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    Wednesday, September 8, 2021

    God of War | Ceraytoth

    God of War | Ceraytoth


    Posted: 08 Sep 2021 03:03 AM PDT

    “Do not mistake my silence for lack of grief!” - Kratos.

    Posted: 08 Sep 2021 11:25 AM PDT

    Imo the cleanest quick time event sequence in all the games

    Posted: 07 Sep 2021 09:38 PM PDT

    Clean Olrun gameplay - pure fundamentals

    Posted: 08 Sep 2021 05:58 AM PDT

    Favourite line from the 2018 game? (Potential spoilers)

    Posted: 07 Sep 2021 09:41 PM PDT

    So with the new game looming soon, I've been thinking more about all those lines that I love from the game. So I'm wondering, what's your favourite line from the game? Or games? The one that made you laugh the most or fall in love with it the most. I'll start, Atreus: "If you and Sindri are brothers, why are you blue?" Kratos: shocked "BOY!!"

    submitted by /u/Col_Rucksack
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    Kara, my first Valkyrie. She wasn't too hard. Eir next.

    Posted: 08 Sep 2021 12:46 AM PDT

    Ok so I got the blades of chaos and honestly

    Posted: 07 Sep 2021 07:50 PM PDT

    They fucking SLAP. This has to be the most fun I have had in a video game in YEARS. Like since I was 8 plying the original god of war on the psp, thats how much fun they are. I know lore-wise it would make no sense but why didnt kratos pull out these things earlier?! They are AMAZING!

    submitted by /u/Logando34
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    What are the best tips for fighting the Valkyries,and What is the hardest Valkyrie to fight?

    Posted: 08 Sep 2021 07:05 AM PDT

    I just finished killing the Musphelheim trial Valkyrie and already killed the original,Musphelheim Valkyrie is super tough so I was hoping for some good tips on how beat them quickly and easily

    submitted by /u/ScoutTrooper501st
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    [OC] Made this wallpaper few months back. So hyped for the event tomorrow

    Posted: 08 Sep 2021 12:34 PM PDT

    Shouldn't now be a good time to release a collection of all past main line GOW games?

    Posted: 08 Sep 2021 10:30 AM PDT

    GOW 2018 brought in a lot of new fans to the franchise and a lot of them want to experience the older GOW games it'd be wonderful if Sony releases a collection of GOW 1,2,3 and the psp and ascension titles as a bonus and if you finish all games in the collection you unlock God of war betrayal as a wink wink to older fans.

    It'd act as a great hold over for the fans untill the next major release THOUGHTS?

    submitted by /u/Samkwi
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    A Couple of Screenshots I've Taken From Helheim

    Posted: 08 Sep 2021 11:28 AM PDT

    Kratos [Fan-art]

    Posted: 08 Sep 2021 12:34 PM PDT

    Here is how to take amazing portraits of Kratos with his axe and blade

    Posted: 08 Sep 2021 11:14 AM PDT

    Give me motivation I'm so close yet so far away

    Posted: 07 Sep 2021 03:50 PM PDT

    Predicting Ragnarok

    Posted: 07 Sep 2021 04:52 PM PDT

    Fimbulwinter is coming to a close. Kratos has spent the last 3 years in deep reflection. After killing Baldur, Atreus explained his vision of Thor challenging Kratos. Kratos understands this battle to be inevitable. He has defied fate before, but has begrudgingly accepted that there truly is no stopping Ragnarok.

    Kratos has asked Mimir many questions about Thor, mostly relating to his abilities, strengths, weaknesses etc. It is without question the toughest fight he has faced so far.

    "The time draws near. You must prepare yourself" he warns.

    Kratos accepts there is a very real possibility that this fight may be his last, and has trained Atreus to be able to survive without a father, should that be necessary.

    Soon after, Thor makes his entrance. There will be a new cutscene of Kratos walking out the door to face Thor, this time taking a deep breath before stepping outside.

    Their fight is brutal and raw. Kratos' home is destroyed in the battle, and the landscape changed forever. Thor finally gets the upper hand and pins Kratos to the ground. Atreus sprints forward and draws his bow.

    "No Son", he says with great difficulty.

    After a heated exchange between Atreus and Thor, Atreus draws his knife and attacks, but Thor hits him with a devastating blow, knocking him to the ground.

    Kratos, still pinned down, looks his son in the eyes, but cannot find the words to say. In a swift motion, Thor brings Mjolnir crashing down onto the head of Kratos, killing him instantly.

    *Fade to black*

    Kratos opens his eyes, the room is bright and ethereal, and Kratos sees 8 winged figures before him.

