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    Tuesday, July 6, 2021

    God of War | God Of War By Matt Taylor

    God of War | God Of War By Matt Taylor

    God Of War By Matt Taylor

    Posted: 06 Jul 2021 02:08 AM PDT

    Which one?

    Posted: 05 Jul 2021 04:23 PM PDT

    Gondul hates Executioner's Cleave

    Posted: 06 Jul 2021 08:11 AM PDT

    I don't know how many years on this Earth I got left. I'm gonna get real weird with my digital art. What do you think?

    Posted: 06 Jul 2021 09:57 AM PDT


    Posted: 06 Jul 2021 07:39 AM PDT

    i got platinum :)

    Posted: 06 Jul 2021 01:19 AM PDT

    Art I made of this amazing game! I'm a big fan of the God of War franchise, I'm really happy to see Kratos active :D

    Posted: 05 Jul 2021 10:12 PM PDT

    What did we do to deserve this Santa Monica?

    Posted: 06 Jul 2021 11:37 AM PDT

    Kratos Vs. Family

    Posted: 06 Jul 2021 10:06 AM PDT

    I turned the first issue of the God of War: Fallen God comics into a Voice-Acted Audio Experience!

    Posted: 06 Jul 2021 07:16 AM PDT

    What i'm hyped for in the Sequels

    Posted: 06 Jul 2021 11:39 AM PDT

    Surtr: Surtr is a primordial giant that is clearly stronger than Ymir atleast now, it's likely over the centuries of him being in Muspelheim he's not only constantly working on his sword but he's also likely grown much stronger than Ymir since it will take Odin AND Thor to beat him, I know Odin and his brothers all 3 fought Ymir but it seemingly took just ONE stab from Odin to kill Ymir meaning Odin is likely EXTREMELY powerful and for Surtr to survive a stab from Odin in their battle shows how strong he has become but he may not have his spear when he fights Surtr but just like Thor, Odin's spear isn't the source of his power but instead Odin channels his power through it and I say this because Odin could have killed Ymir without his spear with just one hit likely but the fact he can't do that with Surtr shows how strong the fire giant is so I'm ready to see Surtr in all of his fiery glory and what if there is a boss battle against him? and he sounds wise in GOW but what if he's not like the other Jotunar? what if he's similar to how real world mythology says Jotunar are? but we will have to wait and see but Kratos hasn't fought universe creator yet I don't think, Surtr created the a part of the universe with his breathe in GOW so he's on the same level as the greek Primordials it seems so a fight with him would be immense and Kratos may not win it but it makes sense for Kratos to not win it since Surtr must destroy Asgard.

    The Wise Eagle and Nidhogg: These 2 are AWESOME! one is a giant eagle or atleast I think a giant eagle that sits ontop of the world tree and the other is a giant serpent/dragon that is entagled at the bottom of the world tree and a boss fight with them would be perfect, they aren't Jotnar but instead just giant myhtological animals/monsters and Ratastokr who is a magical squirrel basically (which is in GOW 4) tells the Eagle Nidhogg is talking crap about his and Vice Versa, Hraesvelgr the giant eagle in Helheim is not The Wise Eagle and I don't even think Wise Eagle is this creature's name but that's what a youtuber called him and Nidhogg the serpent/dragon ganws at the roots of the world treet to try to destroy it so a fight with both of them would be just perfection.

    Fenrir: The Giant wolf and brother of Jormungandr and Hel is going to look awesome just like Jormungandr does and I can see Fenrir being freed by us somehow and being mad with anger and attacking us due to being imprisoned for so long and having his children cast into the sky but then Jormungandr fights him and makes hims come back to his sense which would be AWESOME, 2 giant monsters fighting in the Norse series is perfect but Fenrir could be a boss that we don't kill and as to why I didn't say Sleipnir is their brother is because in GOW Odin had Sleipnir all the way back when he killed Ymir so just like in GOW's Greece era Santa Monica has taken liberties when it comes too gods and their children and Sleipnir is likely a magical horse instead of Loki's son Odin found on the world tree or something, SM took liberties in the greek games when it came to incest because I don't think incest was ever in the Greek era of games.

