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    Tuesday, September 7, 2021

    God of War | tell me

    God of War | tell me

    tell me

    Posted: 06 Sep 2021 06:38 PM PDT

    How do I make this thing fight me?

    Posted: 07 Sep 2021 09:32 AM PDT

    Stolen from Twitter

    Posted: 07 Sep 2021 04:45 AM PDT

    I hope everything is alright with Cory, he’s recently posted a few tweets like this, plus that he and his wife have separated (though remain friends). Hope he knows how much we all love him and his work.

    Posted: 06 Sep 2021 10:19 PM PDT

    Gondul left ravaged and alone as her head explodes

    Posted: 07 Sep 2021 06:09 AM PDT

    Fly high my friend ����

    Posted: 06 Sep 2021 01:55 PM PDT

    Who still prefers young and angry Kratos over Older and Wiser Kratos? I love the newer iteration, but I still prefer me some raging Ghost of Sparta action.

    Posted: 07 Sep 2021 06:43 AM PDT

    Here we go again! Time for a new generation of Play

    Posted: 06 Sep 2021 11:31 PM PDT

    Booooom....!!!!!! Fatality.....

    Posted: 07 Sep 2021 11:52 AM PDT

    Best armor for strength before going into new game+

    Posted: 07 Sep 2021 12:03 PM PDT

    Title says it all

    submitted by /u/Spider_Fan84
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    The leap of faith to finding another realm

    Posted: 06 Sep 2021 08:48 PM PDT

    Predicting the actual name of the next God of War before the possible reveal on Thursday. Cory Barlog has stated many times in the past that he doesn’t like subtitles under the main title. That’s makes me think that the only possible titles are gonna be two:

    Posted: 06 Sep 2021 03:21 PM PDT

    • God of War II
    • God of War V

    If you ask me I think the reason that he named the first game just "God of War" is because he's making a new standalone trilogy and he always planned to name the sequel " God of War II "

    Can't wait for the reveal, see y'all there ❄️🤩

    submitted by /u/JohnnyBlackOps
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    Use the ax

    Posted: 06 Sep 2021 11:13 PM PDT


    Posted: 06 Sep 2021 04:39 PM PDT

    Want to get into the series, what's the order to play the games?

    Posted: 07 Sep 2021 05:12 AM PDT

    I have absolutely no prior knowledge of this franchise other than it looks cool and it's a hack and slasher.

    No optional and/or supplementary material, just the main games in the order to play

    submitted by /u/blackdott44
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    I would be kinda cool if they re-added some scrapped designs in Ragnarok

    Posted: 07 Sep 2021 07:25 AM PDT

    Wrapping up a playthrough of all the games (though haven't gotten to 2016 yet) my thoughts so far

    Posted: 06 Sep 2021 11:37 PM PDT

    I started in 2020 and just now am finishing GoW3.

    GoW 1/2:

    God of War 1 was way ahead of it's time. GoW2 followed the same forumla, similar graphics, the same gameplay but without the same frustrating points that GoW1 had - think climbing the rotating tower of spikes in hell, kicking the dude in the cage up the slope to burn him, things like that). Both games had top tier PS2 graphics, top tier action gameplay, a suprisingly awesome setting and story (I seriously did not expect to enjoy the story but I did). These games are clearly at the top of the PS2 library when it comes to action games. Still great fun to be had playing today.

    The PSP games (GoS/CoO) These games I felt just followed the formula the other two (and GoW3 for ghost of sparta) set. I did enjoy the story, the action wasn't quite at the lvl of 1/2 for me but it was still close. It felt different, though. The treasures were always super obvious and barely out of the way. I missed the decently hidden chests in 1/2 and the feeling of finding one. I think it was the limitations of the PSP but the environments didn't impact me like the PS2 games did. Fun games, but not quite at the level of the first two but those were stellar and, while I never had a PSP when it was current, I can easily imagine these PSP games being at the top of that console's library too.

    Man, I started this one up and I felt like I went forward multiple console generations. It still follows the exactly same formula as the first 2 but where it improved it improved tremendously. The graphics in 2021 are still pretty good, the technical aspects like sound are all so much higher quality. The boss fights? when the lighting kept changing vs Hades and the walls caught on fire when he goes down for a O just blew me away. This game is the next gen perfection of the original GoW1 format and I am surprised I've seen a few people put some of hte PSP games over this one. I'm curious to hear you guy's thoughts why if you feel that way.

