• Breaking News

    Wednesday, April 15, 2020

    God of War | Made Gunnr's mask last week as part of my quarantine craft project, which is to make all of them. Very pleased with how this one turned out! (Materials used are evafoam, foamclay and thermoplastics)

    God of War | Made Gunnr's mask last week as part of my quarantine craft project, which is to make all of them. Very pleased with how this one turned out! (Materials used are evafoam, foamclay and thermoplastics)

    Made Gunnr's mask last week as part of my quarantine craft project, which is to make all of them. Very pleased with how this one turned out! (Materials used are evafoam, foamclay and thermoplastics)

    Posted: 15 Apr 2020 07:44 AM PDT

    I agree my friend

    Posted: 14 Apr 2020 03:08 PM PDT

    God of war 4 in a nutshell

    Posted: 15 Apr 2020 11:17 AM PDT

    Using a conch to call a giant

    Posted: 15 Apr 2020 06:42 AM PDT

    Wholesome. Cory Balrog, Director of God of War

    Posted: 14 Apr 2020 10:19 PM PDT

    DualSense 5: God Of War Edition!

    Posted: 15 Apr 2020 12:40 PM PDT

    The War God

    Posted: 14 Apr 2020 04:38 PM PDT

    Do memes count here?

    Posted: 15 Apr 2020 11:28 AM PDT

    Almost perfect sigrun fight on gmac.

    Posted: 15 Apr 2020 08:04 AM PDT

    Hey guys. Yesterday I couldn't sleep so I decided to take on this queen of nightmares again.

    My goal was to get her without being hit once.

    Im kinda sad that she hit me once at the very end but I'm happy that a dad of 2 kids who plays like once in 2-3 weeks could get this far on imo hardest boss I ever encountered in any game I saw or played until now.

    I hope you enjoy it.

    Here's the link:


    submitted by /u/Vbauer86
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    I’m trying to get a anchor of fog

    Posted: 15 Apr 2020 12:08 PM PDT

    I have already looted Ivaldi's workshop 15 times. Every chest in every room, I just can't find an anchor of fog. (Sorry for bad English)

    submitted by /u/Paradoxblod
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    So I recently got the God of war notebooks that are filled with concept art and I noticed that a figure seems to be holding off the turtle. Maybe this is hinting to a battle against Freya and Chaurli?

    Posted: 15 Apr 2020 12:11 AM PDT

    are the puzzles in god of war 2 better than 1?

    Posted: 15 Apr 2020 06:44 AM PDT

    so ive been playing the series starting god of war 1, the game is easy but literally almost all of my deaths in that game came from falling in the puzzles. the puzzles are just badly designed. so are the puzzles in 2 better or not?

    submitted by /u/mashukyrielighto
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    Platinum Trophy Avatar

    Posted: 15 Apr 2020 12:49 PM PDT

    I finished God of War 100% got the platinum trophy (I know it's late). Got an email today with a code to the platinum avatar character set. I've seen online of people getting another avatar of Kratos and Atreus, with the platinum trophy.

    I was wondering are they still giving that one out? Because my code only gave me the set with the platinum faces for the characters.

    submitted by /u/New_99
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    We must be better.

    Posted: 14 Apr 2020 09:32 PM PDT

    Is there a way into Asgard or did the devs add it for fun?

    Posted: 15 Apr 2020 11:17 AM PDT

    Did they add two realms that cannot be ever accessed or is there a secret way in to them like there was to Jötenheim?

    submitted by /u/_j1mii
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    Elegant Kratos ;)

    Posted: 14 Apr 2020 03:47 PM PDT

    Is Kratos supposed to be unbeatable?

    Posted: 15 Apr 2020 05:35 AM PDT

    I am currently replaying all of the GoW games (I am currently on the Norse one) and have dug them all so far.

    My only real beef is with Kratos' unbelievable OP'ness to the point where it becomes silly to take any opponent seriously.

    He took down the entire Greek pantheon with relative ease and he is well on his way to - probably - wreck the Norse pantheon.

    Don't get me wrong, the idea is great but having a character effortlessly beat (and resist) everyone by his own accord becomes boring.

    For example: People constantly say that Baldur was a match for him when they first fought - and that baffles me. Not only was Kratos holding his ground while gaining the upper hand on multiple occasions - he also broke his neck and ended the fight.

    My question I guess is this - would it be weird if you had a character who was stronger, faster, more brutal than Kratos to the point where Kratos couldn't possibly beat him solo (meaning using his abilities)? Zeus wasn't that. Hades wasn't that. Hercules (the God of Strength) wasn't that, etc... I know he has the famed Rage of Sparta boost but why can't anyone else have a much higher boost?

    What if Kratos used RoS on Thor and Thor casually stops him and breaks his arm? Now that would be a very very interesting problem for Kratos who almost always relied on his physicals to overcome any problem. I would like to see Kratos shocked that he can't do anything to Thor (or whoever) while he's being beaten down to an inch of his life.

    Thoughts? Or am I way off?

    submitted by /u/SlovBoy
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    My sister begins The Journey today, I've played through twice and I'm here to coach her along the way. Wish her luck!