    Hel and her son Krampus: YES you heard me right, Krampus is Hel's son in Norse mythology and I want to see and fight Hel, I could see her as the child of Loki that does not care for humans like Jormungandr does and like Fenrir eventually will but she is just a cold heartless undead goddess and she will likely be a boss in the game at some point but she does play a role in Ragnarok which is her and her army of the undead raiding Asgard or Midgard and then her hound of Helheim Garm kills Tyr and then there is her son Krampus which is a demon and in some mythology I believe Odin is seen as Santa Claus so there could be a really messed up story there with Odin letting Krampus kill kids that he deems as naughty or just in general because killing kids over being naughty or for any reason is just extremely fucked up and I would LOVE to fight Krampus as a boss and maybe killing him gets us on Hel's bad side or maybe since Krampus works with Odin since he is santa in norse then maybe Hel doesn't care about her son at all but if she does care about him and lets Krampus kill kids then she is already on Kratos' bad side once he finds out.

    Buri, Bor, Vili, and Ve: Odin's grandfather (Buri) Odin's father (Bor) and Odin's brothers (Vili and Ve) would all be awesome bosses, Odin killed Ymir which is a primordial giant with ONE stab and Ymir is likely the size of Scandinavia or bigger since Odin used his body to create Scandinavia so imagine how strong Buri and Bor are and then we have Vili and Ve which in GOW may not be as strong as Odin but still obviously strong as hell, fighting Odin's relatives would be awesome and killing his grandfather and father and brothers would make Odin hate Kratos EVEN MORE but by that point Kratos will have likely already killed Thor and he has already killed Magni and Modi and jumpstarted Ragnarok by killing Baldur so making Odin more mad would be insanely catastrophic but Kratos doesn't give two sh*ts.

    Odin and Thor: Odin is one of the strongest gods in the GOW Universe so far with Killing a primordial being with possibly ONE stab and Thor is likely the strongest of his sons if not Tyr and fighting both Odin and Thor is going to be chaotic as hell, Odin will be a major struggle for Kratos I think but I think Kratos will show his TRUE strength and not hold back in maybe his second or third battle with Thor because Kratos has grown stronger over the hundreds of years after he left Greece and he was holding back SEVERELY in GOW4, I think Cory said he originally wanted Kratos to punch Baldur through a mountain meaning ONE punch and Baldur would have went flying through a mountain which is what Kratos' true strength may just be like but when he fights Odin it would be so COOL to see Kratos struggle even when he doesn't hold back and is using his full strength to just show how strong Odin truly is.

    I want all of Odin's magic and powers and charms shown off and used against Kratos and others and Odin doesn't just have his spear but he has a bow and arrow I believe and he may have a sword? but I don't know but I do know in some mythology Fenrir has a sword through or in his mouth? so that could be Odin's sword and just seeing what Odin did to Mimir shows that he could trap Kratos in an unbreakable tree or force Kratos back to Greece temporarily due to one of Odin's charms being able to force things back to their true homes and I would love for Odin to turn into a giant bear in his fight since he founded the Berserkers.

    Thor is Odin's strongest son if not Tyr, I say that because I think Tyr is older than Thor so you would think Tyr would be stronger and maybe he WAS until Odin and Thor imprisoned him and now Thor is the strongest son and I believe there was something in GOW 4 that Mimir said about Thor being able to flatten mountains with his hammer and in the lost pages of Norse Myth Thor flew through the legs of giants and shattered their legs so just imagine Kratos trying to handle that which he will be able to eventually, I could totally see the battle with Thor and Kratos literally shaking Midgard and leaving behind a giant crater like a nuke went off and then Kratos may lose but when he fights Thor again Kratos will not hold back and will send Thor flying and I want to see Thor throwing lightning, the hammer is not the source of his power so even when he loses it if he does he will still have lightning and his insane strength and it would be so cool to see Thor's skin be super durable and Kratos trying to pierce his flesh but has a hard time doing so but when he does Thor will die due to Kratos' axe being imbued with Jormungandr's venom.

