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    Monday, December 9, 2019

    God of War | gow fan art

    God of War | gow fan art

    gow fan art

    Posted: 09 Dec 2019 02:56 AM PST

    It probably sucks to just be a head

    Posted: 09 Dec 2019 07:32 AM PST


    Posted: 09 Dec 2019 06:42 AM PST

    It's so unbelievably good

    Posted: 08 Dec 2019 04:51 PM PST

    Ngl this made me want to replay the game lol

    Posted: 09 Dec 2019 05:00 AM PST

    Drew kratos as I'm waiting for my son to be born

    Posted: 09 Dec 2019 06:55 AM PST

    SSAMBAtea fan art

    Posted: 09 Dec 2019 05:33 AM PST

    Just a conversation I was having with a buddy of mine about the original games.

    Posted: 09 Dec 2019 07:59 AM PST

    Stay frosty

    Posted: 09 Dec 2019 11:39 AM PST

    Question about an Axe pommel (possible spoiler)

    Posted: 09 Dec 2019 05:16 AM PST

    I have read about a secret axe pommel at the top of the Musphelheim tower and it looks like a nice upgrade that I could use since I am clearing the game in GMGoW but it looked like I would encounter high level enemies. I am currently inside Tyr's Vault (Black Rune Mission) and about to transition to lvl 5. I would like to know if the enemies I'll encounter scale on my level or if it is fixed (lvl7-8 I think) and if it is doable for me atm. Even though it is my first playthrough, I am doing quite well, even by coming into the game with no experience in games like this (never played DS, Bloodbourne).

    submitted by /u/prophet_jesus
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    Not so invincible now

    Posted: 08 Dec 2019 12:14 PM PST

    Post game question...is it worth it?

    Posted: 09 Dec 2019 10:27 AM PST

    Hey everyone. I just beat the main story so don't read on if you don't like spoilers.
    It was so phenomenal! One of the best games I've ever played! I never went to the fire or mist realms. I just started in the mist and it's going to take a lot of time. I don't have much time anymore. Kids, work, etc. Im wondering if it's worth it and how long will it take to get to level 7 or 8 from 5 and get the upgraded mist armor? How long will it take to beat all the valkeries? I have a big list of games from years back ive not gotten too yet and I'm just wondering if I should move on since I normally only play an hour or two a week. What would you do?

    submitted by /u/slapping_rabbits
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    Klaus! Your time has come.

    Posted: 08 Dec 2019 09:24 PM PST

    [Screenshot] Kratos: "Just Got Back From the Lovely Alfheim With My Son. Book your hotel at trivago.com"

    Posted: 08 Dec 2019 05:17 PM PST

    This music ❤️ (Lullaby of the giants) Thanks to Bear McCreary

    Posted: 08 Dec 2019 04:06 PM PST

    About baldur ...

    Posted: 09 Dec 2019 02:52 AM PST

    Why didn't baldur explode when he died or something like the greek gods ?

    He's the god of light after all, something should've happend when he died.

    submitted by /u/iL0RD
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    Posted: 09 Dec 2019 08:33 AM PST

    So me and my mates were all playin uno and me and one of the others there are massive fans of GoW and we were all telling stories until the other Gow fan ,owen, decided to look at someone and say "no, stories are for the boat boy!" i am very impressed.

    submitted by /u/y-e-e-t-__
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    Posted: 08 Dec 2019 05:10 PM PST

    "record scratch" Yep, that's me. I bet you're wondering how I got here...

    Posted: 08 Dec 2019 12:56 PM PST

    Atreus' Powers (Theory)

    Posted: 09 Dec 2019 01:09 AM PST

    Im replaying the game and I've realised that every time there is a thunderstorm Atreus is either in a bad mod or he is sick. This could indicate that he can alter the weather as well as talk to animals. Another cause of the storm could be the wrath of Thor but I'll keep my hopes up and hopefully Atreus has some insane powers in the next games.

    submitted by /u/felipenavarropadron
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