifer sink into the ice of the part of Hell he was in and froze Lucifer waist deep in the ice and then bound him in unbreakable chains and now lucifer sits plotting his revenge against God, Michael, Heaven, the angels who rallied against him and his mother for not stopping God from throwing him out (God has a wife in a certain belief) but he is able to come to earth once a year due to Lucifer finding a way out of his father's doings but he is unable to enter Heaven.

    Kratos first meets Lucifer while he is on his journey and Lucifer approaches Kratos in the form of a serpent (Lucifer can project himself from Hell while he's imprisoned in the form of a snake or a lesser form of himself) and he tries to converse with Kratos and he tells Kratos of the land he's in and tries getting close to Kratos so he can talk him into freeing him but it obviously doesn't work, the first battle with Lucifer takes place in Hell when he mistakenly frees lucifer and they have a good awesome fight but Lucifer flies away as soon as he sees he can't win but Krato chaces him and catches up to him and beats him as Lucifer is flying but Lucifer blasts Kratos off with a blast of divine energy and Kratos falls all the way back down to Lucifer's pit and Kratos then has to escape and get to Lucifer before he starts destroying stuff and when Kratos gets back to earth Lucifer is well now destroying stuff and so Kratos attempts to go after him but Kratos is too late and the city Lucifer was destroying is now decimated.

    Lucifer is a very powerful Archangel like Michael and Orion are, the second fight between Kratos and Lucifer is on earth after Lucifer has brought plague and death to many humans (Lucifer is taking his hatred for humans out on well humans) and Lucifer then tries to break into Heaven and he calls out to his Father and Brother Michael to face him but there is no response and so Lucifer attempts to destroy Israel by causing a great storm and by opening portals to Hell releasing demons and by setting the sky on fire and Lucifer is charging up an extremely powerful smite to destroy everything in this vicinity but Kratos stops Lucifer and they have a full on brutal fight and Lucifer gets all bloodied up more than Kratos does and Lucifer charges up all of his power and smites Kratos but it doesn't do much except for hurt and anger Kratos and give him minor burn wounds and so Kratos charges into Lucifer and attempts to take Lucifer back to Hell but ends up mistakenly tossing Lucifer through a small Hell gate Kratos opened which Lucifer blasting through it destroys it so Lucifer is back in Hell but Kratos can't get to him now.

    Lucifer later on in the games finds a gate to Heaven that Kratos rebuilt and Lucifer flies through it and finds himself back in Heaven but due to being Fallen he is weakened in Heaven and as he is about to confront God but Michael once again stops him and they fight and the fight is brutal and destructive and Michael gets the upper hand because Lucifer is weakened and Michaels pulls Lucifer's wings off and goes on about Lucifer is a pathetic abomination and about how he (Michael) is better, and despite Michael being the favoured angel (to the public and to Michael's knowledge) you can tell Michael is venting his jealously he had and has towards Lucifer for being the favorite first and while Michael is boasting Lucifer stabs Michael through the heart with his spear and brings Michael to his knees and right as he's about to kill him God appears and God belittles Lucifer for being a disappointment due to him rebelling and they fight and it is a legit fight but due to being weakened in Heaven Lucifer doesn't get one hit on God and God beats Lucifer to a pulp and says "I should have beat you like this sooner" and then punches Lucifer so hard one of his horns breaks off and then blasts lucifer back into Hell and then walks away from Michael ignoring him for losing to Lucifer.

    Lucifer will be one of the bosses of Hell but he will not be killed off in Hell due to him also having major ties to Heaven and the Heaven/God/Michael story line.