    Mephistopheles: There where some germanic monsters in GOW4 which where the nightmares and Krampus is germanic as well so what if we get a Devil? Mephistopheles is a demon from german folklore and there is also the name for the Devil or devils in Norse which is Old Erik so we could have a Devil as a boss character because the game Through The Woods about a Norse mythology had I think a devil in it named Old Erik so he could be a thing in the Norse set of games as well but this is more of a want then a thing I know for certain we will get.

    All of the gods' different powers: We saw how Baldur and Magni and Modi fought and it was amazing so i'm ready to see Heimdall use his all-seeing vision to predict our attacks and for Hod to freeze Kratos and attack him with darkness and frost, Bragi with whatever powers he will have, Iduun trying to snare Kratos with her trees, Ullr turning into animals and trying to kill Kratos and controlling animals to attack him and even turning all animals in Midgard against Kratos because he is the god of the hunt BUT Ullr may be a good god since Laufay told Atreus stories of him like not bad stories but he could turn bad since Kratos started Ragnarok and there are so many powers and magic I want to see all of the gods use in their boss battles.

    Misc: The various different Norse and Germanic monsters and creatures and beings that are in Norse and Germanic mythology are awesome and I want to see so many of them in these games like the Finfolk which are Norse Mermaids and more dragons, possibly some of the other Valkyries? they could be lesser Valkyries in the sequels, I want to see Berserkers in action in this series like a full blown giant monsterous Bear and they are similar to the Wulvers but they are warriors that can turn into huge Bears due to Odin giving them that power, Huldra folk are not going to be evil I don't think but it would be cool to see Midgard flourishing with humans and other races in the next games or atleast come across a bunch of them, the Nornir which are Norse Fates would be awesome to run into and they can give Kratos advice that of course Kratos will ignore but it may actually come into play when he's fighting Odin or someone else, I would love to see a talking Dragon that wants Kratos to prove he's a god in a fight so that Kratos can get some kind of special weapon and then the Dragon tricks Kratos and escapes his bindings and destroys a small town and then Kratos just obliterates the dragon to save the town and yes that would be like a Hobbit reference.

    Freya and Freyr: Both are clearly powerful gods and maybe even near as powerful as Odin and to see Freya with her warrior spirit and her wings AND her powers would be perfect and she may be like Sigrun meaning she may have all of the powers of the Valkyries including her own powers so she will likely be very powerful and so will Freyr as well, Kratos is likely on the bad side of Freyr as well for upsetting Freya over killing Baldur and we may kill Freyr which will make Freya hate Kratos even more somehow and Freya also has 2 daughters, Hnoss and Gersemi and she had them with Odr which is a god but I don't know if he is a Vanir god or just a god that does not belong to either the Aiser or Vanir like Hel and a few other Norse gods.

    Other Greek gods: If Kratos is thrown back to Greece by one of Odin's charms or you know LITERALLY thrown by Odin back into greece we COULD run into Pan, Artemis, Circe, Seline, and ect. and I think it's canon that Kratos didn't kill some of the Greek gods and I've heard a theory of Artemis hunting down Kratos in Midgard and there may have even been harpies in a GOW playstation background but those could also be Norse monsters.

    Tyr: I want to see how powerful Tyr is compared to Thor and Odin since Tyr is Odin's first son I suspect Tyr is stronger than Thor and I want to see Kratos and Tyr fight together against a boss and Hell maybe even against Odin together and I want to see a awesome moment and Kratos and Atreus finding Tyr chained up and freeing him and Kratos respecting Tyr and showing friendly admiration towards him.

    Kratos and Atreus: I would love to see Kratos saving people and people praising him and his son an even Kratos doing favors for villagers and I would love to see Kratos and Atreus' father/son relationship grow even more than it already has and see that respect they have for one another now expanded and seen throughout the entire sequel but something COULD hurt it alittle but we have to wait and find out and I would love to see another Kratos and Atreus tag team.

    submitted by /u/TheDarkApex
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    Looks Familiar?

    Posted: 06 Jul 2021 09:51 AM PDT

    God of War Will NOT be Shown During Upcoming New State of Play; Will Provide Nine-Minute Look at Deathloop

    Posted: 06 Jul 2021 07:39 AM PDT

    We all know who...

