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    Friday, September 25, 2020

    God of War | His real name

    God of War | His real name

    His real name

    Posted: 24 Sep 2020 09:30 PM PDT

    Damn that's cool.

    Posted: 25 Sep 2020 07:56 AM PDT

    i want to see orginal odin(all father) in new god of war game.

    Posted: 25 Sep 2020 03:25 AM PDT

    thanks BOYs

    Posted: 24 Sep 2020 12:54 PM PDT

    Finally got around to doing the platinum for it. Beaten the story probably 8 times now, best game I have ever played.

    Posted: 25 Sep 2020 06:33 AM PDT

    Kratos mastered the 10 year challenge

    Posted: 25 Sep 2020 12:54 AM PDT

    Had this planned for awhile but with the Ragnarok hype i had to pull the trigger

    Posted: 24 Sep 2020 04:04 PM PDT

    A decade long dream finally realized

    Posted: 25 Sep 2020 11:20 AM PDT

    Hey guys. Newcomer here. Just a small post on how long it took me to get here.

    I'm someone who was never in a financial position to get a console during my childhood. My parents were strictly against it and it took me a looong time to actually get one (in 2017).

    Circa 2009, when PS2 craze was at its peak in india, one of my friends won a console in a competition, and decided to get gow 2 with it. This was when I was in 6th grade. I spent 6 hours on this game (the only console I touched for the first and last time 2009. Never got to play with it ever again). My parents saw how addicted I was becoming to this game and made me swear to never touch the consoles again. Life just went on with increasing focus on my academics(like any Indian teens life would). But this game was always at the back of my head. I was never able to get over it.

    Fast forward to 2017, I finished my schooling and joined my uni. I got my first console, a PS4 and I decided to use it to the max. But I never got around to it since I started loving my coursework and it took me 3 good years to start using it properly.

    This quarantine actually gave me that time I was looking for. To finally play this series that I had been fantasizing to get my hands on for the last 1 decade. I've spent the last 6 months playing these games. I looked up ways to play the old gow 1&2 games on PC and convinced one of my friends to play it along with me(one who had also missed out on playing this in his former years).

    I was just completely blown away by how sophisticated the story was and how raw it felt. From the game mechanics to the artwork, it was truly amazing. After spending hours amd hours on the first 2 games, I realised that the 3rd was remastered for PS4 and I got it along with the latest game. While I felt the 3rd was a bit repetitive, I still enjoyed the boosted graphics and the stellar game mechanism.

    But the new god of war? It's the epitome. I laughed, cried and felt so much joy playing as this wiser Kratos. The father son dynamic was so refreshing and I thoroughly enjoyed it. I finally platinumed the title a few weeks ago and I had never felt better. It just feels so good to see fans of this series be so nice to each other without bickering within the fandom(ahem star wars). I am so so so happy to become a part of this community after almost 10 years of waiting. I'm looking forward to contribute as much as I can to this sub :')

    And ofcourse, Ragnarok is coming too. Just in time for it.

    Tldr: Been waiting for 10 years to finish this series from the start to the end. I just love this series so much and it's wonderful to see a warm community form around it. Glad to finally become a part of it.

    submitted by /u/mukz_mckz
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    "Damn I look like Kratos"

    Posted: 25 Sep 2020 02:29 AM PDT

    After a ton of grinding I finally platinumed one of my favorite games

    Posted: 25 Sep 2020 03:59 AM PDT

    I recently made a video on god of war without taking damage. Whaddya think?

    Posted: 25 Sep 2020 10:36 AM PDT

    video contains spoilers as i play the entire game

    submitted by /u/platnum_cum
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    Found this and thought y’all would enjoy it

    Posted: 25 Sep 2020 05:32 AM PDT

    My crazy theory for the GOW sequel

    Posted: 25 Sep 2020 07:21 AM PDT

    I couldn't really sleep last night and woke up to begin reading a bunch of the interesting theories on here, and something kind of hit me about the sequel coming out.