    Michael: Michael is now the favorite son of God and has been for a LONG time since Lucifer fell, Lucifer was once the favorite son of God, so much so that God gave Lucifer the nickname Lightbringer and so much so that Lucifer is the only angel that God gave a last name to (Morningstar) but now Michael is at God's side and is the favorite son or so he thinks (Samael is actually God's favorite and has been for awhile but Michael hates Samael furiously for being an unholy abomination since he fell way before Lucifer did) and he is like Homelander but with a leader and that leader being God who he is insanely loyal too, if God wants a city smote Michael does it himself and sometimes he just nukes the city with a smite of a divine blast and other time he terrorizes cities and towns like Homelander would and burns people with his bright burning and blinding divine powers and he destroys structures like Homelander would as in punches and flies through structures and people he kills say "Show Mercy" and in response he says things like "you shouldn't have failed my father" and they reply to him with "but we where loyal to him and loved and worshiped and prayed and slaved for him" which Michael responds with "well one of you decided to worship one of those other gods so now you all have to die" and sometimes God just wants Michael to smite a city just because God says they don't worship him "good enough".

    Michael is as strong as Lucifer which for an example of how strong that is, Lucifer could have somewhat held his own against God when he rebelled but would have struggled a good amount and God is as strong as Zeus in my pitch who threw an entire mountain I believe

    Over the course of the games Michael has atleast 5 run ins with Kratos and loses them or flies away in a tie or just flees but after one battle with Kratos Michael returns to Heaven beaten and bloody and bruised and that is when he finds out about Samael being in God's good graces Michael questions God by saying "why have you brought him back?!?! he is an unholy scourge! you can't trust him!" and then God gets super angry that his highest regarded son under Samael questions him and God tells Michael not to take that tone with him and that he is not one to dictate his (God's choices) and God gets so mad a massive storm forms in heaven and lighting strikes the structures of Heaven and kills souls of heaven and even kills some angels with those strikes but God doesn't care and he criticizes Michael for losing to Kratos and calls Michael weak and tell Michael that he doesn't want a weak son and tell him to get out of his sight and so Michael goes to earth and destroys several cities out of anger and to also get his fathers attention and acceptance again but God ignores him until Michael smites a city full of people that have rallied against God and then God takes notice.

    Michael is sent out by God to test people's faith, if they aren't worthy of God's love as in if God doesn't see them as worthy slaves or if God just doesn't love them since they don't worship him enough or good enough then Michael will put misery on their lives, literally he will give them major major bad luck or he just kills them right then and there, also Samael is in good graces with God because he knows Michael as loyal as he is isn't capable of the stuff Samael does, Samael tempts people into doing monsterous things and just horrible cruel things and he does monsterous and horrible things himself to humans.

    Over the course of the games Michael gets worse and worse to please his father and to not show weakness but once God decides to move on from Michael for losing to Kratos too many times so Michael then begins to hate God and wants to kill him, so Michael decides to kill God's slaves that God favours the most and Michael goes on about how he'll kill the old man and he says despite his father's boasting and "I'm better than any god" his father can still be killed, Kratos and Michael then confront eachother and Michael blames Kratos for destroying the love God had for him and the Watchers warn Kratos that while he is a very powerful god Michael is still an archangel and an angry battle ready Archangel is quite the opponent and during the fight Kratos gets smoted several times and Michael gets some good hits in and Michael holds his own pretty well against Kratos this time but Kratos gets the upper hand and beats Michael to a pulp right when Kratos is about to kill Michael Kratos gets blown back by a bright light and Michael ascends to Heaven through a bright portal in the sky and God then approaches Michael in heaven and gives him back his Lance and Sword he lost in this battle and heals Michael telling him "You proved yourself in that battle My son and you are once again worthy of my love" and Michael Fully accepts and throws away his mission to kill God showing how blind Michael is to the fact that God only cares about Michael as a weapon as long as he is a loyal no questions asked weapon and further shows that no matter how much God favors a slave of his, he is willing to let their death go depending on who they are.