    "What is this place" He demands.

    "Valhalla", they respond. "It was an honour to bring you here"

    Kratos recognises them to be the Valkyries he freed years prior. They hand Kratos the Leviathan Axe and Guardian Shield, claiming to have stolen them from Thor's trophy room whilst he was away.

    Kratos manages to fight his way through Valhalla, encountering some of the foes he killed in the previous game. He meets Baldur, who is no longer hostile towards Kratos. He has had time to understand Freya's motivations and has come to forgive his mother. Baldur opens up about how he *despised* the Aesir Gods, and how the Allfather used him as an errand boy. He is thrilled about the chance to unseat the Gods that treated him like trash. Baldur helps Kratos escape Valhalla with knowledge only an Aesir could know. Baldur stays behind in Valhalla, claiming they will meet again come Ragnarok. He also hands him a Bifrost and tells him to find a way to Vanaheim, as that is where the Allfather will have kept Atreus.

    Freed from Valhalla, and armed with his weapons, he is stranded in the halls of Asgard. At some point, he finds Mimir imprisoned in Asgard. Kratos is not interested in catching up and demands to know how to get to Vanaheim. Mimir also tells him that Atreus is definitely not in Asgard, and hasn't been there in some time. Time works differently in different realms, and Atreus is now 10 or so years older than he was previously.

    Kratos fights his way to the rainbow bridge. Asgardian reinforcements swarm the bridge. A booming voice orders them to stand down. Heimdall emerges from the other end of the bridge. They battle on the bridge, in full view of the Gods. Odin has ordered them to stand down so he can observe this battle and learn how Kratos fights, he has foreseen that they will fight eventually.

    Kratos decapitates Heimdall with his axe, covered in blood he turns to face the Gods,


    Kratos turns towards the realm travel room, none of the Asgardians dare make a move. The realm doors slam behind him.

    "You just sent quite the message, brother The Aesir will leave you for a while, the Allfather will need to re-evaluate his plan for you, but they will be back, of that, I am certain"

    Kratos uses the Bifrost to return to Midgard, as the room turns, loud mechanical noises are heard, and flashes of light fill the room.

    "Something is Wrong!" Kratos shouts over the noise.

    The room settles down, and the realm travel process stops.

    "Ever since Fimbulwinter began, Odin sought to lock access to *all* the realms, whatever plan he has, he doesn't want it disturbed. whatever Bifrost you used just now shouldn't have worked at all! As for where we are, I haven't a clue brother.

    Kratos opens the doors and steps into the realm. A thick, black mist obscures his vision.

    "Svartalfheim" Mimir says, with fear in his voice. "Of all the realms brother, this may just be the worst"


    The game will have some missions in Svartalfheim, where Kratos grows more powerful. He will also meet Brok and Sindri, who are able to use their secret realm travel techniques to recover the Blades of Chaos from Midgard. Kratos eventually learns this technique to travel to Vanaheim.

    Whilst following Atreus' trail in Vanaheim, he will meet Freya. She has recovered her warriors spirit and Valkyrie wings. Being of Vanir descent, the realm also empowers her somehow. Kratos will plead with Freya to help him, and that they do not have to fight. She tells him that he will know what its like to lose a child - she told Atreus about everything Kratos has done. The Olympians, his old family, the countless men and women he butchered. Kratos is enraged and their fight goes on for a while.

    Towards the end of the fight, a figure appears in the distance, as he gets closer, it is revealed to be Baldur. After Freya and Baldur embrace, Baldur informs them that Ragnarok is near, and it is time for them to join forces against the Aesir. Freya and Kratos discuss. She admits to knowing where Atreus is, he has travelled to Greece. He needs to know if the stories about his father are true.

    Kratos RACES to Greece, using all kinds of magical transportation methods to get there as fast as possible. "The boy cannot know, he can NEVER know" he repeats to himself. Mimir remains unnervingly silent

    He meets Atreus at the top of Mount Olympus, where he fought Zeus in GOW3. Atreus is fully grown by this point. He stares upon the decayed body of Gaia, and the Greek civilisation in ruin. His worst fears are realised. Kratos really *is* a monster.

    The pair have an incredibly deep confrontation. Atreus says he should kill his father for what he's done, but he is better than him, and will be the God he chooses to be.

    Atreus agrees to return to the nine realms to confront the Aesir, and fulfil Ragnarok. Kratos, realising he must fight rematch Thor *and win* has a disturbing realisation, he must recover the most powerful weapon he knows to do so, the Blade of Olympus.

