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    Saturday, August 8, 2020

    God of War | Short, sad story.

    God of War | Short, sad story.

    Short, sad story.

    Posted: 07 Aug 2020 08:06 PM PDT

    Here's a little Kratos and B O I sketch I made a while back.

    Posted: 08 Aug 2020 09:04 AM PDT

    It‘s no lemnian wine, but still: Skål!

    Posted: 08 Aug 2020 11:49 AM PDT

    A boy and his axe.

    Posted: 08 Aug 2020 03:28 AM PDT


    Posted: 08 Aug 2020 04:12 AM PDT

    Field of dreams (Credits to u/pixelmorphosis)

    Posted: 08 Aug 2020 05:16 AM PDT

    Kratos art by me

    Posted: 08 Aug 2020 08:40 AM PDT

    Son of a gun.. Dummy me thought beating the game on GMGoW difficulty would be required for platinum, so I chose it for my first playthrough. Turns out I was very wrong.

    Posted: 08 Aug 2020 07:49 AM PDT

    So I decided I wanted to do a blind play-through of the new God of War. I know it's not everyone's cup of tea, but I also enjoy going for platinum trophies. Like an idiot, I assumed beating the game on its hardest difficulty would be required for plat. If only I could go back in time, and place a hand on my ignorant self's shoulder just before picking the starting difficulty of Give Me God of War. I should have just changed difficulties after the hell it put me through during my first enemy encounter. It took me an HOUR to get past this first encounter.. an hour! But my masochistic self was determined to get that "platinum trophy". Every regular enemy encounter for the first half of the game was like its own boss battle! One to three hits from anything would kill me. Finally, I began accumulating better gear and skills, but it was still painstakingly hard. By the time I reached Arena V on my first walk through of Muspelheim, I cracked and looked up if beating the game on GMGoW was required for plat. After my downstairs neighbors finished banging on my floor for all the profanity I must have been shouting, I decided to myself, "I've come this far; I am not switching difficulties until I've made GMGoW my bitch."

    I ended up progressing the story line a little before coming back to the Muspelheim Arenas and making the Arena 6 Valkyrie my bitch. Then I killed some other Valkyries and beat the game, making them and Baldur my bitch. Then I made my way back to Muspelheim and completed all six of the new "Impossible" Trials, making this realm my bitch. Then I went to Nifelheim to seal up some realm tears and make the Valkyrie their my bitch. Then, at long last, I went the Council of Valkyries, summoned their queen, and made her my bitch, rewarding me with the final trophy I needed to plat the game. And that is how I ignorantly platinumed the game by only playing GMGoW difficulty.

    I didn't magically git gud after deciding to continue playing on GMGoW. The game was still incredibly hard, but I decided to post some videos for those interested of my most difficult challenges. What an incredible game.

    1. Valarie Queen Sigrun
    2. How to get 14,500 Mist Echos and 2 Anchors of Fog in one rotation of Niflheim. #f*ck Niflheim.
    3. Muspelheim Trials - Trial V: Impossible. The hardest Arena Trial IMO.
    submitted by /u/RED_SUN_RISES
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    Name One Video Game Character that has Suffer More than Kratos Ever Will

    Posted: 08 Aug 2020 09:45 AM PDT


    Born a bastard, and raised without a father figure.

    He was raised to be a warrior and kill others. No childhood.

    His only brother was taken from him when he was child by one of his other half-brother who would use him and destroyed his future. His half-sister let this event happened.

    His mother was taken from him and imprisoned in a tower and cursed to be a monster for the remaining days of her mortal life.

    He sold his soul to his half-brother to live on, win, and see his wife and daughter again.

    He was molded and shaped into a killer by his half-brother to kill innocent, enemies, and kin for selling his soul. Some of the kills were not willingly and some were.

    He was tricked into killing his own wife and daughter. Both were inside a dark house where his half-brother had brought them.

    He is hunted by PTSD trauma and illusions of his own past by his half-brother's lovers. He had 3 lovers to be exact.