    In the end, I am hyped to play through 2016 and ragnarok when it comes out :)

    submitted by /u/ragtev
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    What Might have happened to the Giants?

    Posted: 06 Sep 2021 11:22 PM PDT

    Ok so if you listen to the God of war music " Lullaby for Giants" and check for the translation of the song in this reddit post. You can see the translation of one of the lyrics is "TIME HIDES US, STONE WALLS STAND TALL". This song is written as if it's sung by giants narrating their experiences, I'm guessing that one possible way " TIME HIDES THEM" is that they might have gone to jotunheim with tyrs help as per the murals and stories in the game which tells us that giants escaped to jotunheim with tyrs aid and then they might have time travelled to the future battle for Ragnarok. I am guessing they went to the future and Faye might have also travelled to the future and fought in Ragnarok, where all the giants could have been poisoned or injured to die by some corrupt magic by Odin and then After completing their role in Ragnarok, the giants might have returned to jotunheim where they perished and we see the fresh corpses of all the Giant warriors who went to the future and fought in Ragnarok. They might have returned to jotunheim injured with the hopes of dying in their homeland jotunheim meanwhile Faye also travelled to the future and fought alongside them got injured and returned to her home to die beside her son and husband kratos , as per the comic book "FAYE HAD A SAD FACE " before she dies , so I guess she is sad knowing all the other giants are dead in jotunheim and she is also going to die leaving her husband and her son ,but she knows atreus and kratos will take her ashes to jotunheim to return her to the giants already dead in jotunheim, thereby setting in the events that could lead to Ragnarok in the future.

    So the main point is that this song has lyrics saying "Time hides us" so the only way time can hide someone is if they travel to the past or to the future in this case it is more likely the giants travelled to the future to take part in Ragnarok and then after their tasks where fulfilled and after being greviously injured and dying the giants returned to the original time from where they came and perished in jotunheim, so I'm guessing in the next game kratos and atreus will see the giant army possibly arriving at the battlefield ready to fight odin and the rest of the aesir and their allies. I also have a take on the lyrics "STONE WALL STANDS TALL" I was skeptical about whether it's the wall thamur was building for the giants( The one his son Hrimthur completed) or the walls at Asgard , but I believe they are referring to the stone walls at Asgard because it has more importance lorewise and during the battle of Ragnarok ( Freya and Hrimthurs story). You can search for the translation of the song and confirm. This theory can also satisfy the point that all the giants are dead when we get to jotunheim and they came there moments before kratos and atreus reached there ,maybe they came back and died there when Faye died too and because time moves slower on jotunheim and faster in midgard, by the time kratos and atreus reached the giants they had died not long ago hence their bodies did not show signs of decay and also this theory can support the fact that the giants had their Armor and weapons with them when they died. I also believe Tyr is the person who orchestrated everything that would happen than can lead to Ragnarok because he feels responsible for what happened to the giants.

    You might think what could be so important about the lyrics of a song but I'm guessing that Cory barlog might have already told Bear McCreary about the complete story so that he can piece together a beautiful music knowing and incorporating the tragic yet brave tale of the giants. Since Bear McCreary is one of the best composers out there and since most great composers make their music compositions with elements of the story in mind, so that they can make a better connection between the lore, the music and the audience, I am guessing that it is possible that we could get a piece of the story of the giants from the song.

    Again I saw the translation in a reddit post Im not sure whether its official or not, then again i had fun piecing together this theory, what do you guys think.

    We all have our hopes high to see the Trailer for GOW Ragnarok on September 9. I know well get to know more on that day, but still i wanted to share this to have some fun discussing the lore.

    submitted by /u/DocM2K3
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    Best armour

    Posted: 06 Sep 2021 08:09 PM PDT

    In your opinion what's the best armour you can get in gow 4

    submitted by /u/theturtlecakes
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    George Mawle, Gameplay Engineer Behind God of War’s Leviathan Axe, Has Passed Away

    Posted: 06 Sep 2021 01:25 PM PDT

    Actual question

    Posted: 06 Sep 2021 09:40 PM PDT

    Dous mimir and sigrun r34 exist

    submitted by /u/Far-Pirate-3896
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