    There will be a single, long mission in Greece. There is no combat because this world is dead. This will be a powerful and important moment in their relationship. As they travel through this ruined world of death and decay Atreus asks many questions about what it used to be like. We also see Atreus new shapeshifting abilities. Kratos has hidden the Blade in the building where he butchered his wife and daughter. Imagine the blades of chaos scene but dialled to 1000 here. Atreus notices his fathers unbearable pain, and realises he still has a glimpse of humanity.

    By the time they return to Midgard, the world is on the brink of Ragnarok. Kratos is inspired by Atreus' determination to defeat the Aesir, and agrees to help him, believing that the world will be better without them, and also to ensure Atreus follows noble goals and not follow in his own footsteps

    Mimir, Kratos, Freya and Atreus devise a plan to unite an army against the Aesir, and they travel throughout the realms to do so. Freya rallies the Vanir Gods. Kratos calls upon the Valkyries and unites the dragons he saved in the first game somewhere in Midgard. He travels to Muspelheim to unite the fire giants. Surtr, their defacto leader, believes Kratos to be Aesir. The pair fight, and Kratos kills him like the old games. Imagine a battle on the scale of Chronos. Witnessing this, the fire giants agree to march on Asgard under Atreus and Kratos.

    I'm going with the theory that Faye's ashes will revive the dead Giants of Jotunheim, who will fight the Aesir for revenge. It also may be possible for Kratos and Atreus to unite the Light and Dark Elves.

    The day arrives, Ragnarok has begun. Kratos' and Atreus' army take Asgard by storm. The battle is furious. Kratos has to fight through countless Viking warriors, who have pledged allegiance to Odin. After all this Kratos and Thor will rematch. Using the Leviathan Axe imbued with the venom of Jormunganndr, and the blade of Olympus, Kratos is victorious.

    Kratos glances over to Atreus, he looks just in time to see Odin impale him with his spear.

    Kratos enters a world ending, apocalyptic spartan rage, yet Odin manages to hold his own. They will fight to a draw, kind of like Zeus in GOW2. Odin casts his Vanir magic and begins some crazy time manipulation. "With Loki out of the picture, Ragnarok can *finally* be averted" He says.

    Odin sends Kratos way back in time, to before the events of GOW4. God of War Ragnarok ends with Kratos determined to alter the fate of Ragnarok, despite the countless failed attempts by the Allfather. He must save Atreus, by any means necessary.


    Since the Norse games are probably going to be a trilogy. I expect to see some sort of Kratos vs Odin battle through time to influence Ragnarok as the plot of the next game. This is probably the game where Kratos will unleash Fenrir upon Asgard, meet Faye before her death, and we will find out who exactly blew the horn. Final prediction is that Kratos will battle Odin through time itself, culminating in a battle on the Yggdrasil. Its also possible to use the time travel story to set up the Egyptian Pantheon somehow, but that storyline is for another day.


    Damn this took a long time to write. I had fun with it and acknowledge there are some holes in this story, but I would be hyped af if any of these made it into the final cut of the game!

    submitted by /u/SilentWraith177
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    Does this mean anything? Ive never seen it before

    Posted: 08 Sep 2021 04:26 AM PDT

    Infinite realm shift

    Posted: 08 Sep 2021 12:26 PM PDT

    Can somebody please do a detailed tutorial about how to do infinite realm shift using the talisman of betrayal. I've been watching youtube videos and I can't do it

    submitted by /u/GullibleTest4990
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    Ideas and thoughts about Atreus and his role in the upcoming God of War [Spoiler for God of War (2018) and some predictions about God of War sequel]

    Posted: 08 Sep 2021 03:32 AM PDT

    In Norse mythology, Odin gets killed by Fenrir; who is actually the son of Loki. In the game, as soon as Atreus learns that he is a god, he wonders if he can transform into a wolf. There is no doubt that this is related to Fenrir-Loki. In my opinion, Atreus (who will actually transform into a wolf in the sequel) is going to kill Odin. Also, in mythology Thor gets killed by Jormungandr (in fact, by the poison of Jormungandr). So in God of War (2018) the Leviathan axe got into the mouth of The World Serpent. By the way, this is just a prediction. Nothing more. Nothing leaked from the game.

    submitted by /u/Eski_Dost
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    I'm the fucking god of war now ares

    Posted: 08 Sep 2021 12:51 PM PDT

    Atreus is saying "maybe things were different" at 1:14.What is he referring to?(If possible can you explain the whole thing atreus is saying?.I can't wrap my head around it)

    Posted: 08 Sep 2021 04:31 AM PDT

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