    His soul contract is bound to his nephew by his half-brother.

    He kills his half-brother's lovers, and his own nephew. He didn't want to kill his nephew but is burden by his nephew's final request to be free.

    Many innocent people died indirectly by his actions, something he has to bare too.

    Breaking his soul contract that bonded him to his half-brother releases a loop nightmare every night of him killing his own wife and daughter.

    He decided to serve his father and his other half-siblings for years so they would release him of the nightmares that haunt his dreams.

    He came to his father and half-siblings aid and saved them from Morpheus's eternal sleep who was just buying time for his uncle's wife to destroy the whole world and afterlife with the help of the titan, Atlas. He gave up his second chance to be with his daughter forever by killing good souls in the afterlife to save the mortal world. His father and his half siblings didn't even give him their gratitude. They let him wounded on a cliff to survive on his own.

    His half-sister comes up with a plan to get rid of their half-brother, so he aids him to kill his own half-brother and take revenge for what he did to his wife and daughter. She willingly helps him release the evils - greed, hate, and fear into the world among the seven deadly sins. She assumed that he would absorb those powers to kill his half-brother. But she was wrong. He released those evils to his family and infected them, changed them.

    He was forgiven. But his nightmares were never taken and this took the point of committing suicide. Even death was neglected to him by his half-sister and was given his half-brother's old job. The same one he killed.

    His father poison his nightmares with a different vision of his mother been alive and trap to which his half-sister told him not to searched. He didn't listen and went to save his mother.

    He found the truth about his mother been cursed and imprison and was left with no choice but to kill his own mother who turned into a monster. Something his father wanted. His father dogged three graves with the intention of burying him and his old family.

    Before dying his mother tells him that his brother is alive. He sets off to find him to which they fight because his brother hates him for abandon him and because he never try to look for him. He found his brother after all this years to only to lose his brother to the hands of death literally minutes later.

    He is enraged and kills the God of Death, Thanatos, becoming Death itself. Cursed to never die and walk the Earth for eternity.

    At this point he is shaped into the monster they all wanted to become and decides to express his feelings by conquering other cities and waging wars in the name of his homeland, Sparta. His father isn't happy and afraid that he one day may take his place and decides to kill him.

    But he can't die. He is cursed. He heals his wound and comes back to life for revenge. He is aid and told by his great-grandmother what to do. In his quest for revenge he kills many of his uncles, aunts, step-mother, half-brothers, and half-sisters willingly and unwillingly. He was also betrayed by his great-grandmother who only used him and let him died a second time. He comes back and kills his great-grandmother and his grandfather. Not to mention he also killed his father who tortured many people in his life time. His niece died for his need for vengeance because of his half-sister's motivation for power. She wanted him to retrieve that power and gave it to her in the end.

    He killed himself once more releasing the power of Hope himself which he had taken from Pandora's Box and used to kill the gods to humanity so they could survive. He committed suicide but yet he couldn't die again.

    200 years later.

    He left everything behind and has been leaving on Scandanavia as he literally left Greece and traveled across Europe until he came into lands ruled by the Norse God's Midgard. He trained his soul, body and mind to leave everything he was behind. He settle in with a woman and had another change of been a father. He is bound to his new son who he barely had an attachment to until his second wife died. He teaches the boy how to survive, and kill. He almost lost him to an illness caused by his heritage. He had no choice but to tell his son the horrible things he had done in the past. But soon he will have to realize that his son will be left alone one way or another. If the cursed of immortality doesn't kick in where he continues to life and watch everyone around him taken for eternity.

    Or maybe he will finally die and let his son alone in the world. But he won't rest. No. In this video game world death is just another life where you get tortured for eternity.

    He won't have any rest. No video game character has suffered more than Kratos.

    If you think I missed something about this man's suffering. Let me know.

    submitted by /u/Dontsaymyname289Ok
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    Do you guys think they will ever explain how Kratos went from one mythology to another ?

