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    Monday, August 2, 2021

    God of War | Well sh*t I found the actor for kratos...

    God of War | Well sh*t I found the actor for kratos...

    Well sh*t I found the actor for kratos...

    Posted: 01 Aug 2021 10:46 PM PDT

    Took me almost three years but I finally defeated the queen herself WITHOUT taking damage (Give Me God of War Difficulty)!

    Posted: 02 Aug 2021 02:32 AM PDT

    this randomly happened to me

    Posted: 01 Aug 2021 03:59 PM PDT

    Played a 2nd play through for the first time since launch and instantly got addicted. Had to put Uncle Kratos on the screensaver ����

    Posted: 02 Aug 2021 07:41 AM PDT

    A wallpaper for all you fans out there hope you like it ����

    Posted: 01 Aug 2021 09:44 PM PDT

    I wonder who created these chains that Held Atlas and if he is lifting this world, where is standing on?

    Posted: 02 Aug 2021 07:13 AM PDT

    I don't really fan boy. But the fact Cory Barlog reacted to one of my videos... I'm kinda fanboying right now ill be honest lol

    Posted: 01 Aug 2021 02:46 PM PDT

    7 Valkyries remain to Platinum! #GoW

    Posted: 02 Aug 2021 10:30 AM PDT

    I knew freya looked familiar

    Posted: 02 Aug 2021 12:02 PM PDT

    [artwork] Kratos sculpture sketch I did (OC)

    Posted: 02 Aug 2021 03:37 AM PDT

    Thor should be the final boss, not Odin, if we go with the myths

    Posted: 01 Aug 2021 10:53 PM PDT

    I have seen many people assuming Odin to be the final boss and that might as well happen. But If the devs want to go with who is stronger in the myths, that'd be Thor, not Odin, and there's not even a question about it.

    Norse myths are pretty straightforward about it, I mean, you can read it for yourselves.

    In Gesta Danorum:

    "He - Ragnar - therefore feared the might of no supernatural prowess, save of the god Thor only, to the greatness of whose force nothing human or divine could fitly be compared."

    In Gylfaginning:

    "For this reason must he be called Allfather: because he is father of all the gods and of men, and of all that was fulfilled of him and of his might. The Earth was his daughter and his wife; on her he begot the first son, which is Ása-Thor: strength and prowess attend him, wherewith he overcometh all living things."

    Gylfaginning again:

    "Then said Gangleri: "What are the names of the other Æsir, or what is their office, or what deeds of renown have they done?" Hárr answered: "Thor is the foremost of them, he that is called Thor of the Æsir, or Öku-Thor; he is strongest of all the gods and men."


    "The daughter and wife of Odin was Earth, and of her he got Thor, him followed strength and sturdiness, thereby quells he all things quick; the strongest of all gods and men, he has also three things of great price, the hammer Mjölnir, the best of strength belts, and when he girds that about him waxes his god strength one-half, and his iron gloves that he may not miss for holding his hammer's haft."

    We also have one direct comparison, Odin won a horse race against the Jotun Hrungir, Hrungir started to talk crap, threatening the Gods, instead of Odin who had just raced against him, fight him, they called Thor to do the job, and he displays a titanic level of power: when he arrieved to the battle, the entire sky burned and the planet split, Hrungir who was threatening every god at the same time shit his pants and was killed in a single blow.

    And before someone think this is all about physical strength only and not power, in the same Gylfaginning part of the Edda that claims Thor to be the strongest many times, says that Magni, as a child, was already physically stronger than Thor, so when they claim Thor to be the strongest, they mean the most powerful, not physically the strongest.

    But anyway the devs don't need to always follow the myths so they can go with anything they want, but to me who read the myths, it feels odd to see Odin as the strongest big bad, when, although he was insanely powerful, his son was way above him.

    submitted by /u/Euroversett
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    Ok, but Typer Mane as a old man Kratos? (Atleast better than Jason Momoa)

    Posted: 02 Aug 2021 06:42 AM PDT

    Best realm shift talisman

    Posted: 02 Aug 2021 07:55 AM PDT

    Which talisman gives the best realm shift effect between the Amulet of Kvasir+ and the Talisman of the Realms+ ?

    submitted by /u/M1nd0verM4tter8400
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    Kratos Vs Sigrun & Rubix Cube...

    Posted: 01 Aug 2021 01:04 PM PDT

    If I’m not aiming to grind the mist armour, what is the best gear combo I can aim for before new game+?

    Posted: 02 Aug 2021 05:34 AM PDT

    I'm currently wearing the sindri armour and I am reluctant to upgrade it as I'm not sure I'll have enough asgardian steel and perfected steel to fully upgrade both that set and the Valkyrie set if I manage to get it, also I think there are other items that can use those materials, I'm assuming I can't upgrade everything that requires these specialist materials.

    Currently my idea is to upgrade only the sindri chest as the perk is decent and then Valkyrie waist and gauntlet, I think I've read that this combo synergies together well for a "runic build" I'm quite new to this game so only getting my head around end game.

    Ontop of that, what talisman and pommels are best to aim for before new game +

    submitted by /u/brooksjonx
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    Finally got my Chooser of the Slain Trophy!

    Posted: 02 Aug 2021 09:52 AM PDT

    I've had the game for about a month now. Spent like 2-3 hours on this, and some grinding and testing of better enchantments and talismans. The video will be uploaded soon if you wanna watch: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCLRJXBCOB9dXz3CdO0FMmTA

    submitted by /u/Carter_Kane1-PS4
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    Fight Night

    Posted: 02 Aug 2021 08:43 AM PDT

    Kratos vs DoomGuy?

    submitted by /u/CaptainBlue1029
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    No damage Gauntlet run

    Posted: 02 Aug 2021 05:53 AM PDT

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