    Azrael: Azrael is the younger brother of Jesus, Samael, Lucifer, Michael, and Orion (I just learned about Orion who is an Archangel today who I want to add to my pitch) and when he was created by God it was when God was still loving kinda (kinda because God was favoring Lucifer over Michael and Orion and no parent should have favorites) and he wanted Azrael to be unique amongst his brothers due to being Azrael being Archangel of Death and made him look undead and gave him black and white wings and black eyes with glowing white pupils and irises and his skin is pale and abit decayed looking and he wears a black hooded cloak/road and he has a scythe and Azrael was happy with the way he looked but over time God got more cruel and God started to see Azrael as a mistake and an impure son and Michael saw him as a pathetic impure brother and angel and Azrael hated himself but over time he came to despise God instead since he found that God is the one that did this to him a
    so now Azrael is in constant depression and anger, Kratos fights him when he catches Azrael reaping people's souls under God's orders and they fight which in turn after the fight Azrael flees and goes back to Heaven and then once again fights him 2 kinda 3 and I will explain that further, but 2 more times but I will make the Final battles of each character a different post entirely, but Azrael does not wish to prove himself to God like Michael and Gabriel do but instead has accepted God will never love him due to his appearance

    EXTRA: Amenadiel from DC/Vertigo's Lucifer SUPPOSEDLY is mentioned in ancient Judaic and Christain texts so he could be an Archangel in my pitch as well and I want to take some liberties and add stuff from Paradise lost which is a Poem and things i'm thinking of are like Satan having a son and daughter besides the Anti-Christ just to add more to the roster of bosses and just to add more to the faith in the GOW universe, also I don't know if the Flood is before or after or even during these games but the flood in this will be due to God just being fed up with every human in Israel and this was one of the only times he regretted creating the humans in Israel which may be surprising but God just simply killed those he saw as unworthy or had them killed and favored his slaves but at the point of the flood he regretted making them and he wiped a bunch of them out except for Noah and his family since Noah followed God's every command which in this universe God favored Noah for leaving behind other innocent humans.

    This may not be thrown together as well as part 1 but I smoothed some corners and fixed some things so.

    Also thank you to u/Nick-nack-nocky for telling me about how mythology says Yahweh killed children and someone who didn't want to have sex with someone and about Yahweh having a father and siblings, which I also want to include the other things he pointed out Yahweh did in my pitch and these are just parts of these character's stories, not their final battles or deaths and entire stories.

    submitted by /u/TheDarkApex
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    What if Kratos died?

    Posted: 16 Jun 2021 10:02 PM PDT

    Can we just imagine we move to Ragnarok Atreus is by his fathers side as he is about to die

    (for this i'm just gonna say kratos fought Thor in the secret scene won odin hunted him and won kratos would loose this probably to age) Kratos tells Atreus to go to Greece take the blades and the axe find mount Olympus

    find out the truth about kratos who he really was and what he did how he raised Atreus the way he did so he would be better than him

    Atreus arrives at mount Olympus finds the body of zeus he doesn't understand what happened until he turns around and sees Athenas spirit as kratos did in 2018

    (This likely wouldn't happen but i'm just imagining) Athena explains the story all the way back to Ares

    then he turns and finds the blade of olympus I also think it would be cool if somehow we see the return of the bow of Apollo this isn't even a theory it would just be cool for atreus to find out in this way leading him to change the prophecy for seen in god of war 2018 (the giants kill odin) instead having young atreus take the blade for vengeance (RIP TO ANOTHER PANTHEON)

    submitted by /u/GodOfWarDiscussions
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    Kratos gods question

    Posted: 16 Jun 2021 08:34 PM PDT

    How come kratos can come bacc to life after being killed and not the other gods that he killed like ares,Zeus etc

    submitted by /u/HMRA101
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    Who would win?

    Posted: 16 Jun 2021 10:52 PM PDT

    Kratos vs Asura from Asura's Wrath?

    submitted by /u/aintraininghere
    [link] [comments]

    Silly question, but I genuinely don't know the answer- why wasn't Kratos able to grow giant in GoW4 like he did in GoW2?

    Posted: 16 Jun 2021 04:27 PM PDT

    I don't know the answer, so don't get mad ☺️

    submitted by /u/TheStrikerFalcon
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