    Posted: 08 Aug 2020 12:10 PM PDT

    I kinda feel like there is a lot of people who discovered the God of War Franchise with the 4 ( GOW PS4 ) and it worries me that because of that they might not care about explaining how Kratos went from the greek mythology to the nordic one because maybe they feel like a lot of people don't care about it or don't even know Kratos was first a greek mythology character

    But on the other side, they chosed to put Athena and Zeus in the new game, so it still gives me a bit of hope

    Do you guys think they will ever clearly explain how Kratos went from almost dead in the greek mythology to the nordic mythology ?

    submitted by /u/Drenarka
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    Finally managed to kill all valkyries. Feels great. Who would you say is the hardest one outside of Sigrun?

    Posted: 07 Aug 2020 08:44 PM PDT

    Dragon Slayer

    Posted: 08 Aug 2020 09:16 AM PDT

    Here's the second of 4 Muspelheim trials I completed on a recent stream, as a gamer without sight this was the longest one I've done (kill 100 enemies)

    Posted: 08 Aug 2020 02:54 AM PDT

    GMGOW NG+ Sigrun difficulty level. How hard was she for people?

    Posted: 08 Aug 2020 12:25 PM PDT

    I just beat Sigrun on GMGOW NG+ and it was a nightmare that is no over. I wanted to see what others say about how hard she was. It took me probably 20 hours plus to finally beat her. Keep in mind I do not look up cheats on best moves to beat her and just try to figure it out. I did but man I am tired. How hard was she for you?

    submitted by /u/tigowoods
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    My shitty recreation of the map with food.

    Posted: 07 Aug 2020 08:04 PM PDT

    new update preventing me from starting the game ??

    Posted: 08 Aug 2020 12:18 PM PDT

    Can't start game it says need an update with 1.90 GB size Why i have the disc and played the game before ?

    submitted by /u/Bassiette
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    Any tips on how to beat Titan difficulty Theseus?

    Posted: 08 Aug 2020 11:45 AM PDT

    So yeah, Titan Theseus, a pretty well known boss for all the wrong reasons, being really absurd while still on pretty early game and without many options available.

    So with the limited options that I have, what would be a good course of action? Like, should I use my scarce Red Orbs for upgrade my bow and get through the last phase faster? Should I use certain specific combos?

    I'm actually able to get through Phases 1 and 2 sometimes without even taking any damage there using perfect blocks, but it always takes me a looong time to reach Phase 3 for then just die, so I'd like to improve my time so it goes faster.

    I have LV2 Blades by the way.

    submitted by /u/SuperLegenda
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    Is there any images of the Kratos Amphora with just the front and back drawings?

    Posted: 08 Aug 2020 11:34 AM PDT

    Absolutely love God of War (ps4) but does anyone else feel like God of War 3 has more replay value ?

    Posted: 08 Aug 2020 10:35 AM PDT

    Like I said God of War(ps4) was an amazing experience and it was a clear 10/10 the story telling was amazing I just can't pick it back up like I can God of War 3 the opening with all the gods looking down at you climbing on Gaia before out of nowhere running into the 100 foot giant water horse just gets me so pumped and ready to go

    submitted by /u/flaccosteve
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    Mythology of God of War

    Posted: 08 Aug 2020 09:11 AM PDT

    God of War has kind of become it's own mythology with simply Kratos being in it and a "crossover" with Greek and Norse mythology.

    If you could name the God of War mythology anything you want, what would you name it? I'm looking for creative names and logical names for it

    submitted by /u/Unkn4wn
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    Posted: 08 Aug 2020 04:15 AM PDT

    Is there any replay ability to GoW? I beat it almost a year ago. Haven't touched it since. But I was watching a bunch of GoW lore vids recently and now wanna play it again.

    Is there any reason to? Like any reason to New Game+ on "Give me God of War" difficulty?

    submitted by /u/Superboy123101
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    Unseen Danger

    Posted: 07 Aug 2020 04:10 PM PDT

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