    Posted: 05 Jul 2021 01:47 PM PDT

    TO ALFHEIM! | God of War (PS5) - Walkthrough #4

    Posted: 06 Jul 2021 11:25 AM PDT

    anyone translate these yet?

    Posted: 06 Jul 2021 12:35 AM PDT

    Starting god of war 3 remastered

    Posted: 06 Jul 2021 06:36 AM PDT

    What should I know before I play it, currently I don't know anything about god of war

    submitted by /u/BigMango69
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    Helheim (spoilers)

    Posted: 05 Jul 2021 11:43 PM PDT

    Did they ever really go into the deepest parts of helheim? It looked like everytime they went to hel it was only the surface level. Even when kratos and atreus go to the "bad" part it seems like it's not the worst hel could be. Even on the map it looks like they are almost at the inner section but not quite there yet. Still by the bridges going deeper in. Also anyone know why hraesvelgr helps kratos and atreus escape?

    submitted by /u/Tsole96
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    God Of War "Ragnarok" wish list and there is alot I want.

    Posted: 05 Jul 2021 04:20 PM PDT

    I want to see alot in this game and i'm sure we will since Cory said stuff had to be cut and he was focusing on stuff that would basically drown out the story of the first game so I hope he brings that deeper mythology of Norse into Ragnarok but here is my wish list.

    1. Baldur's fight was in the words of I think Cory, like superhero fight so I want the fight between Thor and Kratos to be cataclysmic, like I would like if the site where Kratos and Thor fight looked like a nuke went off.

    2. I want to see the other Aiser gods which are, Bragi, Idunn, Heimdall, Vili and Ve which are Odin's borthers, Hod, Hoenir, Nana, Sif, Thrud, Foresetti (Baldur and Nana's son), Vidarr and Vali which are Odin's other sons, Ullr, Bor, and BuriOf course I want to see the other Vanir which are Kvasir, Nerthus, Njord, Freyr, and Gullvieg even though Gullveig was a revenant in GOW 4 so they could just have the goddess have a different name I suppose instead of Gullveig and I want to see Hel the Norse Goddess of Helheim.

    3. I want to see the gods using their powers in creative ways like Baldur and what I mean is that since Baldur was the god of light he could move super fast like light does or he could do that because he's a god BUT it would be cool see Thor move at the speed of lightning and since Thor is part Jotun he could have some secret Jotun powers as well.

    4. I want to see more Germanic monsters, The Nightmares are germanic creatures and I would love to see demons from germanic folklore including Krampus and some lore I THINK says Odin is Santa Clause so we could find out another morbid thing about Odin which is Odin letting Krampus kidnap and kill people who Odin deems naughty which not only includes adults but also children which is just fucked up and in Norse Myth Krampus is the son of Hel.

    5. I want Jormungandr to fight another giant monster and I don't mean a Jotun but some other giant beastly creature like himself but I don't think it would be Fenrir since they are brothers but maybe Fenrir has gone mad due to being chained for so long and having his kids taken from him and imprisoned in the sky and is evil because of that so maybe they will fight.

    6. Jotnar are called Devourers in the original Norse texts I THINK so the Aesir could call them that as like a racial slur against giants or Santa Monica could take a huge liberty and make the Devourers completely different things that could be giant monsters that embody what the Jotnar are in real world Norse paganism which are evil things that want to destroy everything.

    7. I want Odin to be INSANELY powerful, Odin in the GOW universe is much older than Zeus who was born after greece was created but Odin was born maybe a few hundred years before he used Ymir's body to create Midgard and Odin possibly stabbed Ymir ONCE and killed him and Ymir was a Primordial giant and in the GOW universe it took Zeus, Hades, and Poseidon to defeat Cronos I believe and he was only a Titan, not a primordial being so I want Odin to be extremely powerful and like how Sigrun had I think her own powers and all of the powers of the other Valkyries I want Odin to have ALL of the powers of all of the Aesir gods including his own because it would be awesome and because Odin will maybe be the final boss in the Norse series so facing him with all of his powers and all of the powers of the other Aesir could be like the final test for Kratos to use everything he has learned.