    So we know that Ragnarok is coming, and from that we can assume based on the previous trilogy's structure that the 3rd game will actually be Ragnarok with us beating up everyone to death. I started to draw some similar parallels to the 2nd God of War in that Trilogy and how this might relate to what we are about to see. I'm on my phone and can't attach the specific Tyr murals that I'll be talking about but hopefully someone can post them down below. Here are my rambling stoner thoughts:

    • Thor (like Zeus did) will "kill" Kratos right off the bat. This will split the player into two main storylines: Arterus and Kratos.
    • As we can see from the murals, Tyr has gone all over (based from the Egyptian, Japanese, Celtic, Greek symbols). My major theory is that this is Tyr of another timeline, not the one we are currently playing.
    • From the murals at the end of the game, we see Arterus potentially holding Kratos (or Tyr) in his arms and giving birth to the World Serpent. We also hear that everything was laid out before us to get to this point. This is because the giants could see everything up until the end of the game because that's when their timeline ends. The mural on this wall is again the past timeline, not the one we are experiencing. Here's when it gets wild:
    • We can determine from lore/etc that Midgard is in the Scandinavian region, with Kratos being dragged there from Greece. This means that Ragnarok isn't just effecting Midgard, it's going to effect the "world" that we are in during the events of all the GOW games. My bold crazy prediction is that Tyr went to warn the other pantheons of Ragnarok, and how he can't stop it but Kratos (not born yet) can because he was not born as a God, he was created, thus he isn't bound to a specific "religion", or region, and can bounce from pantheon/to pantheon. I think much like how he sought the help of the Titans to defeat Zeus, we will actually be going to the other regions briefly to recruit either weapons or deity's from the other realms as Kratos, while Arterus grows up as Loki (present timeline) and follows more of the true Ragnarok mythology. I think the game will end with current Loki/Arterus dying but calling the World Serpent in our time to complete the loop while Kratos returns from the "dead" and from traveling to the other realms, building an army and preparing to fight Odin/Thor again/Freya/everyone else in the true Ragnarok, which will be the 3rd game.

    This would allow us to see the other mythologies without having to create 17 more games, it draws similar parallels to the original trilogy, and it gives us an absolute LIT game to bridge us over to the true Ragnarok. Plus they already had some of the concept art, and they have the engine complete. All they need to do now is story, level design, and more weapons (obviously not some small feat but because there were realms that were locked in the first game, I believe they went straight from 1 to 2 in terms of development, and we should expect this to release around 3 years to the day of the 1st, since that's how long the legendary winter would last).

    I know this was a lot, I'm sorry I couldn't provide the murals to show Tyr navigating through the other realms. I'm sure I'm missing some key points, but this was my wild epiphany last night and I had to get it down in writing before I forgot lol let me know what y'all think and have a great weekend/stay safe out there!

    submitted by /u/IceyBoy
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    A view of Jormungandr engulfing the Earth, not with his teeth but with his body. #GodofWar

    Posted: 25 Sep 2020 12:32 AM PDT

    Collecting a chest near Fafnir's Storeroom and noticed Atreus posing. I couldn't resist sharing this :)

    Posted: 25 Sep 2020 12:20 PM PDT

    Lemian Wine: Your thoughts?

    Posted: 25 Sep 2020 12:03 PM PDT

    Real talk, based on what we saw in the game, has anyone here tried Lemnian wine? I've been thinking of giving it a try. Does it really smell like rotten eggs? And does it taste good?

    submitted by /u/h1ya
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    In Gow 3 is there anyway to get one of the godly possessions after I missed it

    Posted: 25 Sep 2020 11:36 AM PDT


    submitted by /u/issaktb
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    Rota is a pain

    Posted: 25 Sep 2020 05:34 AM PDT

    More of a vent but im finding Rota on NG+ an absolute nightmare. The Valhalla move is absolute bullshit. Its unstoppable. Even my Runic moves cant interrupt it. She spams it five times in a row most of the time and even when I perfect dodge it and use Runic it doesn't interrupt the next 1/2/3/4 times she is going to do it which means its harder to time the dodge again. The perfect dodge window is so small I only get it 3 times out of 5. And on top of that it suddenly decides to lock off her. I'm getting to the point after several hours to putting the difficulty down, kill her then putting it back to 'give me a challenge'. I have defeated the other Valkyrie, she is my last one. And I understand the need to putting in the hours to defeat a boss having played the souls game and Nioh but this is something else

    Edit: She even pins me when in god of war rage and she moves around so quickly I hardly do any damage anyway

    submitted by /u/hakuchikara
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    i want to see orginal odin(all father) in god of war:ragnarok

    Posted: 25 Sep 2020 05:03 AM PDT

    Glowing Gem of the Nine Enchantment in NG+ is Epic not Legendary

    Posted: 25 Sep 2020 10:40 AM PDT

    Since this is a rare item that many people (myself included) didn't even see in the shop for purchase without being told, I thought this little update about it might be appreciated by some.

    Doing another play through on GMGOW+ and went to muspelheim before reviving Mimir. Did all the Trials this morning and got the necessary items to purchase the Glowing Gem of the Nine. The item was shown as a Legendary (purple) item in the shop but when it was purchased it was a Epic (yellow).

    submitted by /u/stochCU
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