    Posted: 14 Apr 2020 07:13 PM PDT

    Immersion / encounter of Brok

    Posted: 15 Apr 2020 07:07 AM PDT


    I am playing God of War for the first time and there is something which makes a poor impression to me.

    I encountered Brok on a bridge with some kind of horse creature. But I can't image why I met him there because there is no plausible explanation where he is coming from. The other side of the bridge is not passable for him with such an merchant wagon.

    Furthermore the area I have met him is full of monsters. Why would he travel through such an area or do they leave him alone? I can't imagine he would fight any of them.

    Is the game delivering plausible explanations for this?

    PS: I didn't saw any cutscene where Kratos is catching the ashes which he should deliver to the mountain. Did he forgot it?

    submitted by /u/rororo9999
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    Finished god of war, now I'm getting shat on by enemies blocking my path to side quests

    Posted: 15 Apr 2020 03:20 AM PDT

    Any tips to level up?

    submitted by /u/IllHornet
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    I really tried to like it.

    Posted: 15 Apr 2020 12:18 PM PDT

    This game.. 2 years later and still i cant be bothered to finish it. It was such a disappointment to me too since i loved the trilogy.

    i understand not every person likes the same thing and that i'm gonna be downvoted because people cant accept a different opinion but oh well.

    When i first heard about a new god of war game coming out back then i was excited and when i read that it would be an RPG with souls like combat plus all the hype and the 10/10 reviews i couldnt wait to get it.

    As i said i understand people like different things and for me after gaming for many years RPGs are my favorite genre and Soulsborne series are my favorite games.

    So you can understand how excited i was for the new God of War which looked stunning too... until i played it. But maybe thats the reason i dont like it.

    I have played games with better soulslike combat and i have played almost every RPG that exists and when this game tried to enter this genre i could clearely see where it fails due to experience and so i ended up not enjoying it.

    Maybe i am right , maybe i am wrong maybe theres no right or wrong in such matters but to me the game failed on everything except the visuals/sound and story.

    Visuals and sound were amazing one of the best if not the best up till now.

    Story is ok. Not amazing , not bad. Original GoW story was better imo.

    Then the negatives which are basically every gameplay aspect because the game half-assed everything else instead of focusing on something. It doesnt know what it wants to be and none of the gameplay aspects is polished to perfection. I Personally have no clue how it got even 1 1010.

    1) Its half-assed open world. Either make it an open world or not.

    Having invisible walls literally everywhere and Kratos not being able to climb on a rock at the height of his ankle or having to go the long way around because you have to dock the boat to a specific spot to get on the island is ps2 era and annoying as fuck.

    2) It has half-assed soulslike combat. Combat alone is ok but paired with the terrible camera and the cluckyness of Kratos movement its horrible.

    They had to focus either on a cinematic gameplay Last of US style (which would be suited more for a game thats based in ranged combat) or go the Dark souls way. You cant have both. For a souls like combat you need to be able to view your surroundings and have almost perfect control of your character.

    They did both and the result this clunky combat system which is a pain in the ass because you're fighting the camera more than the enemies.

    3) The enemies are unbalanced to the point its completely immersion breaking.

    So alright, you made incredible graphics for this game, you decided to go more cinematic and story based due to that fact and add soulslike combat because it became popular the past few years, even though it was a bad choice.

    Since you're clearely hindering the gameplay for the sake of the story and immersion why the hell are draugr that can 1shot you in game? It's frickin stupid.

    All hail the God of War, he killed the entire olympus and now gets bitchslapped by a random undead minion because its healthbar is purple.

    Seriously? Since you "stole" the combat from dark souls take a little bit more if you wanna make this game challenging. Make Kratos being able to get killed and kill enemies as easily as in the soul games.

    I am the mortal who became a God and i need to hit a draugr 15 times to kill it while it kills me in 3 hits. Come on.

    Why does this game even have RPG elements? They only end up breaking the immersion and the loot is just there to waste your time anyway.

    I'll tell you why, its to fill the game with pointless stuff so it appears complete, when instead they could have put in actual work to add stuff people would enjoy like more weapons for Kratos with their own skills for example. ( no one cares if the brat gets new powers i want powers i can use myself)

    But no this shell of a game is a story to watch with a little bit of gameplay, its not a 10/10 its like a frickin Telltale game.

    And all the RPG shit along with the half-assed open world are just to fill it cause otherwise it would be really short. The only reason its made like this and its not just progressing forward is so you can backtrack over and over again. And backtracking is terrible in any game.

    Even though this is my opinion i still want to finish it and find a way to enjoy it. Thats probably the reason i am making this post. Maybe instead of getting only downvotes i will get some good points too that will help me see the game in a different way and end up enjoying it or maybe i will find some people who agree with me and we can feel better for wasting our $$ by bashing it together, who knows.

    At any case I never said its a bad game. I have played tons of way worse games that God of War but its not even close to the hype imo, its just ok and i got disappointed because i expected more.

    My rating : 6.5 / 10

    submitted by /u/MindlessEffect
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    Help please

    Posted: 15 Apr 2020 02:09 AM PDT

    Having difficulty defeating Gunnr (Valkerie), and all the videos I have found say to parry, but not how to do this. Any hints?

    submitted by /u/ExpatRose
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