    Odin has his 9 charms I want him to have which could prevent Kratos from hitting him because one of the charms make arrows fly around him when he is shot at and and another can make it to where he can blunt the blades of his enemies but in GOW he will probably break them but we'll see and Odin could make himself as invincible as Baldur due to one of his charms and he ALSO knows magic of probably all kinds and also knows Vanir/Seither magic and it would be SO COOL for Odin to be able to shapeshift into a giant wolf and a dragon (mimir said something about Odin turning into a Dragon as a metaphor BUT STILL) and imagine if Odin knew or learned Jotunn magic/power and an example of Odin using the other gods' powers is he could use Heimdall's sight to predict an dodge out attacks and he also has his own god sight I think and also Odin turned himself into 3 different people in a Norse story once so Imagine fighting 3 Odins!!! at once AND Odin is the founder of the Berserkers so imagine Odin turning into a giant bear in his boss fight!

    These are Odin's charms which one of them could make Kratos return to Greece temporarily.

    • The first is a rather abstract charm simply called "help" which provides aid in any moment of strife or grief. While the exact nature of that aid is not elaborated on, it seems safe to assume that this charm is one which can be used to calm one's mind in moments of emotional turmoil.
    • Odin's second charm is a good counterpart to the first, being one that can be used to heal physical injuries, and provide relief from physical pain.
    • The third is a charm of protection which, if called upon, will allow Odin to blunt the blades of his enemies, so that their weapons become incapable of inflicting serious harm.
    • The fourth is a charm that allows Odin to escape from any attempt to bind him.
    • The fifth charm is one that would allow Odin to stop, or alter, the course of any arrow that he can observe in flight.
    • The sixth is another charm of protection—one that allows Odin to turn any spell, or curse, back against the one who cast it.
    • Seventh is a charm that allows Odin to put out any fire, no matter how large, with a simple chant.
    • The eighth seems to be a variation of the first—though, this one is specifically concerned with soothing feelings of anger and hatred.
    • Ninth is a charm that allows Odin to calm the wind on a stormy sea.
    • The tenth charm is one that is effective against witches and, perhaps, any other supernatural being with an ability to change shape. By uttering the chant, Odin can curse any he may see with an inability to find their way back to their true form, or their true home.
    • Odin's eleventh charm is a blessing given the soldiers about to enter battle, ensuring that they will emerge victorious and unharmed.
    • Twelfth is a charm that allows Odin to raise the dead, allowing him to speak with the recently deceased.
    • The thirteenth charm is another blessing, similar to the eleventh. If Odin were to sprinkle water on the head of a child, that child would be guaranteed to never fall in battle.
    • Odin's fourteenth charm is a gift of knowledge, allowing Odin to know the name of anyone he might meet.
    • The fifteenth is a chant that Odin first heard from the dwarf, Thjodrerir—one that granted strength to the gods, skill to the elves, and wisdom to Odin, himself.
    • Sixteenth is a charm that allows Odin to rouse feelings of love and desire in any woman that attracts his interest.
    • The seventeenth is a counterpart to the sixteenth, ensuring that a woman's love for Odin will never waver, or fade.
    • Finally, the eighteenth charm is something of a mystery—a secret which Odin keeps only for himself.
    1. The boss monsters and monsters themselves are going to be awesome but I really want to fight the giant eagle in Helheim and Garm which is the hound of Helheim and in Jotunheim I would love to fight giant animals and giant monsters and I believe in a GOW story to advertise the game there was a giant cat in Jotunheim and I would love to fight the Kraken (Norse Kraken) and Beastly looking Jotnar who look like monsters and animals, and also Eikthyrnir which is a deer that is ontop of Odin's palace and also The Finfolk which are Norse Mermaids and I just want to see all kinds of boss and enemy monsters.
    2. Sol and Mani are either gods or are like gods and they ride in the chariots that pull the sun and moon and a fight with them would be amazing.

    and that's all for now but obviously I want an amazing story and for the jotnar to come back to life because of Laufay's ashes and I want to fight Thor obviously and I know Odin may not even be a boss in GOW Ragnarok but still.

    submitted by /u/TheDarkApex
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